1CKEDITOR.lang.en = {
2    editor: "Rich Text Editor",
3    editorPanel: "Rich Text Editor panel",
4    common: {
5        editorHelp: "Press ALT 0 for help",
6        browseServer: "Browse Server",
7        url: "URL",
8        protocol: "Protocol",
9        upload: "Upload",
10        uploadSubmit: "Send it to the Server",
11        image: "Image",
12        flash: "Flash",
13        form: "Form",
14        checkbox: "Checkbox",
15        radio: "Radio Button",
16        textField: "Text Field",
17        textarea: "Textarea",
18        hiddenField: "Hidden Field",
19        button: "Button",
20        select: "Selection Field",
21        imageButton: "Image Button",
22        notSet: "<not set>",
23        id: "Id",
24        name: "Name",
25        langDir: "Language Direction",
26        langDirLtr: "Left to Right (LTR)",
27        langDirRtl: "Right to Left (RTL)",
28        langCode: "Language Code",
29        longDescr: "Long Description URL",
30        cssClass: "Stylesheet Classes",
31        advisoryTitle: "Advisory Title",
32        cssStyle: "Style",
33        ok: "OK",
34        cancel: "Cancel",
35        close: "Close",
36        preview: "Preview",
37        resize: "Resize",
38        generalTab: "General",
39        advancedTab: "Advanced",
40        validateNumberFailed: "This value is not a number.",
41        confirmNewPage: "Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?",
42        confirmCancel: "You have changed some options. Are you sure you want to close the dialog window?",
43        options: "Options",
44        target: "Target",
45        targetNew: "New Window (_blank)",
46        targetTop: "Topmost Window (_top)",
47        targetSelf: "Same Window (_self)",
48        targetParent: "Parent Window (_parent)",
49        langDirLTR: "Left to Right (LTR)",
50        langDirRTL: "Right to Left (RTL)",
51        styles: "Style",
52        cssClasses: "Stylesheet Classes",
53        width: "Width",
54        height: "Height",
55        align: "Alignment",
56        alignLeft: "Left",
57        alignRight: "Right",
58        alignCenter: "Center",
59        alignJustify: "Justify",
60        alignTop: "Top",
61        alignMiddle: "Middle",
62        alignBottom: "Bottom",
63        alignNone: "None",
64        invalidValue: "Invalid value.",
65        invalidHeight: "Height must be a number.",
66        invalidWidth: "Width must be a number.",
67        invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',
68        invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).',
69        invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.',
70        cssLengthTooltip: "Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).",
71        unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">, unavailable</span>'
72    },
73    about: {
74        copy: "Copyright &copy; $1. All rights reserved.",
75        dlgTitle: "About CKEditor",
76        help: "Check $1 for help.",
77        moreInfo: "For licensing information please visit our web site:",
78        title: "About CKEditor",
79        userGuide: "CKEditor User's Guide"
80    },
81    basicstyles: {
82        bold: "Bold",
83        italic: "Italic",
84        strike: "Strikethrough",
85        subscript: "Subscript",
86        superscript: "Superscript",
87        underline: "Underline"
88    },
89    bidi: {
90        ltr: "Text direction from left to right",
91        rtl: "Text direction from right to left"
92    },
93    blockquote: {
94        toolbar: "Block Quote"
95    },
96    clipboard: {
97        copy: "Copy",
98        copyError: "Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).",
99        cut: "Cut",
100        cutError: "Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).",
101        paste: "Paste",
102        pasteArea: "Paste Area",
103        pasteMsg: "Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK",
104        securityMsg: "Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.",
105        title: "Paste"
106    },
107    button: {
108        selectedLabel: "%1 (Selected)"
109    },
110    colorbutton: {
111        auto: "Automatic",
112        bgColorTitle: "Background Color",
113        colors: {
114            "000": "Black",
115            "800000": "Maroon",
116            "8B4513": "Saddle Brown",
117            "2F4F4F": "Dark Slate Gray",
118            "008080": "Teal",
119            "000080": "Navy",
120            "4B0082": "Indigo",
121            "696969": "Dark Gray",
122            B22222: "Fire Brick",
123            A52A2A: "Brown",
