/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/QueryBuilder/DSL/ |
H A D | Query.php | 5 use Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery; 6 use Elastica\Query\AbstractSpanQuery; 7 use Elastica\Query as BaseQuery; 8 use Elastica\Query\BoolQuery; 9 use Elastica\Query\Boosting; 10 use Elastica\Query\Common; 11 use Elastica\Query\ConstantScore; 12 use Elastica\Query\DisMax; 13 use Elastica\Query\DistanceFeature; 14 use Elastica\Query\Exist 60 class Query implements DSL global() class [all...] |
/plugin/statistics/ |
H A D | admin.php | 125 $this->tlimit = $this->hlp->Query()->mktlimit($from, $to); 255 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->aggregate($this->tlimit); 278 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->pages($this->tlimit, $this->start, 15); 286 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->newreferer($this->tlimit, $this->start, 15); 294 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->searchphrases(true, $this->tlimit, $this->start, 15); 311 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->countries($this->tlimit, $this->start, 150); 317 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->pages($this->tlimit, $this->start, 150); 323 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->edits($this->tlimit, $this->start, 150); 330 $result = $this->hlp->Query()->imagessum($this->tlimit); 335 $result = $this->hlp->Query() [all...] |
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/DoubleClickBidManager/Resource/ |
H A D | Queries.php | 21 use Google\Service\DoubleClickBidManager\Query; alias 37 * @param Query $postBody 42 * @return Query 44 public function createquery(Query $postBody, $optParams = []) 48 return $this->call('createquery', [$params], Query::class); 68 * @return Query 74 return $this->call('getquery', [$params], Query::class);
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Rescore/ |
H A D | Query.php | 5 use Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery; 6 use Elastica\Query as BaseQuery; 9 * Query Rescore. 16 class Query extends AbstractRescore class 59 public function setRescoreQuery($rescoreQuery): Query 74 public function setQueryWeight(float $weight): Query 87 public function setRescoreQueryWeight(float $weight): Query
/plugin/quickstats/lang/en/ |
H A D | general_intro.txt | 6 For the maintenance panel, click on the **Update Quickstats Cache** button. For the Query panel, click on the **Query Data** button. 7 These are toggles and will both open and close their respective windows. The **Query Info** button will re-open the Query Info panel which 8 is displayed on first opening the Query Data panel and which can be closed with a button at the bottom of the Query Info panel. The **Download DB** button will attempt to download the Maxmind database.
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Vault/ |
H A D | CountArtifactsRequest.php | 22 protected $queryType = Query::class; 30 * @param Query 32 public function setQuery(Query $query) 37 * @return Query
H A D | CountArtifactsMetadata.php | 30 protected $queryType = Query::class; 66 * @param Query 68 public function setQuery(Query $query) 73 * @return Query
H A D | SavedQuery.php | 34 protected $queryType = Query::class; 84 * @param Query 86 public function setQuery(Query $query) 91 * @return Query
H A D | Export.php | 42 protected $queryType = Query::class; 138 * @param Query 140 public function setQuery(Query $query) 145 * @return Query
/plugin/elasticsearch/action/ |
H A D | search.php | 108 $qstring = new \Elastica\Query\SimpleQueryString($QUERY, array_merge($this->searchFields, $fields)); 117 $equery = new \Elastica\Query(); 118 $subqueries = new \Elastica\Query\BoolQuery(); 148 $nsSubquery = new \Elastica\Query\BoolQuery(); 150 $term = new \Elastica\Query\Term(); 210 * @param \Elastica\Query $equery 211 * @param \Elastica\Query\BoolQuery 221 $pluginSubquery = new \Elastica\Query\BoolQuery(); 223 $eterm = new \Elastica\Query\Term(); 244 * @param Elastica\Query\BoolQuer [all...] |
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Datastore/ |
H A D | RunQueryResponse.php | 24 protected $queryType = Query::class; 42 * @param Query 44 public function setQuery(Query $query) 49 * @return Query
H A D | RunQueryRequest.php | 26 protected $queryType = Query::class; 60 * @param Query 62 public function setQuery(Query $query) 67 * @return Query
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/ |
H A D | SearchableInterface.php | 9 use Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery; 16 * @phpstan-import-type TCreateQueryArgs from Query 17 * @phpstan-import-type TCreateQueryArgsMatching from Query 37 * @param AbstractQuery|AbstractSuggest|array|Collapse|Query|string|Suggest|null $query Array with all query data inside or a Elastica\Query object 55 * @param AbstractQuery|array|Query|string|null $query Array with all query data inside or a Elastica\Query object 69 * @param AbstractQuery|AbstractSuggest|array|Collapse|Query|string|Suggest|null $query
