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Searched refs:no (Results 651 – 675 of 1813) sorted by relevance


H A DYtsDocumentSeparator.yml60 document separator should have no indentation
H A DURI.MungeSecretKey.txt
H A DAutoFormat.AutoParagraph.txt
H A DHTML.DefinitionID.txt
H A Dstyle.css40 background-repeat: no-repeat;
H A Dcopyformatting.css10 /* There is no cursor in CUR format for IE/Edge as that browser
H A Dcopyformatting.css10 /* There is no cursor in CUR format for IE/Edge as that browser
H A Dprint.css25 background-image: url(images/no.gif);
H A Dreadme.rus.txt442 Чтобы запретить расцветку фрагмента вообще, используется класс "no-highlight":
444 <pre><code class="no-highlight">...</code></pre>
H A Dstyle.css90 background-repeat: no-repeat;
107 background-repeat: no-repeat;
H A DREADME.md19 * less fancy exports (no ugly background link)
75 …* *page1-content.tex* : the translation content of the *page1* page in TeX (no header, not a compl…
98 …ced only if the page has changed. As the compilation is done with latexmk, no unnecessary recompil…
178 it should have almost no problem with 2012 version or with MikTeX), with
191 …ile is already compiled and cmk configuration changes, TeXit has currently no way to know it has t…
H A Ddokuwiki_plugin_dirtylittlehelper.txt70 The tree on the left is not always needed - added syntax for "no sidebar"...
132 no tree will be rendered
247 in the config you can define a list of templates that shall be in the dropdown. Empty config = no d…
311 /* no footer */
342 /* top bar no margin-bottom */
H A D1_Timothy.txt26 …redemption for all.... He is also the only mediator, who stands in need of no other to recommend h…
38 3:3. Not given to wine, no striker, but modest, not quarrelsome, not covetous, but
45 3:10. And let these also first be proved: and so let them minister, having no crime.
63 …4:12. Let no man despise thy youth: but be thou an example of the faithful, in word, in conversati…
76 …5:9. Let a widow be chosen of no less than threescore years of age, who hath been the wife of one …
80 …t the younger should marry, bear children, be mistresses of families, give no occasion to the adve…
107 …6:16. Who only hath immortality and inhabiteth light inaccessible: whom no man hath seen, nor can …
H A D1_Corinthians.txt29 1:29. That no flesh should glory in his sight.
46 2:15. But the spiritual man judgeth all things: and he himself is judged of no man.
58 3:11. For other foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid: which is Christ Jesus.
68 3:21. Let no man therefore glory in men.
81 …4:11. Even unto this hour we both hunger and thirst and are naked and are buffeted and have no fix…
227 10:24. Let no man seek his own, but that which is another's.
228 10:25. Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, eat: asking no question for conscience' sake.
252 11:16. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor the Church of God.
273 …Wherefore, I give you to understand that no man, speaking by the Spirit of God, saith Anathema to …
306 13:5. Is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil:
[all …]
H A Dlv.txt9 ievērojot, ka cilvēku tiesību necienīšana un nicināšana noved pie barbariskiem aktiem, kas izraisa sašutumu cilvēces apziņā, un ka tādas pasaules radīšana pasludināta kā cilvēku augstākie centieni, kurā cilvēkiem būs vārda un pārliecības brīvība un tie būs brīvi no bailēm un trūkuma, un
31 Turklāt nedrīkst noteikt nekādu atšķirību pēc tās valsts vai teritorijas, politiskā, tiesiskā vai starptautiskā statusa, pie kuras cilvēks pieder neatkarīgi no tā, vai šī teritorija ir neatkarīga, aizbildnībā esoša, bez pašpārvaldes vai kaut kā citādi ierobežota savā suverenitātē.
71 1. Ikvienam ir tiesības meklēt un izmantot patvērumu no vajāšanas citās valstīs. Šīs tiesības nevar tikt izmantotas tādas vajāšanas gadījumā, kas īstenībā nav saistīta ar politiskiem noziegumiem vai ar darbībām, kas ir pretrunā ar Apvienoto
96 Ikvienam ir tiesības uz pārliecības un izteiksmes brīvību; šīs tiesības ietver brīvību bez iejaukšanās palikt pie saviem uzskatiem un meklēt, saņemt un izplatīt informāciju un idejas ar jebkuriem informācijas līdzekļiem neatkarīgi no valstu robežām.
126 1. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz viņa un viņa ģimenes veselības uzturēšanai un labklājībai atbilstošu dzīves līmeni, ieskaitot uzturu, apģērbu, mājokli, medicīniskos pakalpojumus un nepieciešamo sociālo apkalpošanu, un tiesības uz nodrošinājumu bezdarba, slimības, darba nespējas, atraitnības, vecuma vai citos iztikas līdzekļu zaudējumu gadījumos, kas radušies no viņa neatkarīgu apstākļu dēļ.
140 2. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz morālo un materiālo interešu aizsardzību, kas izriet no zinātniskajiem, literārajiem vai mākslas darbiem, kuru autors viņš ir.
H A DChangeLog18 * Fixed: number of custom characters no more limited to 256
22 no more result in notice messages.
88 * Fixed: warning message while doing PS output with no font metric
356 * Fixed: CSS Properties in UPPER and MiXEd case no more ignored
412 no more affect CSS code; semicolons inside quoted strings no more
535 there are no registered encoding vectors at all
1076 no 'iconv' extension present
1292 were no space before the field
1312 * Fixed no background was rendered in nested inline elements
1676 'font-family' have no value
[all …]
H A Dchangelog5 - applied patch from "BZC ToOn'S" - fixes wsdl serialization when no parameters
51 - soap_server: let the Web server decide whether to close the connection (no Connection: close head…
70 - soap_parser: fix parsing of elements with no XSD type specified
95 - soapclient, soap_server: when no charset is specified, use UTF-8, even though HTTP specifies US-A…
109 - soap_transport_http: mingle cURL code with straight http, so sendHTTP is no longer needed
216 - wsdl: do schema imports even if there are no wsdl imports
237 - wsdl: fix WSDL generation when there is no encodingStyle
377 - wsdl: serialize nil value for nillable elements when no value is provided
489 - nusoapclient: call SOAP 1.2 binding operations if no SOAP 1.1 present (there is no reason to beli…
501 - wsdl: check SOAP 1.2 binding operations if no SOAP 1.1 present
[all …]
H A Dnumber_format.rst29 If no formatting options are provided then Twig will use the default formatting
H A DREADME.md45 $this->logger->error('Oh no!', array('exception' => $exception));
H A Dstyle.css28 background-repeat: no-repeat;
H A Dstyle.css6 background-repeat: no-repeat;
H A DREADME.md45 $this->logger->error('Oh no!', array('exception' => $exception));
H A DREADME.md45 $this->logger->error('Oh no!', array('exception' => $exception));
H A Dedit-button.css12 background-repeat: no-repeat;
H A DREADME.md45 $this->logger->error('Oh no!', array('exception' => $exception));
