/plugin/tablecalc/ |
H A D | script.js | 43 function tablecalcToArray(a) { argument 51 function tablecalcToNumArray(a) { argument 64 function correctFloat(a) { argument 69 function sum(a) { argument 80 function average(a) { argument 85 function min(a) { argument 97 function max(a) { argument 158 function count(a) { argument 167 function round(num,digits) { function 207 function compare(a,b,operation) { argument
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/js/ |
H A D | extensions.min.js | 1183 function(){function a(a){this.__parent=a}a.prototype.compare=function(a,b){var c=null!=a?a.getIndex… argument 1219 …hildNodes,null!=b))for(b=b.item(0);null!=b;){if(null!=b&&1==b.nodeType){var a=b;if(function(a,b){r… argument 1226 return c};return b(a)}([4,4]);this.variantEffectIdx=function(a){var b=function(a){if(0==a.length)re… argument 1274 a.length?a[b++]:null},hasNext:function(){return b<a.length}}}(function(a){return Object.keys(a).map… argument 1318 function(a){this.shade=a;this.hasEffects=!0};b.prototype.setComp=function(a){this.comp=a;this.hasEf… argument 1319 !0};b.prototype.setHueOff=function(a){this.hueOff=a;this.hasEffects=!0};b.prototype.setHueMod=funct… argument 1320 a;this.hasEffects=!0};b.prototype.setRed=function(a){this.red=a;this.hasEffects=!0};b.prototype.set… argument 1328 function(a){this.quickStyleFillColor=a};b.prototype.setQuickStyleFillMatrix=function(a){this.quickS… argument 1389 "Themed"))e=!0;else if(function(a,b){return a&&a.equals?a.equals(b):a===b}(g,"THEMEVAL()")&&functio… argument 1391 d.prototype.getCellElement$java_lang_String=function(b){var a=function(a,b){return a[b]?a[b]:null}(… argument [all …]
H A D | orgchart.min.js | 8 …ar bt={global:n,emptyFn:function(){},identity:function(n){return n},geti:function(n,t,i){return Br… variable 11 function mxOrgChartLayout(b,a,g,d){mxGraphLayout.call(this,b);this.correctY=!1;switch(parseInt(a)){… argument 15 Bridge.define("RPOrgChart",{statics:{config:{init:function(){}},main:function(b,a,g,d,u,r){Bridge.C… argument 16 …Chart.initDiagram();RPOrgChart.positionBoxes()},collapseAllBoxes:function(b,a){for(var g=b.getBoxe… argument 24 OrgChart.Layout.BranchParentAlignment.Center;a.ParentChildSpacing=RPOrgChart.parentChildSpacing;a.S… argument 29 d=RPOrgChart.graph,u=d.model.cells,r=[];b.getVisualTree().IterateParentFirst(function(a){if(a.State… argument 30 (c[e].y+=b,c[e].corrected=!0);f.points=c;d.model.setGeometry(a,f);d.setCellStyles("entryX",null,[a]… argument 32 …ark=c.mark|e.mark,e=h[l+","+z],null!=e?e.mark|=t.mark:h[l+","+z]=t):q==x&&l<=y&&w>=y&&z<=q&&D>=q&&… argument
/plugin/mermaid/ |
H A D | mermaid.min.js | 6 AnonymousFunction3478d9c714900(a,f) global() argument 7 LDt(i,a) global() argument 9 mEe(i,a) global() argument 13 YEe(i,a) global() argument 15 B1t(i,a) global() argument 16 RTe(i,a) global() argument 22 WDt(i,a) global() argument 23 AnonymousFunction3478d9c719b00(i,a,f,p) global() argument 73 AnonymousFunction3478d9c71a500(i,a) global() argument 74 AnonymousFunction3478d9c71a800(i,a=null) global() argument 76 QCe(i,a,f,p) global() argument 78 HAe(i,a) global() argument 84 AnonymousFunction3478d9c71b900(i,a,f) global() argument 85 AnonymousFunction3478d9c71bd00(i,a,f) global() argument 92 AnonymousFunction3478d9c720b00(i,a,f,p) global() argument 101 gFe(i,a) global() argument 103 AnonymousFunction3478d9c736000(i,a,f) global() argument 104 MRe(i,a) global() argument 106 LFt(i,a) global() argument 108 WRe(i,a,f,p,v=!1) global() argument 109 AnonymousFunction3478d9c738100(i,a,f,p) global() argument 110 fK(i,a) global() argument 113 AnonymousFunction3478d9c73ad00(i,a,f) global() argument 114 AnonymousFunction3478d9c73b000(i,a,f,p) global() argument 