124            DAA520: "Golden Rod",
125            "006400": "Dark Green",
126            "40E0D0": "Turquoise",
127            "0000CD": "Medium Blue",
128            "800080": "Purple",
129            "808080": "Gray",
130            F00: "Red",
131            FF8C00: "Dark Orange",
132            FFD700: "Gold",
133            "008000": "Green",
134            "0FF": "Cyan",
135            "00F": "Blue",
136            EE82EE: "Violet",
137            A9A9A9: "Dim Gray",
138            FFA07A: "Light Salmon",
139            FFA500: "Orange",
140            FFFF00: "Yellow",
141            "00FF00": "Lime",
142            AFEEEE: "Pale Turquoise",
143            ADD8E6: "Light Blue",
144            DDA0DD: "Plum",
145            D3D3D3: "Light Grey",
146            FFF0F5: "Lavender Blush",
147            FAEBD7: "Antique White",
148            FFFFE0: "Light Yellow",
149            F0FFF0: "Honeydew",
150            F0FFFF: "Azure",
151            F0F8FF: "Alice Blue",
152            E6E6FA: "Lavender",
153            FFF: "White"
154        },
155        more: "More Colors...",
156        panelTitle: "Colors",
157        textColorTitle: "Text Color"
158    },
159    colordialog: {
160        clear: "Clear",
161        highlight: "Highlight",
162        options: "Color Options",
163        selected: "Selected Color",
164        title: "Select color"
165    },
166    templates: {
167        button: "Templates",
168        emptyListMsg: "(No templates defined)",
169        insertOption: "Replace actual contents",
170        options: "Template Options",
171        selectPromptMsg: "Please select the template to open in the editor",
172        title: "Content Templates"
173    },
174    contextmenu: {
175        options: "Context Menu Options"
176    },
177    div: {
178        IdInputLabel: "Id",
179        advisoryTitleInputLabel: "Advisory Title",
180        cssClassInputLabel: "Stylesheet Classes",
181        edit: "Edit Div",
182        inlineStyleInputLabel: "Inline Style",
183        langDirLTRLabel: "Left to Right (LTR)",
184        langDirLabel: "Language Direction",
185        langDirRTLLabel: "Right to Left (RTL)",
186        languageCodeInputLabel: " Language Code",
187        remove: "Remove Div",
188        styleSelectLabel: "Style",
189        title: "Create Div Container",
190        toolbar: "Create Div Container"
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192    toolbar: {
193        toolbarCollapse: "Collapse Toolbar",
194        toolbarExpand: "Expand Toolbar",
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196            document: "Document",
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198            editing: "Editing",
199            forms: "Forms",
200            basicstyles: "Basic Styles",
201            paragraph: "Paragraph",
202            links: "Links",
203            insert: "Insert",
204            styles: "Styles",
205            colors: "Colors",
206            tools: "Tools"
207        },
208        toolbars: "Editor toolbars"
209    },
210    elementspath: {
211        eleLabel: "Elements path",
212        eleTitle: "%1 element"
213    },
214    find: {
215        find: "Find",
216        findOptions: "Find Options",
217        findWhat: "Find what:",
218        matchCase: "Match case",
219        matchCyclic: "Match cyclic",
220        matchWord: "Match whole word",
221        notFoundMsg: "The specified text was not found.",
222        replace: "Replace",
223        replaceAll: "Replace All",
224        replaceSuccessMsg: "%1 occurrence(s) replaced.",
225        replaceWith: "Replace with:",
226        title: "Find and Replace"
227    },
228    fakeobjects: {
229        anchor: "Anchor",
230        flash: "Flash Animation",
231        hiddenfield: "Hidden Field",
232        iframe: "IFrame",
233        unknown: "Unknown Object"
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235    flash: {
236        access: "Script Access",
237        accessAlways: "Always",
238        accessNever: "Never",
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241        alignAbsMiddle: "Abs Middle",
242        alignBaseline: "Baseline",
243        alignTextTop: "Text Top",
244        bgcolor: "Background color",
245        chkFull: "Allow Fullscreen",
246        chkLoop: "Loop",
247        chkMenu: "Enable Flash Menu",
248        chkPlay: "Auto Play",
249        flashvars: "Variables for Flash",
250        hSpace: "HSpace",
251        properties: "Flash Properties",
252        propertiesTab: "Properties",
253        quality: "Quality",
