3MINIMALRTF - A minimal set of RTF coding methods to produce Rich Text Format documents on the fly.
6Released through http://bibliophile.sourceforge.net under the GPL licence.
7Do whatever you like with this -- some credit to the author(s) would be appreciated.
9If you make improvements, please consider contacting the administrators at bibliophile.sourceforge.net so that your improvements can be added to the release package.
11Mark Grimshaw 2004
16// For a quick command-line test (php -f MINIMALRTF.php) after installation, uncomment the following:
18$centred = "This is some centred text.";
19$full = "This is some full justified and italicized text.";
20$weird = "Indented UNICODE:  ¿ßŽŒ‰fl™ŁÞßØ€∑≠◊∝∞∅Ωπ¿";
21$rtf = new MINIMALRTF();
22$string = $rtf->openRtf();
23$rtf->createFontBlock(0, "Arial");
24$rtf->createFontBlock(1, "Times New Roman");
25$string .= $rtf->setFontBlock();
26$string .= $rtf->justify("centre");
27$string .= $rtf->textBlock(0, 12, $centred);
28$string .= $rtf->justify("full");
29$string .= $rtf->paragraph();
30$string .= $rtf->textBlock(1, 12, $rtf->italics($full));
31$string .= $rtf->justify("full", 2, 2);
32$string .= $rtf->paragraph();
33// Depending on your character set, you may need to encode $weird as UTF-8 first using PHP's inbuilt utf8_encode() function:
34// $weird = $rtf->utf8_2_unicode(utf8_encode($weird));
35$weird = $rtf->utf8_2_unicode($weird);
36$string .= $rtf->textBlock(1, 12, $weird);
37$string .= $rtf->closeRtf();
39// Copy and paste the commandline output to a text editor, save with a .rtf extension and load in a word processor.
40print $string . "\n\n";
46	/**
47	* Constructor method called by user.
48	*/
49	function MINIMALRTF()
50	{
51		/**
52		 * some defaults
53		 */
54		$this->justify = array(
55					"centre"	=>	"qc",
56					"left"		=>	"qj",
57					"right"		=>	"qr",
58					"full"		=>	"qj",
59				);
60	}
61	/**
62	* Create the RTF opening tag
63	* @return string
64	*/
65	function openRtf()
66	{
67		return "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\n\n";
68	}
69	/**
70	* Create the RTF closing tag
71	* @return string
72	*/
73	function closeRtf()
74	{
75		return "\n}\n\n";
76	}
77	/**
78	* Convert input text to bold text
79	* @parameter string $input - text to be converted
80	*/
81	function bold($input = "")
82	{
83		return "{\b $input }";
84	}
85	/**
86	* Convert input text to italics text
87	* @parameter string $input - text to be converted
88	*/
89	function italics($input = "")
90	{
91		return "{\i $input }";
92	}
93	/**
94	* Convert input text to underline text
95	* @parameter string $input - text to be converted
96	*/
97	function underline($input = "")
98	{
99		return "{\ul $input }";
100	}
101	/**
102	* Set font size for each paragraph
103	* @parameter integer $number - number of this fontblock
104	* @parameter string $font - required font
105	*/
106	function createFontBlock($fontBlock = FALSE, $font = FALSE)
107	{
108		if(($fontBlock === FALSE) || ($font === FALSE))
109			return FALSE;
110		$this->fontBlocks[] = "{\\f$fontBlock\\fcharset0 $font;}\n";
111		return TRUE;
112	}
113	/**
114	* Set font blocks
115	* @return string fontblock string
116	*/
117	function setFontBlock()
118	{
119		if(!isset($this->fontBlocks))
120			return FALSE;
121		$string = "{\\fonttbl\n";
122		foreach($this->fontBlocks as $fontBlock)
123			$string .= $fontBlock;
124		$string .= "}\n\n";
125		return $string;
126	}
127	/**
128	* Justify and indent
129	* Each TAB is equivalent to 720 units of indent
130	* @parameter string $justify - either "centre", "left", "right" or "full"
131	* @parameter integer $indentL - no. TABs to indent from the left
132	* @parameter integer $indentR - no. TABs to indent from the right
133	*/
134	function justify($justify = "full", $indentL = 0, $indentR = 0)
135	{
136		if(!array_key_exists($justify, $this->justify))
137			$justifyC = "qj";
138		else
139			$justifyC = $this->justify[$justify];
140		$indentL *= 720;
141		$indentR *= 720;
142		return "\\$justifyC\\li$indentL\\ri$indentR\n";
143	}
144	/**
145	* Create empty paragraph
146	* Font Size is twice what is shown in a word processor
147	* @return string
148	*/
149	function paragraph($fontBlock = 0, $fontSize = 12)
150	{
151		$fontSize *= 2;
152		return "{\\f$fontBlock\\fs$fontSize \\par }\n";
153	}
154	/**
155	* Create text block
156	* @parameter string $input - input string
157	* @return string
158	*/
159	function textBlock($fontBlock = FALSE, $fontSize = FALSE, $input = FALSE)
160	{
161		if(($fontBlock === FALSE) || ($fontSize === FALSE) || ($input === FALSE))
162			return FALSE;
163		$fontSize *= 2;
164		return "{\\f$fontBlock\\fs$fontSize $input \\par }\n";
165	}
166        /**
167         * UTF-8 to unicode
168         * returns an array of unicode character codes
169         * Code adapted from opensource PHP code by Scott Reynen at:
170         * http://www.randomchaos.com/document.php?source=php_and_unicode
171         *
172         * @parameter string $string UTF-8 encoded string
173         * @return array unicode character code
174         */
175	function utf8_2_unicode($string)
176	{
177		$unicode = array();
178		$values = array();
179		$lookingFor = 1;
180		for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
181		{
182			$thisValue = ord($string[$i]);
183			if($thisValue < 128)
184				$unicode[] = $string[$i];
185			else
186			{
187				if(count($values) == 0)
188					$lookingFor = ($thisValue < 224) ? 2 : 3;
189				$values[] = $thisValue;
190				if(count($values) == $lookingFor)
191				{
192					$number = ($lookingFor == 3) ?
193						(($values[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($values[1] % 64) * 64) + ($values[2] % 64) :
194						(($values[0] % 32) * 64) + ($values[1] % 64);
195					$unicode[] = '\u' . $number . " ?";
196					$values = array();
197					$lookingFor = 1;
198				}
199			}
200		}
201		return join('', $unicode);
202	}