openRtf(); $rtf->createFontBlock(0, "Arial"); $rtf->createFontBlock(1, "Times New Roman"); $string .= $rtf->setFontBlock(); $string .= $rtf->justify("centre"); $string .= $rtf->textBlock(0, 12, $centred); $string .= $rtf->justify("full"); $string .= $rtf->paragraph(); $string .= $rtf->textBlock(1, 12, $rtf->italics($full)); $string .= $rtf->justify("full", 2, 2); $string .= $rtf->paragraph(); // Depending on your character set, you may need to encode $weird as UTF-8 first using PHP's inbuilt utf8_encode() function: // $weird = $rtf->utf8_2_unicode(utf8_encode($weird)); $weird = $rtf->utf8_2_unicode($weird); $string .= $rtf->textBlock(1, 12, $weird); $string .= $rtf->closeRtf(); // Copy and paste the commandline output to a text editor, save with a .rtf extension and load in a word processor. print $string . "\n\n"; **************************************************/ class MINIMALRTF { /** * Constructor method called by user. */ function MINIMALRTF() { /** * some defaults */ $this->justify = array( "centre" => "qc", "left" => "qj", "right" => "qr", "full" => "qj", ); } /** * Create the RTF opening tag * @return string */ function openRtf() { return "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\n\n"; } /** * Create the RTF closing tag * @return string */ function closeRtf() { return "\n}\n\n"; } /** * Convert input text to bold text * @parameter string $input - text to be converted */ function bold($input = "") { return "{\b $input }"; } /** * Convert input text to italics text * @parameter string $input - text to be converted */ function italics($input = "") { return "{\i $input }"; } /** * Convert input text to underline text * @parameter string $input - text to be converted */ function underline($input = "") { return "{\ul $input }"; } /** * Set font size for each paragraph * @parameter integer $number - number of this fontblock * @parameter string $font - required font */ function createFontBlock($fontBlock = FALSE, $font = FALSE) { if(($fontBlock === FALSE) || ($font === FALSE)) return FALSE; $this->fontBlocks[] = "{\\f$fontBlock\\fcharset0 $font;}\n"; return TRUE; } /** * Set font blocks * @return string fontblock string */ function setFontBlock() { if(!isset($this->fontBlocks)) return FALSE; $string = "{\\fonttbl\n"; foreach($this->fontBlocks as $fontBlock) $string .= $fontBlock; $string .= "}\n\n"; return $string; } /** * Justify and indent * Each TAB is equivalent to 720 units of indent * @parameter string $justify - either "centre", "left", "right" or "full" * @parameter integer $indentL - no. TABs to indent from the left * @parameter integer $indentR - no. TABs to indent from the right */ function justify($justify = "full", $indentL = 0, $indentR = 0) { if(!array_key_exists($justify, $this->justify)) $justifyC = "qj"; else $justifyC = $this->justify[$justify]; $indentL *= 720; $indentR *= 720; return "\\$justifyC\\li$indentL\\ri$indentR\n"; } /** * Create empty paragraph * Font Size is twice what is shown in a word processor * @return string */ function paragraph($fontBlock = 0, $fontSize = 12) { $fontSize *= 2; return "{\\f$fontBlock\\fs$fontSize \\par }\n"; } /** * Create text block * @parameter string $input - input string * @return string */ function textBlock($fontBlock = FALSE, $fontSize = FALSE, $input = FALSE) { if(($fontBlock === FALSE) || ($fontSize === FALSE) || ($input === FALSE)) return FALSE; $fontSize *= 2; return "{\\f$fontBlock\\fs$fontSize $input \\par }\n"; } /** * UTF-8 to unicode * returns an array of unicode character codes * Code adapted from opensource PHP code by Scott Reynen at: * * * @parameter string $string UTF-8 encoded string * @return array unicode character code */ function utf8_2_unicode($string) { $unicode = array(); $values = array(); $lookingFor = 1; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $thisValue = ord($string[$i]); if($thisValue < 128) $unicode[] = $string[$i]; else { if(count($values) == 0) $lookingFor = ($thisValue < 224) ? 2 : 3; $values[] = $thisValue; if(count($values) == $lookingFor) { $number = ($lookingFor == 3) ? (($values[0] % 16) * 4096) + (($values[1] % 64) * 64) + ($values[2] % 64) : (($values[0] % 32) * 64) + ($values[1] % 64); $unicode[] = '\u' . $number . " ?"; $values = array(); $lookingFor = 1; } } } return join('', $unicode); } } ?>