Lines Matching refs:Query

27 * Fix types order in `Elastica\Query` to work with psalm & expand the `aggs` type to include raw arrays
41 * Fixed `Query/Terms` terms phpdoc from `array<bool|float|int|string>` to `list<bool|float|int|string>` [#2118](
61 * Updated `Query::create` PHPDoc to include supported types and propagate it to callers by @franmomu [#2088](
104 * Added `indices_boost` option to `Elastica\Query` by @deguif [#2018](
105 * Added `Elastica\Query\Terms::setBoost()` method to configure boost by @deguif [#2035](
106 * Added `Elastica\Query\TermsSet` query by @mamchyts [#2020](
122 * Deprecated `Elastica\Query\Common` class, use `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery` instead by @deguif [#2013](
123 * Deprecated `Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::common_terms()`, use `match()` instead by @deguif [#2013](
125 * Deprecated `cutoff_frequency` option of `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery` by @deguif [#2014](
126 * Deprecated `cutoff_frequency` option of `Elastica\Query\MultiMatch` by @deguif [#2015](
145 * Added new optional 'case_insensitive' option to `Elastica\Query\Wildcard` [#1894](
149 * Added possibility to specify PointInTime on `Elastica\Query::setPointInTime()` [#1992](
163 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1941](
164 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchPhraseQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1944](
264 * The `Wildcard` Query's constructor now requires the `name` and `value` properties.
265 * The `Terms` Query's constructor now requires the `field` and `terms` properties.
273 * Added `Elastica\Reindex->setQuery(Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery $query): void` [#1752](
306 * Added `\Elastica\Query\DistanceFeature` [#1730](
324 * The `\Elastica\Query\GeoPolygon::count()` method now returns the count of points passed to the filter [#1696](
346 * The `\Elastica\Query::$_suggest` property has been renamed to `$hasSuggest` and is now private, it should not be used from extending classes [#1679](
348 * Removed `\Elastica\Query\GeohashCell` query, use `\Elastica\Query\GeoBoundingBox` instead [#1672](
352 * Removed Type query `\Elastica\Query\Type` [#1666](
357 * Removed Type query `Elastica\Query\Type` [#1666](
360 * Removed no longer supported \Elastica\Query\QueryString::setAutoGeneratePhraseQueries( $bool ) [#1622](
393 * Added `setTrackTotalHits` method to `Elastica\Query`[#1663](
434 * [Field]( param for `Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addRandomScoreFunction` [#1529](
441 * Using `Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addRandomScoreFunction` without `$field` parameter is deprecated since ES 6.0 and will fail since ES 7.0 [#1522](
539 - [Indices]( Query has been removed in Elasticsearch 6.0 [#1376](
551 - Added `Query\SpanContaining`, `Query\SpanWithin` and `Query\SpanNot` [#1319](
560 - Removed `Query\NumericRange`, use `Query\Range` instead [#1334](
569 - Added `\Elastica\Query\Span*` for proximity searches [#304](
587 - Added `\Elastica\Query\ParentId` to avoid join with parent documents [#1287](
611 - Added `\Elastica\Query\MatchNone` the inverse of MatchAll. [#1276](
640 - `\Elastica\Query\Missing`: negate `\Elastica\Query\Exists` instead
641 - `\Elastica\Query\TopChildren`
642 - `\Elastica\Query\MatchPhrase` and `\Elastica\Query\MatchPhrasePrefix` do not extend `\Elastica\Query\Match` anymore because they do not share exactly the same options
644 - Fix `relation` property of `\Elastica\Query\GeoShapeProvided`
650 - added `\Elastica\Query\AbstractGeoShape::RELATION_WITHIN`
656 - `\Elastica\Query\HasParent` to use `parent_type` instead of `type`. Fixes warning due to field being deprecated.
662 - `\Elastica\Query\BoolQuery::setMinimumNumberShouldMatch` in favor of `\Elastica\Query\BoolQuery::setMinimumShouldMatch`
663 - `\Elastica\Query\GeoDistanceRange`: use distance aggregations or sorting instead
664 - `\Elastica\Query\GeohashCell`
665 - `\Elastica\Query\Indices`: search on the `_index` field instead
666 - `\Elastica\Query\Match::setFieldType`: use `\Elastica\Query\MatchPhrase` and `\Elastica\Query\MatchPhrasePrefix` instead
677 - Query options such as "timeout" or "terminate_after" should not be ignored when using Multi\Search
695 - Remove Elastica/Query/Image.php and test/Elastica/Query/ImageTest.php, no more support for image-plugin.
696 - Remove Elastica/Query/Filtered.php and test/Elastica/Query/FilteredTest.php and all uses from code.
709 - Remove Elastica/Query::setLimit as deprecated. Use the Elastica/Query::setSize() method
710 - Remove Elastica\Query\Builder
711 - Remove Elastica\Query\Fuzzy::addField as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query\Fuzzy::setField and Elastica\Query\FuzzysetFieldOption instead.
712 - Remove Elastica\Query::setIds as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::like instead.
713 - Remove Elastica\Query::setLikeText as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::like instead.
714 - Remove Elastica\Query Option "percent_terms_to_match" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "minimum_should_match" instead.
715 - Remove Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query "More Like This Field" query is deprecated as of ES 1.4. Use MoreLikeThis query instead.
724 - Removed Elastica\Query\Builder as deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead.