254        qualityAutoHigh: "Auto High",
255        qualityAutoLow: "Auto Low",
256        qualityBest: "Best",
257        qualityHigh: "High",
258        qualityLow: "Low",
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261        scaleAll: "Show all",
262        scaleFit: "Exact Fit",
263        scaleNoBorder: "No Border",
264        title: "Flash Properties",
265        vSpace: "VSpace",
266        validateHSpace: "HSpace must be a number.",
267        validateSrc: "URL must not be empty.",
268        validateVSpace: "VSpace must be a number.",
269        windowMode: "Window mode",
270        windowModeOpaque: "Opaque",
271        windowModeTransparent: "Transparent",
272        windowModeWindow: "Window"
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274    font: {
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282        voiceLabel: "Font"
283    },
284    forms: {
285        button: {
286            title: "Button Properties",
287            text: "Text (Value)",
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289            typeBtn: "Button",
290            typeSbm: "Submit",
291            typeRst: "Reset"
292        },
293        checkboxAndRadio: {
294            checkboxTitle: "Checkbox Properties",
295            radioTitle: "Radio Button Properties",
296            value: "Value",
297            selected: "Selected",
298            required: "Required"
299        },
300        form: {
301            title: "Form Properties",
302            menu: "Form Properties",
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310            value: "Value"
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312        select: {
313            title: "Selection Field Properties",
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315            opAvail: "Available Options",
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318            lines: "lines",
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320            required: "Required",
321            opText: "Text",
322            opValue: "Value",
323            btnAdd: "Add",
324            btnModify: "Modify",
325            btnUp: "Up",
326            btnDown: "Down",
327            btnSetValue: "Set as selected value",
328            btnDelete: "Delete"
329        },
330        textarea: {
331            title: "Textarea Properties",
332            cols: "Columns",
333            rows: "Rows"
334        },
335        textfield: {
336            title: "Text Field Properties",
337            name: "Name",
338            value: "Value",
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341            required: "Required",
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343            typeText: "Text",
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345            typeEmail: "Email",
346            typeSearch: "Search",
347            typeTel: "Telephone Number",
348            typeUrl: "URL"
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351    format: {
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354        tag_address: "Address",
355        tag_div: "Normal (DIV)",
356        tag_h1: "Heading 1",
357        tag_h2: "Heading 2",
358        tag_h3: "Heading 3",
359        tag_h4: "Heading 4",
360        tag_h5: "Heading 5",
361        tag_h6: "Heading 6",
362        tag_p: "Normal",
363        tag_pre: "Formatted"
364    },
365    horizontalrule: {
366        toolbar: "Insert Horizontal Line"
367    },
368    iframe: {
369        border: "Show frame border",
370        noUrl: "Please type the iframe URL",
371        scrolling: "Enable scrollbars",
372        title: "IFrame Properties",
373        toolbar: "IFrame"
374    },
375    image: {
376        alt: "Tool Tip",
377        border: "Border",
378        btnUpload: "Send it to the Server",
379        button2Img: "Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?",
380        hSpace: "HSpace",
381        img2Button: "Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?",
382        infoTab: "Image Info",
383        linkTab: "Link",
384        lockRatio: "Lock Ratio",
385        menu: "Image Properties",
386        resetSize: "Reset Size",
387        title: "Image Properties",
388        titleButton: "Image Button Properties",
389        upload: "Upload",
390        urlMissing: "Image source URL is missing.",
391        vSpace: "VSpace",
392        validateBorder: "Border must be a whole number.",
393        validateHSpace: "HSpace must be a whole number.",
394        validateVSpace: "VSpace must be a whole number."
