4 * "mnml-blog" list template
5 *
6 * This template is used by the <blog list> syntax and can be chosen
7 * using the 'tpl' attribute. It is used to display a single entry in
8 * the list and is called multiple times (once for each shown entry)
9 *
10 * ATTENTION: this BlogTNG-template is designed for the DowkuWiki-template
11 *            "mnml-blog". It may uses styles out of it and may not work with
12 *            other DowkuWiki-templates!
13 *
14 *
15 * LICENSE: This file is open source software (OSS) and may be copied under
16 *          certain conditions. See COPYING file for details or try to contact
17 *          the author(s) of this file in doubt.
18 *
19 * @license GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html)
20 * @author ARSAVA <dokuwiki@dev.arsava.com>
21 * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:mnml-blog
22 * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:blogtng
23 */
26<div class="blogtng_list"><?php
27    //show headline
28    echo "<h1 class=\"hspec\"><a href=\"";
29    $entry->tpl_link();
30    echo "\" class=\"postdate\">";
31    $entry->tpl_created("%Y-%m-%d");
32    echo "</a><a href=\"";
33    $entry->tpl_link();
34    echo "\"> // ".$entry->entry["title"]."</a></h1>";
36    //show entry
37    $entry->tpl_entry(//included
38                      true,
39                      //readmore (where to cut valid when using ~~READMORE~~)
40                      "syntax",
41                      //inc level
42                      false,
43                      //skip header
44                      true);
46    <div class="clearer"></div>
47    <div class="blogtng_footer">
48        <div class="level1">
49            <a href="<?php $entry->tpl_link("the__comments"); ?>" class="wikilink1 blogtng_commentlink"><?php $entry->tpl_commentcount($lang["0comments"], $lang["1comments"], $lang["Xcomments"]); //language comes from BlogTNG ?></a> |
50            <?php $entry->tpl_created("%Y-%m-%d"); ?>&#160;written&#160;by&#160;<?php $entry->tpl_author(); ?> |
51            <a href="<?php $entry->tpl_link(); ?>" class="wikilink1 blogtng_permalink" title="<?php echo hsc($entry->entry["title"]); ?>">Permanentlink</a><br />
52            <?php
53            if ($entry->has_tags()){
54                echo "Tags:"; $entry->tpl_tags("");
55            }
56            ?>
57        </div>
58    </div>