/plugin/htmlokay/ |
H A D | admin.php | 31 var $scrollbars = false; variable in admin_plugin_htmlOKay 380 $this->scrollbars = true; 480 if ($this->scrollbars)
/plugin/bookmark2wiki/ |
H A D | README.md | 19 …='+ escape(location.href)+'&ti='+escape(document.title),'dokuwikiadd','scrollbars=yes,resizable=ye…
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/math/config/ |
H A D | default.js | 1055 directories: "no", personalbar: "no", resizable: "yes", scrollbars: "yes",
/plugin/highlight2wiki/ |
H A D | README | 17 javascript:Q=document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:document.getSelection(); void(window.open(%27https://yourwebsite.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?do=highlight2wiki&te=%27+encodeURIComponent(Q)+%27&ur=%27+ encodeURIComponent(location.href)+%27%27,%27dokuwikiadd%27,%27scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbars=yes,status=yes%27));
/plugin/davcal/fullcalendar-3.10.5/ |
H A D | fullcalendar.print.less | 158 /* kill the scrollbars and allow natural height */ 166 /* kill the horizontal border/padding used to compensate for scrollbars */
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/js/diagramly/ |
H A D | Pages.js | 618 scrollbars: this.defaultScrollbars, 699 scrollbars: this.scrollbars, 736 this.scrollbars = state.scrollbars; 812 this.scrollbars = this.defaultScrollbars;
/plugin/txt2tags/ |
H A D | toolbar.php | 198 'options'=> 'width=750,height=500,left=20,top=20,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/lang/ |
H A D | en.js.ckgedit | 74 …wser, Ckgedit's file browser may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. " + 75 …" To eliminate the scrollbars, you can enlarge the window up to 20%. The new size takes effect a…
H A D | en.js.beautified | 371 scrolling: "Enable scrollbars", 732 …r may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. To eliminate the scrollbars, …
H A D | en.js.unc | 5 …frame border","noUrl":"Please type the iframe URL","scrolling":"Enable scrollbars","title":"IFrame… 80 …wser, Ckgedit's file browser may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. " + 81 …" To eliminate the scrollbars, you can enlarge the window up to 20%. The new size takes effect a…
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/lang/ |
H A D | en.js.ckgedit | 80 …wser, Ckgedit's file browser may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. " + 81 …" To eliminate the scrollbars, you can enlarge the window up to 20%. The new size takes effect a…
H A D | en.4.9.js.beautified | 455 "scrolling": "Enable scrollbars", 823 …r may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. To eliminate the scrollbars, …
H A D | en.js-4.9.merged | 5 …frame border","noUrl":"Please type the iframe URL","scrolling":"Enable scrollbars","title":"IFrame… 81 …wser, Ckgedit's file browser may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. " + 82 …" To eliminate the scrollbars, you can enlarge the window up to 20%. The new size takes effect a…
H A D | en.js.unc | 5 …frame border","noUrl":"Please type the iframe URL","scrolling":"Enable scrollbars","title":"IFrame… 81 …wser, Ckgedit's file browser may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. " + 82 …" To eliminate the scrollbars, you can enlarge the window up to 20%. The new size takes effect a…
H A D | en.js.4.9 | 5 …frame border","noUrl":"Please type the iframe URL","scrolling":"Enable scrollbars","title":"IFrame…
/plugin/projects/ |
H A D | codemirror.css | 7 /* This prevents unwanted scrollbars from showing up on the body and wrapper in IE. */
/plugin/ckgedit/lang/ |
H A D | en.4.9.js.beautified | 455 "scrolling": "Enable scrollbars", 823 …r may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. To eliminate the scrollbars, …
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/resources/ |
H A D | dia_i18n.txt | 663 scrollbars=scrollbars
H A D | dia_ru.txt | 663 scrollbars=Полосы прокрутки
H A D | dia_bg.txt | 663 scrollbars=Скролиращи ленти
H A D | dia_el.txt | 663 scrollbars=Μπάρες κύλισης
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/js/grapheditor/ |
H A D | EditorUi.js | 2819 ignoreCursorPosition = ignoreCursorPosition || !graph.scrollbars; 2945 if (!graph.scrollbars && !force && graph.isScrollWheelEvent(evt)) 3372 graph.scrollbars = value; 3391 return this.editor.graph.scrollbars;
H A D | Editor.js | 440 this.graph.scrollbars = this.graph.defaultScrollbars; 645 graph.container.style.overflow = (graph.scrollbars) ? 'auto' : this.defaultGraphOverflow;
/plugin/codemirror/dist/ |
H A D | scripts.min.js | 2 …scrollbars.setScrollTop(b);if(a.display.scroller.scrollTop!=b){a.display.scroller.scrollTop=b}}fun… 3 …scrollbars.update(b);c.sizer.style.paddingRight=(c.barWidth=d.right)+"px";c.sizer.style.paddingBot… 5 …e","native",function(a){te(a);qe(a);a.display.scrollbars.setScrollTop(a.doc.scrollTop);a.display.s… 6 …Pending=false;b.wrapper.style.cssText=n;e.style.cssText=m;if(g&&h<9){d.scrollbars.setScrollTop(d.s…
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/ |
H A D | config.js.unc | 323 …r=no,dependent=yes,minimizable=no,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,left=20';