395    },
396    indent: {
397        indent: "Increase Indent",
398        outdent: "Decrease Indent"
399    },
400    smiley: {
401        options: "Smiley Options",
402        title: "Insert a Smiley",
403        toolbar: "Smiley"
404    },
405    justify: {
406        block: "Justify",
407        center: "Center",
408        left: "Align Left",
409        right: "Align Right"
410    },
411    language: {
412        button: "Set language",
413        remove: "Remove language"
414    },
415    link: {
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420        anchor: {
421            toolbar: "Anchor",
422            menu: "Edit Anchor",
423            title: "Anchor Properties",
424            name: "Anchor Name",
425            errorName: "Please type the anchor name",
426            remove: "Remove Anchor"
427        },
428        anchorId: "By Element Id",
429        anchorName: "By Anchor Name",
430        charset: "Linked Resource Charset",
431        cssClasses: "Stylesheet Classes",
432        emailAddress: "E-Mail Address",
433        emailBody: "Message Body",
434        emailSubject: "Message Subject",
435        id: "Id",
436        info: "Link Info",
437        langCode: "Language Code",
438        langDir: "Language Direction",
439        langDirLTR: "Left to Right (LTR)",
440        langDirRTL: "Right to Left (RTL)",
441        menu: "Edit Link",
442        name: "Name",
443        noAnchors: "(No anchors available in the document)",
444        noEmail: "Please type the e-mail address",
445        noUrl: "Please type the link URL",
446        other: "<other>",
447        popupDependent: "Dependent (Netscape)",
448        popupFeatures: "Popup Window Features",
449        popupFullScreen: "Full Screen (IE)",
450        popupLeft: "Left Position",
451        popupLocationBar: "Location Bar",
452        popupMenuBar: "Menu Bar",
453        popupResizable: "Resizable",
454        popupScrollBars: "Scroll Bars",
455        popupStatusBar: "Status Bar",
456        popupToolbar: "Toolbar",
457        popupTop: "Top Position",
458        rel: "Relationship",
459        selectAnchor: "Select an Anchor",
460        styles: "Style",
461        tabIndex: "Tab Index",
462        target: "Target",
463        targetFrame: "<frame>",
464        targetFrameName: "Target Frame Name",
465        targetPopup: "<popup window>",
466        targetPopupName: "Popup Window Name",
467        title: "Link",
468        toAnchor: "Link to anchor in the text",
469        toEmail: "E-mail",
470        toUrl: "URL",
471        toolbar: "Link",
472        type: "Link Type",
473        unlink: "Unlink",
474        upload: "Upload"
475    },
476    list: {
477        bulletedlist: "Insert/Remove Bulleted List",
478        numberedlist: "Insert/Remove Numbered List"
479    },
480    liststyle: {
481        armenian: "Armenian numbering",
482        bulletedTitle: "Bulleted List Properties",
483        circle: "Circle",
484        decimal: "Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)",
485        decimalLeadingZero: "Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)",
486        disc: "Disc",
487        georgian: "Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)",
488        lowerAlpha: "Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)",
489        lowerGreek: "Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)",
490        lowerRoman: "Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)",
491        none: "None",
492        notset: "<not set>",
493        numberedTitle: "Numbered List Properties",
494        square: "Square",
495        start: "Start",
496        type: "Type",
497        upperAlpha: "Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)",
498        upperRoman: "Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)",
499        validateStartNumber: "List start number must be a whole number."
500    },
501    magicline: {
502        title: "Insert paragraph here"
503    },
504    maximize: {
505        maximize: "Maximize",
506        minimize: "Minimize"
507    },
508    newpage: {
509        toolbar: "New Page"
510    },
511    pagebreak: {
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513        toolbar: "Insert Page Break for Printing"
514    },
515    pastetext: {
516        button: "Paste as plain text",
517        title: "Paste as Plain Text"
518    },
519    pastefromword: {
520        confirmCleanup: "The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?",
521        error: "It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error",
522        title: "Paste from Word",
523        toolbar: "Paste from Word"
524    },
525    preview: {
526        preview: "Preview"
527    },
528    print: {
529        toolbar: "Print"
530    },
531    removeformat: {
532        toolbar: "Remove Format"
533    },
534    save: {
535        toolbar: "Save"
536    },
537    selectall: {
538        toolbar: "Select All"
539    },
540    showblocks: {
541        toolbar: "Show Blocks"
542    },
543    sourcearea: {
544        toolbar: "Source"
545    },
546    specialchar: {
547        options: "Special Character Options",
