CKEDITOR.lang.en = { editor: "Rich Text Editor", editorPanel: "Rich Text Editor panel", common: { editorHelp: "Press ALT 0 for help", browseServer: "Browse Server", url: "URL", protocol: "Protocol", upload: "Upload", uploadSubmit: "Send it to the Server", image: "Image", flash: "Flash", form: "Form", checkbox: "Checkbox", radio: "Radio Button", textField: "Text Field", textarea: "Textarea", hiddenField: "Hidden Field", button: "Button", select: "Selection Field", imageButton: "Image Button", notSet: "", id: "Id", name: "Name", langDir: "Language Direction", langDirLtr: "Left to Right (LTR)", langDirRtl: "Right to Left (RTL)", langCode: "Language Code", longDescr: "Long Description URL", cssClass: "Stylesheet Classes", advisoryTitle: "Advisory Title", cssStyle: "Style", ok: "OK", cancel: "Cancel", close: "Close", preview: "Preview", resize: "Resize", generalTab: "General", advancedTab: "Advanced", validateNumberFailed: "This value is not a number.", confirmNewPage: "Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?", confirmCancel: "You have changed some options. Are you sure you want to close the dialog window?", options: "Options", target: "Target", targetNew: "New Window (_blank)", targetTop: "Topmost Window (_top)", targetSelf: "Same Window (_self)", targetParent: "Parent Window (_parent)", langDirLTR: "Left to Right (LTR)", langDirRTL: "Right to Left (RTL)", styles: "Style", cssClasses: "Stylesheet Classes", width: "Width", height: "Height", align: "Alignment", alignLeft: "Left", alignRight: "Right", alignCenter: "Center", alignJustify: "Justify", alignTop: "Top", alignMiddle: "Middle", alignBottom: "Bottom", alignNone: "None", invalidValue: "Invalid value.", invalidHeight: "Height must be a number.", invalidWidth: "Width must be a number.", invalidCssLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).', invalidHtmlLength: 'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).', invalidInlineStyle: 'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.', cssLengthTooltip: "Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).", unavailable: '%1, unavailable' }, about: { copy: "Copyright © $1. All rights reserved.", dlgTitle: "About CKEditor", help: "Check $1 for help.", moreInfo: "For licensing information please visit our web site:", title: "About CKEditor", userGuide: "CKEditor User's Guide" }, basicstyles: { bold: "Bold", italic: "Italic", strike: "Strikethrough", subscript: "Subscript", superscript: "Superscript", underline: "Underline" }, bidi: { ltr: "Text direction from left to right", rtl: "Text direction from right to left" }, blockquote: { toolbar: "Block Quote" }, clipboard: { copy: "Copy", copyError: "Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+C).", cut: "Cut", cutError: "Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl/Cmd+X).", paste: "Paste", pasteArea: "Paste Area", pasteMsg: "Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (Ctrl/Cmd+V) and hit OK", securityMsg: "Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.", title: "Paste" }, button: { selectedLabel: "%1 (Selected)" }, colorbutton: { auto: "Automatic", bgColorTitle: "Background Color", colors: { "000": "Black", "800000": "Maroon", "8B4513": "Saddle Brown", "2F4F4F": "Dark Slate Gray", "008080": "Teal", "000080": "Navy", "4B0082": "Indigo", "696969": "Dark Gray", B22222: "Fire Brick", A52A2A: "Brown", DAA520: "Golden Rod", "006400": "Dark Green", "40E0D0": "Turquoise", "0000CD": "Medium Blue", "800080": "Purple", "808080": "Gray", F00: "Red", FF8C00: "Dark Orange", FFD700: "Gold", "008000": "Green", "0FF": "Cyan", "00F": "Blue", EE82EE: "Violet", A9A9A9: "Dim Gray", FFA07A: "Light Salmon", FFA500: "Orange", FFFF00: "Yellow", "00FF00": "Lime", AFEEEE: "Pale Turquoise", ADD8E6: "Light Blue", DDA0DD: "Plum", D3D3D3: "Light Grey", FFF0F5: "Lavender Blush", FAEBD7: "Antique White", FFFFE0: "Light Yellow", F0FFF0: "Honeydew", F0FFFF: "Azure", F0F8FF: "Alice Blue", E6E6FA: "Lavender", FFF: "White" }, more: "More Colors...", panelTitle: "Colors", textColorTitle: "Text Color" }, colordialog: { clear: "Clear", highlight: "Highlight", options: "Color Options", selected: "Selected Color", title: "Select color" }, templates: { button: "Templates", emptyListMsg: "(No templates defined)", insertOption: "Replace actual contents", options: "Template Options", selectPromptMsg: "Please select the template to open in the editor", title: "Content Templates" }, contextmenu: { options: "Context Menu Options" }, div: { IdInputLabel: "Id", advisoryTitleInputLabel: "Advisory Title", cssClassInputLabel: "Stylesheet Classes", edit: "Edit Div", inlineStyleInputLabel: "Inline Style", langDirLTRLabel: "Left to Right (LTR)", langDirLabel: "Language Direction", langDirRTLLabel: "Right to Left (RTL)", languageCodeInputLabel: " Language Code", remove: "Remove Div", styleSelectLabel: "Style", title: "Create Div Container", toolbar: "Create Div Container" }, toolbar: { toolbarCollapse: "Collapse Toolbar", toolbarExpand: "Expand Toolbar", toolbarGroups: { document: "Document", clipboard: "Clipboard/Undo", editing: "Editing", forms: "Forms", basicstyles: "Basic Styles", paragraph: "Paragraph", links: "Links", insert: "Insert", styles: "Styles", colors: "Colors", tools: "Tools" }, toolbars: "Editor toolbars" }, elementspath: { eleLabel: "Elements path", eleTitle: "%1 element" }, find: { find: "Find", findOptions: "Find Options", findWhat: "Find what:", matchCase: "Match case", matchCyclic: "Match cyclic", matchWord: "Match whole word", notFoundMsg: "The specified text was not found.", replace: "Replace", replaceAll: "Replace All", replaceSuccessMsg: "%1 occurrence(s) replaced.", replaceWith: "Replace with:", title: "Find and Replace" }, fakeobjects: { anchor: "Anchor", flash: "Flash Animation", hiddenfield: "Hidden Field", iframe: "IFrame", unknown: "Unknown Object" }, flash: { access: "Script Access", accessAlways: "Always", accessNever: "Never", accessSameDomain: "Same domain", alignAbsBottom: "Abs Bottom", alignAbsMiddle: "Abs Middle", alignBaseline: "Baseline", alignTextTop: "Text Top", bgcolor: "Background color", chkFull: "Allow Fullscreen", chkLoop: "Loop", chkMenu: "Enable Flash Menu", chkPlay: "Auto Play", flashvars: "Variables for Flash", hSpace: "HSpace", properties: "Flash Properties", propertiesTab: "Properties", quality: "Quality", qualityAutoHigh: "Auto High", qualityAutoLow: "Auto Low", qualityBest: "Best", qualityHigh: "High", qualityLow: "Low", qualityMedium: "Medium", scale: "Scale", scaleAll: "Show all", scaleFit: "Exact Fit", scaleNoBorder: "No Border", title: "Flash Properties", vSpace: "VSpace", validateHSpace: "HSpace must be a number.", validateSrc: "URL must not be empty.", validateVSpace: "VSpace must be a number.", windowMode: "Window mode", windowModeOpaque: "Opaque", windowModeTransparent: "Transparent", windowModeWindow: "Window" }, font: { fontSize: { label: "Size", voiceLabel: "Font Size", panelTitle: "Font Size" }, label: "Font", panelTitle: "Font Name", voiceLabel: "Font" }, forms: { button: { title: "Button Properties", text: "Text (Value)", type: "Type", typeBtn: "Button", typeSbm: "Submit", typeRst: "Reset" }, checkboxAndRadio: { checkboxTitle: "Checkbox Properties", radioTitle: "Radio Button Properties", value: "Value", selected: "Selected", required: "Required" }, form: { title: "Form Properties", menu: "Form Properties", action: "Action", method: "Method", encoding: "Encoding" }, hidden: { title: "Hidden Field Properties", name: "Name", value: "Value" }, select: { title: "Selection Field Properties", selectInfo: "Select Info", opAvail: "Available Options", value: "Value", size: "Size", lines: "lines", chkMulti: "Allow multiple selections", required: "Required", opText: "Text", opValue: "Value", btnAdd: "Add", btnModify: "Modify", btnUp: "Up", btnDown: "Down", btnSetValue: "Set as selected value", btnDelete: "Delete" }, textarea: { title: "Textarea Properties", cols: "Columns", rows: "Rows" }, textfield: { title: "Text Field Properties", name: "Name", value: "Value", charWidth: "Character Width", maxChars: "Maximum Characters", required: "Required", type: "Type", typeText: "Text", typePass: "Password", typeEmail: "Email", typeSearch: "Search", typeTel: "Telephone Number", typeUrl: "URL" } }, format: { label: "Format", panelTitle: "Paragraph Format", tag_address: "Address", tag_div: "Normal (DIV)", tag_h1: "Heading 1", tag_h2: "Heading 2", tag_h3: "Heading 3", tag_h4: "Heading 4", tag_h5: "Heading 5", tag_h6: "Heading 6", tag_p: "Normal", tag_pre: "Formatted" }, horizontalrule: { toolbar: "Insert Horizontal Line" }, iframe: { border: "Show frame border", noUrl: "Please type the iframe URL", scrolling: "Enable scrollbars", title: "IFrame Properties", toolbar: "IFrame" }, image: { alt: "Tool Tip", border: "Border", btnUpload: "Send it to the Server", button2Img: "Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?", hSpace: "HSpace", img2Button: "Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?", infoTab: "Image Info", linkTab: "Link", lockRatio: "Lock Ratio", menu: "Image Properties", resetSize: "Reset Size", title: "Image Properties", titleButton: "Image Button Properties", upload: "Upload", urlMissing: "Image source URL is missing.", vSpace: "VSpace", validateBorder: "Border must be a whole number.", validateHSpace: "HSpace must be a whole number.", validateVSpace: "VSpace must be a whole number." }, indent: { indent: "Increase Indent", outdent: "Decrease Indent" }, smiley: { options: "Smiley Options", title: "Insert a Smiley", toolbar: "Smiley" }, justify: { block: "Justify", center: "Center", left: "Align Left", right: "Align Right" }, language: { button: "Set language", remove: "Remove language" }, link: { acccessKey: "Access Key", advanced: "Advanced", advisoryContentType: "Advisory Content Type", advisoryTitle: "Advisory Title", anchor: { toolbar: "Anchor", menu: "Edit Anchor", title: "Anchor Properties", name: "Anchor Name", errorName: "Please type the anchor name", remove: "Remove Anchor" }, anchorId: "By Element Id", anchorName: "By Anchor Name", charset: "Linked Resource Charset", cssClasses: "Stylesheet Classes", emailAddress: "E-Mail Address", emailBody: "Message Body", emailSubject: "Message Subject", id: "Id", info: "Link Info", langCode: "Language Code", langDir: "Language Direction", langDirLTR: "Left to Right (LTR)", langDirRTL: "Right to Left (RTL)", menu: "Edit Link", name: "Name", noAnchors: "(No anchors available in the document)", noEmail: "Please type the e-mail address", noUrl: "Please type the link URL", other: "", popupDependent: "Dependent (Netscape)", popupFeatures: "Popup Window Features", popupFullScreen: "Full Screen (IE)", popupLeft: "Left Position", popupLocationBar: "Location Bar", popupMenuBar: "Menu Bar", popupResizable: "Resizable", popupScrollBars: "Scroll Bars", popupStatusBar: "Status Bar", popupToolbar: "Toolbar", popupTop: "Top Position", rel: "Relationship", selectAnchor: "Select an Anchor", styles: "Style", tabIndex: "Tab Index", target: "Target", targetFrame: "", targetFrameName: "Target Frame Name", targetPopup: "", targetPopupName: "Popup Window Name", title: "Link", toAnchor: "Link to anchor in the text", toEmail: "E-mail", toUrl: "URL", toolbar: "Link", type: "Link Type", unlink: "Unlink", upload: "Upload" }, list: { bulletedlist: "Insert/Remove Bulleted List", numberedlist: "Insert/Remove Numbered List" }, liststyle: { armenian: "Armenian numbering", bulletedTitle: "Bulleted List Properties", circle: "Circle", decimal: "Decimal (1, 2, 3, etc.)", decimalLeadingZero: "Decimal leading zero (01, 02, 03, etc.)", disc: "Disc", georgian: "Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)", lowerAlpha: "Lower Alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)", lowerGreek: "Lower Greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)", lowerRoman: "Lower Roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)", none: "None", notset: "", numberedTitle: "Numbered List Properties", square: "Square", start: "Start", type: "Type", upperAlpha: "Upper Alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)", upperRoman: "Upper Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)", validateStartNumber: "List start number must be a whole number." }, magicline: { title: "Insert paragraph here" }, maximize: { maximize: "Maximize", minimize: "Minimize" }, newpage: { toolbar: "New Page" }, pagebreak: { alt: "Page Break", toolbar: "Insert Page Break for Printing" }, pastetext: { button: "Paste as plain text", title: "Paste as Plain Text" }, pastefromword: { confirmCleanup: "The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?", error: "It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error", title: "Paste from Word", toolbar: "Paste from Word" }, preview: { preview: "Preview" }, print: { toolbar: "Print" }, removeformat: { toolbar: "Remove Format" }, save: { toolbar: "Save" }, selectall: { toolbar: "Select All" }, showblocks: { toolbar: "Show Blocks" }, sourcearea: { toolbar: "Source" }, specialchar: { options: "Special Character Options", title: "Select Special Character", toolbar: "Insert Special Character" }, scayt: { btn_about: "About SCAYT", btn_dictionaries: "Dictionaries", btn_disable: "Disable SCAYT", btn_enable: "Enable SCAYT", btn_langs: "Languages", btn_options: "Options", text_title: "Spell Check As You Type" }, stylescombo: { label: "Styles", panelTitle: "Formatting Styles", panelTitle1: "Block Styles", panelTitle2: "Inline Styles", panelTitle3: "Object Styles" }, table: { border: "Border size", caption: "Caption", cell: { menu: "Cell", insertBefore: "Insert Cell Before", insertAfter: "Insert Cell After", deleteCell: "Delete Cells", merge: "Merge Cells", mergeRight: "Merge Right", mergeDown: "Merge Down", splitHorizontal: "Split Cell Horizontally", splitVertical: "Split Cell Vertically", title: "Cell Properties", cellType: "Cell Type", rowSpan: "Rows Span", colSpan: "Columns Span", wordWrap: "Word Wrap", hAlign: "Horizontal Alignment", vAlign: "Vertical Alignment", alignBaseline: "Baseline", bgColor: "Background Color", borderColor: "Border Color", data: "Data", header: "Header", yes: "Yes", no: "No", invalidWidth: "Cell width must be a number.", invalidHeight: "Cell height must be a number.", invalidRowSpan: "Rows span must be a whole number.", invalidColSpan: "Columns span must be a whole number.", chooseColor: "Choose" }, cellPad: "Cell padding", cellSpace: "Cell spacing", column: { menu: "Column", insertBefore: "Insert Column Before", insertAfter: "Insert Column After", deleteColumn: "Delete Columns" }, columns: "Columns", deleteTable: "Delete Table", headers: "Headers", headersBoth: "Both", headersColumn: "First column", headersNone: "None", headersRow: "First Row", invalidBorder: "Border size must be a number.", invalidCellPadding: "Cell padding must be a positive number.", invalidCellSpacing: "Cell spacing must be a positive number.", invalidCols: "Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.", invalidHeight: "Table height must be a number.", invalidRows: "Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.", invalidWidth: "Table width must be a number.", menu: "Table Properties", row: { menu: "Row", insertBefore: "Insert Row Before", insertAfter: "Insert Row After", deleteRow: "Delete Rows" }, rows: "Rows", summary: "Summary", title: "Table Properties", toolbar: "Table", widthPc: "percent", widthPx: "pixels", widthUnit: "width unit" }, undo: { redo: "Redo", undo: "Undo" }, wsc: { btnIgnore: "Ignore", btnIgnoreAll: "Ignore All", btnReplace: "Replace", btnReplaceAll: "Replace All", btnUndo: "Undo", changeTo: "Change to", errorLoading: "Error loading application service host: %s.", ieSpellDownload: "Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?", manyChanges: "Spell check complete: %1 words changed", noChanges: "Spell check complete: No words changed", noMispell: "Spell check complete: No misspellings found", noSuggestions: "- No suggestions -", notAvailable: "Sorry, but service is unavailable now.", notInDic: "Not in dictionary", oneChange: "Spell check complete: One word changed", progress: "Spell check in progress...", title: "Spell Checker", toolbar: "Check Spelling" } }; CKEDITOR.lang.en["indent"] = { indent: "Nested List", outdent: "Decrease Nesting" }; CKEDITOR.lang.en["stylescombo"]["label"] = "Code"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.image['alt'] = "HoverTip"; CKEDITOR.lang.en["fbrowser"] = { FileBrowserError_101: "Folder already exists.", FileBrowserError_102: "Invalid folder name", FileBrowserError_103: "You have no permissions to create the folder.", FileBrowserError_110: "Unknown error creating folder", FileBrowserError_201: "A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to: ", FileBrowserError_202: "Invalid file", FileBrowserError_203: "You do not have permission to upload files to this folder. If you think this is incorrect please notify your administrator.", FileBrowserError_204: "Unable to delete the selected file", FileBrowserError_205: "Unable to rename the selected file; check your directory/write permisssions", FileBrowserError_206: " already exists; you must either delete or rename it. ", FileBrowserError_default: "Error on your request. Error number: ", FileBrowserError_Ajax: "Your browser does not support AJAX.", FileBrowserError_XML: "The server didn't reply with a proper XML data. Please check your configuration.", FileBrowserError_Folder_Submit: "Please type the folder name.", FileBrowserError_File_Submit: "Please select a file from your computer", FileBrowserError_Upload: "Error on upload. Error number: ", FileBrowserError_Connector: "The connector is disabled. Check editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php", FileBrowserError_Command: "Unsupported command: ", FileBrowserError_Type: "Invalid type specified: ", FolderMoveWarning: "You can only move files to a folder one level below the current directory", FileBrowserError_301: "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.", FileBrowserError_302: "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.", FileBrowserError_303: "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.", FileBrowserError_304: "No file was uploaded.", FileBrowserError_306: "Missing a temporary folder.", FileBrowserError_307: "Failed to write file to disk.", FileBrowserError_308: "PHP does not provide a way to ascertain which extension caused the file upload to stop; examining the list of loaded extensions with phpinfo() may help.", DlgFileBrowserUpMsg: "Upload a new file in this folder", DlgFileBrowserRead: "read-only", DlgFileBrowserWrite: "uploadable", DlgFileBrowserNewFolder: "Create Folder", DlgFileBrowserResourceType: "Resource Type", DlgLnkUpload: "Upload", DlgFileBrowserMove: "Move", LinkText: "Link Text (optional)", InternalLink: "internal link", InternalMedia: "internal media", MediaFileLink: "link to media file", InterWikiLink: "Interwiki Link", InterWikiType: "Interwiki Type", InterwikiPlaceHolder: "Interwiki Replacement Text", InterwikiInfo: "
Dokuwiki's interwiki links are short-cuts which look like this: [[wp>Shakespeare]], which will create a link to the English Wikipedia article on Shakespeare. The wp part designates a link pattern; the text following the '>' will be inserted into the link, replacing a place holder, which is enclosed in curly brackets, as in {NAME}. When there is no place holder, the replacement text will be appended to the end of the link.