725 - Removed Elastica\Percolator as deprecated. Use new Elastica\Query\Percolate instead.
734 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::exists
735 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::type
746 - Added a `Query::setTrackScores` method
752 - Elastica\Test\Query\FunctionScoreTest::testScriptScore
768 - Query builder is now compatible with Elasticsearch 2.X
773 - Elastica\Query\InnerHits
786 - Removed `int` type hinting in `setMinimumMatch` (`Terms` Query): it should also allow `string`. [#1151](
789 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::geo_distance
809 - Fix fatal error on `Query::addScriptField()` if scripts were already set via `setScriptFields()` [#1086](
810 - Fix namespace collision of `Type` in `Query\Ids` [#1104](
850 - `Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis->toArray()` now supports providing a non-indexed document as an input to perform the comparison.
858 - Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::setFilter - deprecated and will throw DeprecatedException since not supported by Elasticsearch. Use setQuery instead.
889 - Elastica\Query\MultiMatch::setFuzziness now supports being set to `AUTO` with the const `MultiMatch::FUZZINESS_AUTO`
891 - Elastica\Query\BoolQuery::addFilter
898 - Elastica\Query\Filtered triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use BoolQuery instead.
899 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::filtered() triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use bool() instead.
914 - Elastica\Query\Builder trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error when you try use it.
915 - Elastica\Filter\Bool and Elastica\Query\Bool trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error when you try use them.
916 - Elastica\Query\Fuzzy:addField method trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error
917 - Elastica\Query\FunctionScore:addBoostFactorFunction method trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error
918 - Elastica\Query:setLimit method trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error
931 - \Elastica\Query\FuzzyLikeThis remove as not supported anymore
934 - Remove \Elastica\Filter\Nested as it is replaced by \Elastica\Query\Nested
942 - Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setLike
954 - Elastica\Query\Bool is deprecated
955 - Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setLikeText is deprecated
956 - Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setIds is deprecated
1033 - Constructor of `Query\Match` now accepts arguments [#878](
1066 - Elastica\Query\Builder is deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead. [#855](
1067 - For PHP 7 compatibility Elastica\Query\Bool was renamed to *\BoolQuery, Elastica\Filter\Bool was renamed to BoolFilter, Elastica\Transport\Null was renamed to NullTransport as Null and Bool are reserved phrases in PHP 7. Proxy objects for all three exist to keep backward compatibility. It is recommended to start using the new objects as the proxy classes will be deprecated as soon as PHP 7 is stable. [#837](
1075 - Elastica\Query\QueryString::setLowercaseExpandedTerms removed [#813](
1089 - Allow bool in Query::setSource function [#818](
1092 - Added Elastica\Query\SimpleQueryString::setMinimumShouldMatch [#813](
1093 - Added Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::setMinScore [#813](
1094 - Added Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setMinimumShouldMatch [#813](
1098 - Added Elastica\Query\QueryString::setTimezone [#813](
1102 - Added Elastica\Query\Image [#787](
1113 - Added Elastica\Query\MatchPhrase [#599](
1114 - Added Elastica\Query\MatchPhrasePrefix [#599](
1139 - Added Elastica\Query\Regexp [#757](
1176 - Added fluent interface to Elastica\Query::setRescore [#733](
1231 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setFilter() is deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() instead. [#669](
1232 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() passing filter as array is deprecated. Pass instance of AbstractFilter instead. [#669](
1248 - Add setQuery() method to Elastica\Query\ConstantScore [#653](
1254 - Fix FunstionScore Query random_score without seed bug. [#647](
1257 - Add setPostFilter method to Elastica\Query ( [#645](
1278 - Implement Boosting Query ( [#625](
1308 - Added setAnalyzer method to Query\FuzzyLikeThis Class and fixed issue with params not being merged [#611](
1351 - Fixed Query\Match Fuzziness parameter type [#576](
1370 - Added Query\Rescore [#441](
1395 - Fixed Type->deleteByQuery() not working with Query objects [#554](
1429 - Remove Elastica\Query\Field and Elastica\Query\Text, which are not supported in ES 1.0.0.RC1
1439 - Added Elastica\Query\DisMax
1460 - Fix typo in constant name: Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::DECAY_GUASS becomes DECAY_GAUSS
1506 - \Elastica\Query::addSuggest() has been renamed to \Elastica\Query::setSuggest()
1539 - Issue [#490]( Set Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::DECAY_EXPONENTIAL to "exp" instead of "exponential"
1555 - Fix \Elastica\Filter\HasParent usage of \Elastica\Query as to not collide with \Elastica\Filter\Query, bring \Elasitca\Filter\HasChild into line
1566 - Fix \Elastica\Filter\HasChild usage of \Elastica\Query as to not collide with \Elastica\Filter\Query namespace
1606 - Add Query\Common
1686 - Query\Fuzzy to comply with DSL spec. Multi-field queries now throw an exception. Implemented: Query\Fuzzy::setField, Query\Fuzzy::setFieldOption.
1687 - Query\Fuzzy::addField has been deprecated.
1713 - Removed deprecated methods Query\QueryString::setTieBraker() and Query\QueryString::setQueryString()
1714 - Removed deprecated methods Query\Builder::minimumShouldMatch() and Query\Builder::tieBreaker()
1806 - MoreLikeThis Query in Elastica_Document