548        title: "Select Special Character",
549        toolbar: "Insert Special Character"
550    },
551    scayt: {
552        btn_about: "About SCAYT",
553        btn_dictionaries: "Dictionaries",
554        btn_disable: "Disable SCAYT",
555        btn_enable: "Enable SCAYT",
556        btn_langs: "Languages",
557        btn_options: "Options",
558        text_title: "Spell Check As You Type"
559    },
560    stylescombo: {
561        label: "Styles",
562        panelTitle: "Formatting Styles",
563        panelTitle1: "Block Styles",
564        panelTitle2: "Inline Styles",
565        panelTitle3: "Object Styles"
566    },
567    table: {
568        border: "Border size",
569        caption: "Caption",
570        cell: {
571            menu: "Cell",
572            insertBefore: "Insert Cell Before",
573            insertAfter: "Insert Cell After",
574            deleteCell: "Delete Cells",
575            merge: "Merge Cells",
576            mergeRight: "Merge Right",
577            mergeDown: "Merge Down",
578            splitHorizontal: "Split Cell Horizontally",
579            splitVertical: "Split Cell Vertically",
580            title: "Cell Properties",
581            cellType: "Cell Type",
582            rowSpan: "Rows Span",
583            colSpan: "Columns Span",
584            wordWrap: "Word Wrap",
585            hAlign: "Horizontal Alignment",
586            vAlign: "Vertical Alignment",
587            alignBaseline: "Baseline",
588            bgColor: "Background Color",
589            borderColor: "Border Color",
590            data: "Data",
591            header: "Header",
592            yes: "Yes",
593            no: "No",
594            invalidWidth: "Cell width must be a number.",
595            invalidHeight: "Cell height must be a number.",
596            invalidRowSpan: "Rows span must be a whole number.",
597            invalidColSpan: "Columns span must be a whole number.",
598            chooseColor: "Choose"
599        },
600        cellPad: "Cell padding",
601        cellSpace: "Cell spacing",
602        column: {
603            menu: "Column",
604            insertBefore: "Insert Column Before",
605            insertAfter: "Insert Column After",
606            deleteColumn: "Delete Columns"
607        },
608        columns: "Columns",
609        deleteTable: "Delete Table",
610        headers: "Headers",
611        headersBoth: "Both",
612        headersColumn: "First column",
613        headersNone: "None",
614        headersRow: "First Row",
615        invalidBorder: "Border size must be a number.",
616        invalidCellPadding: "Cell padding must be a positive number.",
617        invalidCellSpacing: "Cell spacing must be a positive number.",
618        invalidCols: "Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.",
619        invalidHeight: "Table height must be a number.",
620        invalidRows: "Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.",
621        invalidWidth: "Table width must be a number.",
622        menu: "Table Properties",
623        row: {
624            menu: "Row",
625            insertBefore: "Insert Row Before",
626            insertAfter: "Insert Row After",
627            deleteRow: "Delete Rows"
628        },
629        rows: "Rows",
630        summary: "Summary",
631        title: "Table Properties",
632        toolbar: "Table",
633        widthPc: "percent",
634        widthPx: "pixels",
635        widthUnit: "width unit"
636    },
637    undo: {
638        redo: "Redo",
639        undo: "Undo"
640    },
641    wsc: {
642        btnIgnore: "Ignore",
643        btnIgnoreAll: "Ignore All",
644        btnReplace: "Replace",
645        btnReplaceAll: "Replace All",
646        btnUndo: "Undo",
647        changeTo: "Change to",
648        errorLoading: "Error loading application service host: %s.",
649        ieSpellDownload: "Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?",
650        manyChanges: "Spell check complete: %1 words changed",
651        noChanges: "Spell check complete: No words changed",
652        noMispell: "Spell check complete: No misspellings found",
653        noSuggestions: "- No suggestions -",
654        notAvailable: "Sorry, but service is unavailable now.",
655        notInDic: "Not in dictionary",
656        oneChange: "Spell check complete: One word changed",
657        progress: "Spell check in progress...",
658        title: "Spell Checker",
659        toolbar: "Check Spelling"
660    }
662CKEDITOR.lang.en["indent"] = {
663    indent: "Nested List",
664    outdent: "Decrease Nesting"
666CKEDITOR.lang.en["stylescombo"]["label"] = "Code";
667CKEDITOR.lang.en.image['alt'] = "HoverTip";
668CKEDITOR.lang.en["fbrowser"] = {
669    FileBrowserError_101: "Folder already exists.",
670    FileBrowserError_102: "Invalid folder name",
671    FileBrowserError_103: "You have no permissions to create the folder.",
672    FileBrowserError_110: "Unknown error creating folder",
673    FileBrowserError_201: "A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to: ",
674    FileBrowserError_202: "Invalid file",
