Searched refs:HTML (Results 1 – 25 of 57) sorted by relevance
6 * Tools like Piwik and Google Analytics normally provide a small HTML code14 * copy and paste the needed HTML code/tag AFTER the closing "?>"38 //place the needed HTML source codes BELOW this line ?>
6 * Tools like Piwik and Google Analytics normally provide a small HTML code14 * copy and paste the needed HTML code/tag AFTER the closing "?>"39 //place the needed HTML source codes BELOW this line ?>
41 HTML=$(DIST_DIR)/footer.html \ macro113 DIST_FILES= $(DOCS) $(CSS) $(HTML) $(SCRIPT) $(PHP) $(STYLE_INI) $(IMAGES) $(LANG) $(CONF)
40 HTML=$(DIST_DIR)/footer.html \ macro117 DIST_FILES= $(DOCS) $(CSS) $(HTML) $(SCRIPT) $(PHP) $(STYLE_INI) $(IMAGES) $(LANG) $(CONF) $(SIDEBA…
4 ** HTML elements
33 following HTML for a single entry in blog lists,51 and create 'entry.php' tpl file that produces the following HTML for individual
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML ボックスのオプション"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML ボックス"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "ここで、カスタムの HTML コードを入力してください。"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML 框选项"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML 框"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "请输入您自定义的 HTML 代码"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML बॉक्स विकल्प"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML बॉक्स"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "अपने कस्टम HTML कोड यहाँ दर्ज करें"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "Параметры HTML"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "Поле HTML"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Введите пользовательские HTML-код здесь"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "Параметри HTML"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "Поле HTML"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Введіть ваші власні HTML-код тут"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML-feltet Options"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML-boks"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Indtast din tilpassede HTML-kode her"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "Alternativer for HTML-Boks"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML-boks"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Angi egendefinert HTML-kode her"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML laatikon asetukset"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML laatikko"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Laita HTML-koodin tähän"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML kotak pilihan"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML kotak"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Masukkan kode HTML kustom di sini"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML-Box-Optionen"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML-Box"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Geben Sie Ihren benutzerdefinierten HTML-Code hier"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "Opcije HTML okvira"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML okvir"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Unesite svoj poseban HTML kod ovdje"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML-opties"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML-vak"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Voer hier uw aangepaste HTML-code"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "Opcji HTML"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "Pole HTML"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Wprowadzić niestandardowy kod HTML tutaj"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "HTML polje"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "HTML polje"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Vnesite svojo meri HTML kodo tukaj"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "Opciones del cuadro de HTML"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "Caja HTML"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Introduzca su código HTML personalizado aquí"
386 msgid "HTML Box Options"387 msgstr "Options de zone HTML"1038 msgid "HTML Box"1039 msgstr "Zone HTML"1042 msgid "Enter your custom HTML code here"1043 msgstr "Entrez votre code HTML ici"
50 * Added two events (TPL_DOCUMENT_CLOSING, TPL_PAGE_TOP_OUTPUT) to be able to output HTML