227 u$e(i="",a="") global() argument 277 AnonymousFunction3478d9c740300(a) global() argument 283 AnonymousFunction3478d9c740700(i,a,f,p) global() argument 340 AnonymousFunction3478d9c746f00(i,a,f,p) global() argument 611 AnonymousFunction3478d9c74b000(i,a) global() argument 645 AnonymousFunction3478d9c74d200(i,a,f) global() argument 651 AnonymousFunction3478d9c74e800(i,a,f) global() argument 697 AnonymousFunction3478d9c74ed00(i,a) global() argument 702 AnonymousFunction3478d9c751e00(a) global() argument 818 AnonymousFunction3478d9c752200(i,a,f,p,v) global() argument 823 AnonymousFunction3478d9c755600(i,a) global() argument 977 AnonymousFunction3478d9c756700(i,a) global() argument 978 AnonymousFunction3478d9c756a00(i,a,f,p) global() argument 983 AnonymousFunction3478d9c758f00(i,a) global() argument 1184 AnonymousFunction3478d9c75a000(i,a,f,p) global() argument 1189 `+this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},lex:function(){var nt=this.next();return nt||this.lex()},begin:function(nt){this.conditionStack.push(nt)},popState:f global() class in AnonymousFunction3478d9c75bd00 1322 AnonymousFunction3478d9c75c500(i,a,f) global() argument 1323 aGe(i,a,f) global() argument 1348 AnonymousFunction3478d9c7178c00(i,a,f,p) global() argument 1349 AnonymousFunction3478d9c7179600(i,a,f,p) global() argument 1466 AnonymousFunction3478d9c717ba00(i,a,f) global() argument 1467 jGe(i,a,f,p,v,m) global() argument 1527 AnonymousFunction3478d9c717d300(i,a) global() argument 1541 AnonymousFunction3478d9c717d400(i,a) global() argument 1559 AnonymousFunction3478d9c717d900(i,a,f,p) global() argument 1560 AnonymousFunction3478d9c717dc00(i,a) global() argument 1574 gUe(i,a) global() argument 1575 `+i,p.parser);const m=Oe().securityLevel;let b;m==="sandbox"&&(b=Mr("#i"+a));const C=Mr(m==="sandbox"?b.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body:"body").select("#"+a);C.append("g");const D= global() variable [all...] |
/plugin/sequencediagram/bower_components/raphael/dev/ |
H A D | raphael.core.js | 233 sortByKey = function (a, b) { argument 236 sortByNumber = function (a, b) { argument 987 function round(x) { return (x + 0.5) | 0; } function 1087 c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { argument 1133 c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { argument 2446 R.matrix = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { argument 2449 function Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { argument 2482 matrixproto.add = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { argument 2569 matrixproto.rotate = function (a, x, y) { argument 2620 function norm(a) { argument [all …]
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Report/Html/Renderer/Template/js/ |
H A D | d3.min.js | 1 …aultView||n.document&&n||n.defaultView)}function e(n,t){return t>n?-1:n>t?1:n>=t?0:NaN}function r(… argument 2 …n,h=t),p=M,g=x,v=b,d=_,y=w,S.point=u}function f(){i(M,x,m,b,_,w,p,g,s,v,d,y,a,t),S.lineEnd=o,o()}v… argument 3 …all(this,h=t[m],m)?(d.push([p=+x.call(this,h,m),g=+b.call(this,h,m)]),y.push([+_.call(this,h,m),+w… argument 4 …ays:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],months:["January","February","March","April","May"… argument 5 …a,i.y=c,i.dy=f,a+=i.dx=Math.min(e.x+e.dx-a,f?l(i.area/f):0);i.z=!0,i.dx+=e.x+e.dx-a,e.y+=f,e.dy-=f… argument
/plugin/callflow/ |
H A D | raphael.js | 34 numsort = function (a, b) { argument 629 sortByKey = function (a, b) { argument 632 sortByNumber = function (a, b) { argument 1483 c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { argument 1529 c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { argument 2801 R.matrix = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { argument 2804 function Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { argument 2924 matrixproto.rotate = function (a, x, y) { argument 2975 function norm(a) { argument 2978 function normalize(a) { argument [all …]