675    FileBrowserError_203: "You do not have permission to upload files to this folder. If you think this is incorrect please notify your administrator.",
676    FileBrowserError_204: "Unable to delete the selected file",
677    FileBrowserError_205: "Unable to rename the selected file; check your directory/write permisssions",
678    FileBrowserError_206: " already exists; you must either delete or rename it. ",
679    FileBrowserError_default: "Error on your request. Error number: ",
680    FileBrowserError_Ajax: "Your browser does not support AJAX.",
681    FileBrowserError_XML: "The server didn't reply with a proper XML data. Please check your configuration.",
682    FileBrowserError_Folder_Submit: "Please type the folder name.",
683    FileBrowserError_File_Submit: "Please select a file from your computer",
684    FileBrowserError_Upload: "Error on upload. Error number: ",
685    FileBrowserError_Connector: "The connector is disabled. Check editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php",
686    FileBrowserError_Command: "Unsupported command: ",
687    FileBrowserError_Type: "Invalid type specified: ",
688    FolderMoveWarning: "You can only move files to a folder one level below the current directory",
689    FileBrowserError_301: "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.",
690    FileBrowserError_302: "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.",
691    FileBrowserError_303: "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.",
692    FileBrowserError_304: "No file was uploaded.",
693    FileBrowserError_306: "Missing a temporary folder.",
694    FileBrowserError_307: "Failed to write file to disk.",
695    FileBrowserError_308: "PHP does not provide a way to ascertain which extension caused the file upload to stop; examining the list of loaded extensions with phpinfo() may help.",
696    DlgFileBrowserUpMsg: "Upload a new file in this folder",
697    DlgFileBrowserRead: "read-only",
698    DlgFileBrowserWrite: "uploadable",
699    DlgFileBrowserNewFolder: "Create Folder",
700    DlgFileBrowserResourceType: "Resource Type",
701    DlgLnkUpload: "Upload",
702    DlgFileBrowserMove: "Move",
703    LinkText: "Link Text (optional)",
704    InternalLink: "internal link",
705    InternalMedia: "internal media",
706    MediaFileLink: "link to media file",
707    InterWikiLink: "Interwiki Link",
708    InterWikiType: "Interwiki Type",
709    InterwikiPlaceHolder: "Interwiki Replacement Text",
710    InterwikiInfo: "<div style='max-width:350px; white-space: pre-wrap;border:1px solid #cccccc; margin:auto; overflow:auto; padding:4px;line-height:125%;'>Dokuwiki's interwiki links are short-cuts which look like this: <span style='font-weight:600'>[[wp&gt;Shakespeare]]</span>, which will create a link to the English Wikipedia article on Shakespeare.  The <span style='font-weight:600'>wp</span> part designates a link pattern;  the text following the '<span style='font-weight:900'>&gt;</span>' will be inserted into the link, replacing  a place holder, which is enclosed in curly brackets, as in <span style='font-weight:600'>{NAME}.</span> When there is no place holder, the replacement text will be appended to the end of the link.</div>",
711    MediaFileLink: "link to media file",
712    SMBLabel: "Samba Share",
713    GetHeadingsLabel: "Get Headings",
714    QStringLabel: "Query String (For example: value_1=1&value_2=2) ",
715    ResetQS: "Reset Query String",
716    NotSetOption: "Not Set",
717    AdvancedInfo: "To create anchors from Dokuwiki headers, click on the Get Headings button, select the header, click OK. You can go back, select a new page and get new headers.",
718    AdvancedTabPrompt: "Use the advanced tab to create page anchors and query strings",
719    SMBExample: "Enter your share as: \\\\Server\\directory\\file",
720    DlgFileBrowserWaitingMsg: "Loading files, please wait.",
721    DlgFileBrowserAdjustSize: "Adjust browser size",
722    DlgFileBrowserReset: "Reset",
723    DlgFileBrowserSortBy: "Sort by",
724    DlgFileBrowserSortDate: "Date",
725    DlgFileBrowserSortSize: "File size",
726    DlgFileBrowserSortName: "Name",
727    DlgFileBrowserButtonHelp: "Help",
728    DlgFileBrowserResizeMsg: "The file browser window will be reset to the default size after your page is reloaded into the editor.",
729    DlgFileBrowserSearch: "Find file(s)",
730    DlgFileBrowserSearchInfo: "Enter all or part of a file name",
731    DlgFileBrowserSortOrder: "Reverse order",
732    DlgFileBrowserInfo_1: "If you increase the zoom level of your browser,  Ckgedit's file browser may exceed the size of its  enclosing window, forcing scrollbars.  To eliminate the scrollbars, you can enlarge the window up to 20%.  The  new size takes effect after you have closed and re-opened  the editor.  Resizing uses a cookie with a year's duration. ",
733    DlgFileBrowserInfo_2: "The file listings can be sorted by Name, Date, and File Size.  By default they sort in ascending order, but Date and File Size can be sorted in descending order by checking the Reverse Order option.  The sort functions are not supported by Internet Explorer but do work in Win 10 Edge.",