H A D | Search.php | 9 use Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery; 10 use Elastica\Query\MatchAll; 19 * @phpstan-import-type TCreateQueryArgs from Query 57 * @var Query 169 * @param AbstractQuery|AbstractSuggest|array|Collapse|Query|string|Suggest|null $query 174 $this->_query = Query::create($query); 293 public function getQuery(): Query 296 $this->_query = new Query(new MatchAll()); 325 * @param AbstractQuery|AbstractSuggest|array|Collapse|Query|string|Suggest|null $query 358 * @param array|Query|Quer [all...] |
H A D | Query.php | 7 use Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery; 8 use Elastica\Query\MatchAll; 9 use Elastica\Query\QueryString; 10 use Elastica\Rescore\Query as QueryRescore; 66 class Query extends Param 78 * @param AbstractQuery|array|Collapse|Suggest $query Query object (default = null) 97 * For example, an empty argument will return a \Elastica\Query with a \Elastica\Query\MatchAll. 99 * @param AbstractQuery|AbstractSuggest|array|Collapse|Query|string|Suggest|null $query 128 * @param array $query Query arra 65 class Query extends Param global() class [all...] |
/plugin/sqlcomp/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 387 $rs = odbc_exec($connection,$Query); 403 $rs = pg_exec($Query); 411 private function _mysql($Server,$User,$Pass,$Database,$Query,$Opts){ argument 418 $rs = mysqli_query($connection, $Query); 433 private function _mssql($Server,$User,$Pass,$Database,$Query,$Opts){ argument 440 $rs = mssql_query($Query); 455 private function _oracle($Server,$User,$Pass,$Database,$Query,$Opts){ argument 460 $rs = oci_parse($connection, $Query); 485 $keys = fgetcsv ( $handle , 1000, $Query); 487 while ($row = fgetcsv ( $handle , 1000, $Query)){ [all …]
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/DoubleClickBidManager/ |
H A D | ListQueriesResponse.php | 31 protected $queriesType = Query::class; 63 * @param Query[] 70 * @return Query[]
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/auth/src/Middleware/ |
H A D | SimpleMiddleware.php | 20 use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Query; alias 84 $query = Query::parse($request->getUri()->getQuery()); 86 $uri = $request->getUri()->withQuery(Query::build($params));
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/ResultSet/ |
H A D | BuilderInterface.php | 5 use Elastica\Query; alias 14 public function buildResultSet(Response $response, Query $query): ResultSet;
H A D | DefaultBuilder.php | 5 use Elastica\Query; alias 15 public function buildResultSet(Response $response, Query $query): ResultSet
H A D | ProcessingBuilder.php | 5 use Elastica\Query; alias 32 public function buildResultSet(Response $response, Query $query): ResultSet
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/Endpoints/Sql/ |
H A D | Query.php | 22 * Class Query 28 class Query extends AbstractEndpoint class 49 public function setBody($body): Query
/plugin/quickstats/lang/nl/ |
H A D | general_intro.txt | 7 Dit zijn schakelaars die het bijbehorende scherm openen. De **Query Info** knop zal het Query Info scherm heropenen welk getoond werd 8 toen het Doorzoek gegevens scherm het eerst werd geopend en welk weer kan worden gesloten door de knop onderaan het Query Info scherm. De **Download DB** knop zal trachten de Maxmind database te downloaden
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/ruflin/elastica/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG.md | 27 * Fix types order in `Elastica\Query` to work with psalm & expand the `aggs` type to include raw arrays 41 * Fixed `Query/Terms` terms phpdoc from `array<bool|float|int|string>` to `list<bool|float|int|string>` [#2118](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/pull/2118) 61 * Updated `Query::create` PHPDoc to include supported types and propagate it to callers by @franmomu [#2088](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/pull/2088) 104 * Added `indices_boost` option to `Elastica\Query` by @deguif [#2018](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/pull/2018) 105 * Added `Elastica\Query\Terms::setBoost()` method to configure boost by @deguif [#2035](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/pull/2035) 106 * Added `Elastica\Query\TermsSet` query by @mamchyts [#2020](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/pull/2020) 122 * Deprecated `Elastica\Query\Common` class, use `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery` instead by @deguif [#2013](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/pull/2013) 123 * Deprecated `Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::common_terms()`, use `match()` instead by @deguif [#2013](https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/pull/2013) 125 * Deprecated `cutoff_frequency` option of `Elastica\Query\MatchQuer [all...] |
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/CloudSearch/Resource/ |
H A D | Query.php | 33 class Query extends \Google\Service\Resource class 77 class_alias(Query::class, 'Google_Service_CloudSearch_Resource_Query');