/plugin/advrack/ |
H A D | raphael.js | 34 numsort = function (a, b) { argument 629 sortByKey = function (a, b) { argument 632 sortByNumber = function (a, b) { argument 1483 c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { argument 1529 c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { argument 2801 R.matrix = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { argument 2804 function Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { argument 2924 matrixproto.rotate = function (a, x, y) { argument 2975 function norm(a) { argument 2978 function normalize(a) { argument [all …]
/plugin/stlviewer/stlviewer/ |
H A D | three.min.js | 2 !function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],e):e((t="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:t||self).THREE={})}(this,(function(t){"use strict";void 0===Number.EPSILON&&(Number.EPSILON=Math.pow(2,-52)),void 0===Number.isInteger&&(Number.isInteger=function(t){return"number"==typeof t&&isFinite(t)&&Math.floor(t)===t}),void 0===Math.sign&&(Math.sign=function(t){return t<0?-1:t>0?1:+t}),"name"in Function.prototype==!1&&Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype,"name",{get:function(){return this.toString().match(/^\s*function\s*([^\(\s]*)/)[1]}}),void 0===Object.assign&&(Object.assign=function(t){if(null==t)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");for(var e=Object(t),n=1;n<arguments.length;n++){var r=arguments[n];if(null!=r)for(var i in r)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,i)&&(e[i]=r[i])}return e});var e=100,n=300,r=301,i=302,a=303,o=304,s=306,c=307,l=1e3,u=1001,h=1002,d=1003,p=1004,f=1005,m=1006,v=1007,g=1008,y=1009,x=1012,_=1014,b=1015,w=1016,M=1020,S=1022,T=1023,E=1026,A=1027,L=33776,R=33777,C=33778,P=33779,I=35840,D=35841,O=35842,N=35843,B=37492,z=37496,G=2300,F=2301,U=2302,H=2400,k=2401,V=2402,W=2500,j=2501,q=3e3,X=3001,Y=3007,Z=3002,J=3004,Q=3005,K=3006,$=7680,tt=35044,et=35048,nt="300 es";function rt(){}Object.assign(rt.prototype,{addEventListener:function(t,e){void 0===this._listeners&&(this._listeners={});var n=this._listeners;void 0===n[t]&&(n[t]=[]),-1===n[t].indexOf(e)&&n[t].push(e)},hasEventListener:function(t,e){if(void 0===this._listeners)return!1;var n=this._listeners;return void 0!==n[t]&&-1!==n[t].indexOf(e)},removeEventListener:function(t,e){if(void 0!==this._listeners){var n=this._listeners[t];if(void 0!==n){var r=n.indexOf(e);-1!==r&&n.splice(r,1)}}},dispatchEvent:function(t){if(void 0!==this._listeners){var e=this._listeners[t.type];if(void 0!==e){t.target=this;for(var n=e.slice(0),r=0,i=n.length;r<i;r++)n[r].call(this,t)}}}});for(var it=[],at=0;at<256;at++)it[at]=(at<16?"0":"")+at.toString(16);var ot=1234567,st={DEG2RAD:Math.PI/180,RAD2DEG:180/Math.PI,generateUUID:function(){var t=4294967295*Math.random()|0,e=4294967295*Math.random()|0,n=4294967295*Math.random()|0,r=4294967295*Math.random()|0;return(it[255&t]+it[t>>8&255]+it[t>>16&255]+it[t>>24&255]+"-"+it[255&e]+it[e>>8&255]+"-"+it[e>>16&15|64]+it[e>>24&255]+"-"+it[63&n|128]+it[n>>8&255]+"-"+it[n>>16&255]+it[n>>24&255]+it[255&r]+it[r>>8&255]+it[r>>16&255]+it[r>>24&255]).toUpperCase()},clamp:function(t,e,n){return Math.max(e,Math.min(n,t))},euclideanModulo:function(t,e){return(t%e+e)%e},mapLinear:function(t,e,n,r,i){return r+(t-e)*(i-r)/(n-e)},lerp:function(t,e,n){return(1-n)*t+n*e},smoothstep:function(t,e,n){return t<=e?0:t>=n?1:(t=(t-e)/(n-e))*t*(3-2*t)},smootherstep:function(t,e,n){return t<=e?0:t>=n?1:(t=(t-e)/(n-e))*t*t*(t*(6*t-15)+10)},randInt:function(t,e){return t+Math.floor(Math.random()*(e-t+1))},randFloat:function(t,e){return t+Math.random()*(e-t)},randFloatSpread:function(t){return t*(.5-Math.random())},seededRandom:function(t){return void 0!