734    DlgFileBrowserInfo_3: "The search functions will search using whole or part of a file name."
736CKEDITOR.lang.en["footnote"] = {
737    FootNoteInfo: '<div style="padding: 18px;font-size:125%;line-height:125%;"><ul style="list-style-type:disc;"><li>To create a footnote enter the footnote text into the editing box and click OK</li><li>To edit a footnote enter the footnote id into the id box and click the Load button. <br /> The footnote will appear in the editing box, where you can then edit it.<br /> When you are finished editing, click OK to save.</li><li> A footnote id has this form: <b>fckgL_&lt;n&gt;</b>, where n is the number of the note.</li></ul></div>',
738    ToolTip: "Insert a footnote",
739    Settings: "Settings",
740    Header: "This dialog window lets you create and edit footnotes.",
741    Label_1: "Footnote Text (required)",
742    Label_2: "Footnote Id: ",
743    LoadButtonLabel: "Load Note In Editor",
744    Title: "Footnote Dialog",
745    Validate: "The footnote text field cannot be empty."
747CKEDITOR.lang.en["fontassist"] = {
748    Title: "Font Plugin Editor",
749    ToolTip: "Check and Revise Font Styling",
750    MainHeader: "View and optionally alter text styled with the font plugin .",
751    SelectColor: " Select Color",
752    SelectedTextColor: "Selected Text Color",
753    SelectedBGColor: "Selected Background Color",
754    BGColors: "Background Colors",
755    InfoText: '<div style="max-width:400px; font-size: 12pt; white-space: pre-wrap;border:1px solid #cccccc; margin:auto; height: 350px; overflow:auto;">This tool works with the font  plugin and is used to update the font plugin\'s syntax and/or view its enclosed text. Clicking anywhere on the plugin syntax or its text will enable you to check the appearance of the font, its colors, and its size.<br /><br />You can also update the plugin syntax in place.  To do this you must select both the font syntax itself and the enclosed text:<p style="text-indent: 50px; font-size: 12pt;">  &lt;font. . . &gt;text&lt;/font&gt;</p>Then whatever changes you  make with this tool can be inserted into the editor window, by clicking OK, and will replace the current font syntax. <br /><br />The font syntax will appear in the textbox below the display window and is updated with each change. Clicking on the text will select the text for copying.</div>',
756    Main: "Main",
757    Text: "Text",
758    IfChecked: " If checked, uncheck to activate OK button",
759    Fonts: "Fonts",
760    FontSizes: "Font Sizes (px)",
761    ResetFont: "Reset font",
762    ResetAll: "Reset all",
763    TextColors: "Text Colors",
764    Accept: "Accept",
765    Reset: "Reset",
766    none: "none"
768CKEDITOR.lang.en["signature"] = {
769    ToolTip: "Insert signature"
771CKEDITOR.lang.en.format["panelTitle"] = "Section Headers";
772CKEDITOR.lang.en.format["label"] = "Headlines";
773CKEDITOR.lang.en.stylescombo["panelTitle"] = "Formatting Code Styles";
774CKEDITOR.lang.en.common.alignBaseLine = "Baseline";
775CKEDITOR.lang.en["stylescombo"]["label"] = "Code";
776CKEDITOR.lang.en.common.alignBaseLine = "Baseline";
777CKEDITOR.lang.en["indent"] = {
778    indent: "Nested List",
779    outdent: "Decrease Nesting"
781CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["noLink"] = "No link";
782CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkType"] = "Link type";
783CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkDetail"] = "Detail";
784CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkDirect"] = "Direct";
785CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkNoLink"] = "No Link";
786CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkOnly"] = "Link only";