", MediaFileLink: "link to media file", SMBLabel: "Samba Share", GetHeadingsLabel: "Get Headings", QStringLabel: "Query String (For example: value_1=1&value_2=2) ", ResetQS: "Reset Query String", NotSetOption: "Not Set", AdvancedInfo: "To create anchors from Dokuwiki headers, click on the Get Headings button, select the header, click OK. You can go back, select a new page and get new headers.", AdvancedTabPrompt: "Use the advanced tab to create page anchors and query strings", SMBExample: "Enter your share as: \\\\Server\\directory\\file", DlgFileBrowserWaitingMsg: "Loading files, please wait.", DlgFileBrowserAdjustSize: "Adjust browser size", DlgFileBrowserReset: "Reset", DlgFileBrowserSortBy: "Sort by", DlgFileBrowserSortDate: "Date", DlgFileBrowserSortSize: "File size", DlgFileBrowserSortName: "Name", DlgFileBrowserButtonHelp: "Help", DlgFileBrowserResizeMsg: "The file browser window will be reset to the default size after your page is reloaded into the editor.", DlgFileBrowserSearch: "Find file(s)", DlgFileBrowserSearchInfo: "Enter all or part of a file name", DlgFileBrowserSortOrder: "Reverse order", DlgFileBrowserInfo_1: "If you increase the zoom level of your browser, Ckgedit's file browser may exceed the size of its enclosing window, forcing scrollbars. To eliminate the scrollbars, you can enlarge the window up to 20%. The new size takes effect after you have closed and re-opened the editor. Resizing uses a cookie with a year's duration. ", DlgFileBrowserInfo_2: "The file listings can be sorted by Name, Date, and File Size. By default they sort in ascending order, but Date and File Size can be sorted in descending order by checking the Reverse Order option. The sort functions are not supported by Internet Explorer but do work in Win 10 Edge.", DlgFileBrowserInfo_3: "The search functions will search using whole or part of a file name." }; CKEDITOR.lang.en["footnote"] = { FootNoteInfo: '
  • To create a footnote enter the footnote text into the editing box and click OK
  • To edit a footnote enter the footnote id into the id box and click the Load button.
    The footnote will appear in the editing box, where you can then edit it.
    When you are finished editing, click OK to save.
  • A footnote id has this form: fckgL_<n>, where n is the number of the note.
', ToolTip: "Insert a footnote", Settings: "Settings", Header: "This dialog window lets you create and edit footnotes.", Label_1: "Footnote Text (required)", Label_2: "Footnote Id: ", LoadButtonLabel: "Load Note In Editor", Title: "Footnote Dialog", Validate: "The footnote text field cannot be empty." }; CKEDITOR.lang.en["fontassist"] = { Title: "Font Plugin Editor", ToolTip: "Check and Revise Font Styling", MainHeader: "View and optionally alter text styled with the font plugin .", SelectColor: " Select Color", SelectedTextColor: "Selected Text Color", SelectedBGColor: "Selected Background Color", BGColors: "Background Colors", InfoText: '
This tool works with the font plugin and is used to update the font plugin\'s syntax and/or view its enclosed text. Clicking anywhere on the plugin syntax or its text will enable you to check the appearance of the font, its colors, and its size.

You can also update the plugin syntax in place. To do this you must select both the font syntax itself and the enclosed text:

<font. . . >text</font>

Then whatever changes you make with this tool can be inserted into the editor window, by clicking OK, and will replace the current font syntax.

The font syntax will appear in the textbox below the display window and is updated with each change. Clicking on the text will select the text for copying.
', Main: "Main", Text: "Text", IfChecked: " If checked, uncheck to activate OK button", Fonts: "Fonts", FontSizes: "Font Sizes (px)", ResetFont: "Reset font", ResetAll: "Reset all", TextColors: "Text Colors", Accept: "Accept", Reset: "Reset", none: "none" }; CKEDITOR.lang.en["signature"] = { ToolTip: "Insert signature" }; CKEDITOR.lang.en.format["panelTitle"] = "Section Headers"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.format["label"] = "Headlines"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.stylescombo["panelTitle"] = "Formatting Code Styles"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common.alignBaseLine = "Baseline"; CKEDITOR.lang.en["stylescombo"]["label"] = "Code"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common.alignBaseLine = "Baseline"; CKEDITOR.lang.en["indent"] = { indent: "Nested List", outdent: "Decrease Nesting" }; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["noLink"] = "No link"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkType"] = "Link type"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkDetail"] = "Detail"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkDirect"] = "Direct"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkNoLink"] = "No Link"; CKEDITOR.lang.en.common["linkOnly"] = "Link only";