/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/asp/ |
H A D | util.asp | 24 Function RemoveFromStart( sourceString, charToRemove ) 30 End Function 32 Function RemoveFromEnd( sourceString, charToRemove ) 38 End Function 40 Function ConvertToXmlAttribute( value ) 42 End Function 44 Function InArray( value, sourceArray ) 49 Exit Function 53 End Function
H A D | io.asp | 34 end Function 53 end Function 57 End Function 59 Function RemoveExtension( fileName ) 61 End Function 73 End Function 139 End Function 141 Function IsAllowedType( resourceType ) 151 End Function 153 Function IsAllowedCommand( sCommand ) [all …]
H A D | class_upload.asp | 276 Private Function IsAllowed(sExt) 291 End Function 293 Private Function IsHtmlExtension( sExt ) 295 Exit Function 307 End Function 309 Private Function SniffHtml( sData ) 324 Exit Function 330 End Function 333 Private Function ByteArray2Text(varByteArray) 346 End Function
/plugin/wrapadd/ |
H A D | README.md | 11 Function: Change format of an ordered list 39 Function: Adds simple message boxes 51 Function: Another box variant for formal purposes, especially when used with tables.
/plugin/sequencediagram/bower_components/lodash/lib/fp/template/modules/ |
H A D | convert.jst | 10 * @param {Function} [func] The function to wrap. 12 * @returns {Function|Object} Returns the converted function or object.
/plugin/socialshareprivacy2/SSP/ |
H A D | README.md | 479 <td>[Function]</td> 484 elements. (Function or string)</td> 678 <td>Title of the new bookmark. (Function or string)</td> 730 <td>Function to call when the Disqus button was clicked. (Function or String)</td> 749 <td>Subject of the new email. (Function or string)</td> 753 <td>[Function]</td> 754 <td>Body of the new email. (Function or string)</td> 898 <td>Title of the news to share. (Function or string)</td> 1079 <td>[Function]</td> 1080 <td>Quote to share. (Function or string)<br/> [all …]
/plugin/sequencediagram/bower_components/lodash/doc/ |
H A D | README.md | 119 ## `Function` 3457 2. `[iteratees=[_.identity]]` *(...(Function|Function[]))*: The iteratees to sort by. 3516 ## `“Function” Methods` 4098 2. `[transforms=[_.identity]]` *(...(Function|Function[]))*: The argument transforms. 4101 *(Function)*: Returns the new function. 10295 1. `[funcs]` *(...(Function|Function[]))*: The functions to invoke. 10326 1. `[funcs]` *(...(Function|Function[]))*: The functions to invoke. 10390 *(Function)*: Returns the callback. 10705 1. `[iteratees=[_.identity]]` *(...(Function|Function[]))*: The iteratees to invoke. 10733 1. `[predicates=[_.identity]]` *(...(Function|Function[]))*: The predicates to check. [all …]
/plugin/accscounter/lang/en/ |
H A D | movedirection.txt | 9 ===== Function Menu =====
H A D | mngintro.txt | 13 ===== Function Menu =====
/plugin/codemirror/dist/modes/ |
H A D | nsis.min.js.map | 1 …Function|PageEx|Section(?:Group)?)\\b/, token: \"keyword\", indent: true},\n {regex: /^\\s*(?:(…
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/dialogs/ |
H A D | tableCell.js.unc | 23 // * @param {Function} setup Setup function which returns a value instead of setting it. 24 // * @returns {Function} A function to be used in dialog definition.
/plugin/webcomponent/_test/data/pages/ |
H A D | navbar.txt | 82 [[code:function:|Function]]
/plugin/skype/ |
H A D | README.md | 59 <th align="left">Function</th>
/plugin/dirtylittlehelper/mermaid/editor/docs/ |
H A D | 43.43.js.map | 1 …Function.From',\n 'Function.Invoke',\n 'Function.InvokeAfter',\n 'Function.Is…
H A D | 67.67.js.map | 1 …Function',\n 'Get',\n 'GetType',\n 'GetXMLNamespace',\n 'Global',\n …
H A D | 17.17.js.map | 1 …',\n 'operator',\n 'var',\n 'covariant',\n 'Function',\n 'part'…
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/server-scripts/ |
H A D | spellchecker.cfm | 3 This code uses a CF User Defined Function and should work in CF version 5.0
/plugin/fckg/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/server-scripts/ |
H A D | spellchecker.cfm | 3 This code uses a CF User Defined Function and should work in CF version 5.0
/plugin/combo/grammar/ |
H A D | PageSql.g4 | 71 // Function
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/plugins/footnote/ |
H A D | plugin.js.unc | 95 // Function to be run when the commitContent method of the parent dialog window is called.
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/footnote/ |
H A D | plugin.js.unc | 95 // Function to be run when the commitContent method of the parent dialog window is called.
/plugin/yuriigantt/3rd/dhtmlxgantt/ext/ |
H A D | dhtmlxgantt_drag_timeline.js.map | 1 …Function","toString","constructor","isNumberObject","isBooleanObject","delay","timer","$cancelTime…
H A D | dhtmlxgantt_click_drag.js.map | 1 …Function","toString","constructor","isNumberObject","isBooleanObject","delay","timer","$cancelTime…
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/phpdocumentor/type-resolver/ |
H A D | README.md | 51 - Function expressions (i.e. `@see \MyNamespace\myFunction()`)
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/ |
H A D | README.md | 506 ## Upgrading from Function API 510 | Original Function | Replacement Method |