==t&&(ot=t%2147483647),((ot=16807*ot%2147483647)-1)/2147483646},degToRad:function(t){return t*st.DEG2RAD},radToDeg:function(t){return t*st.RAD2DEG},isPowerOfTwo:function(t){return 0==(t&t-1)&&0!==t},ceilPowerOfTwo:function(t){return Math.pow(2,Math.ceil(Math.log(t)/Math.LN2))},floorPowerOfTwo:function(t){return Math.pow(2,Math.floor(Math.log(t)/Math.LN2))},setQuaternionFromProperEuler:function(t,e,n,r,i){var a=Math.cos,o=Math.sin,s=a(n/2),c=o(n/2),l=a((e+r)/2),u=o((e+r)/2),h=a((e-r)/2),d=o((e-r)/2),p=a((r-e)/2),f=o((r-e)/2);switch(i){case"XYX":t.set(s*u,c*h,c*d,s*l);break;case"YZY":t.set(c*d,s*u,c*h,s*l);break;case"ZXZ":t.set(c*h,c*d,s*u,s*l);break;case"XZX":t.set(s*u,c*f,c*p,s*l);break;case"YXY":t.set(c*p,s*u,c*f,s*l);break;case"ZYZ":t.set(c*f,c*p,s*u,s*l);break;default:console.warn("THREE.MathUtils: .setQuaternionFromProperEuler() encountered an unknown order: "+i)}}};function ct(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var r=e[n];r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,r.key,r)}}function lt(t,e,n){return e&&ct(t.prototype,e),n&&ct(t,n),t}function ut(t,e){t.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,t.__proto__=e}function ht(t){if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return t}var dt,pt=function(){function t(t,e){void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===e&&(e=0),Object.defineProperty(this,"isVector2",{value:!0}),this.x=t,this.y=e}var e=t.prototype;return e.set=function(t,e){return this.x=t,this.y=e,this},e.setScalar=function(t){return this.x=t,this.y=t,this},e.setX=function(t){return this.x=t,this},e.setY=function(t){return this.y=t,this},e.setComponent=function(t,e){switch(t){case 0:this.x=e;break;case 1:this.y=e;break;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}return this},e.getComponent=function(t){switch(t){case 0:return this.x;case 1:return this.y;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}},e.clone=function(){return new this.constructor(this.x,this.y)},e.copy=function(t){return this.x=t.x,this.y=t.y,this},e.add=function(t,e){return void 0!==e?(console.warn("THREE.Vector2: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead."),this.addVectors(t,e)):(this.x+=t.x,this.y+=t.y,this)},e.addScalar=function(t){return this.x+=t,this.y+=t,this},e.addVectors=function(t,e){return this.x=t.x+e.x,this.y=t.y+e.y,this},e.addScaledVector=function(t,e){return this.x+=t.x*e,this.y+=t.y*e,this},e.sub=function(t,e){return void 0!==e?(console.warn("THREE.Vector2: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead."),this.subVectors(t,e)):(this.x-=t.x,this.y-=t.y,this)},e.subScalar=function(t){return this.x-=t,this.y-=t,this},e.subVectors=function(t,e){return this.x=t.x-e.x,this.y=t.y-e.y,this},e.multiply=function(t){return this.x*=t.x,this.y*=t.y,this},e.multiplyScalar=function(t){return this.x*=t,this.y*=t,this},e.divide=function(t){return this.x/=t.x,this.y/=t.y,this},e.divideScalar=function(t){return this.multiplyScalar(1/t)},e.applyMatrix3=function(t){var e=this.x,n=this.y,r=t.elements;return this.x=r[0]*e+r[3]*n+r[6],this.y=r[1]*e+r[4]*n+r[7],this},e.min=function(t){return this.x=Math.min(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.min(this.y,t.y),this},e.max=function(t){return this.x=Math.max(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.max(this.y,t.y),this},e.clamp=function(t,e){return this.x=Math.max(t.x,Math.min(e.x,this.x)),this.y=Math.max(t.y,Math.min(e.y,this.y)),this},e.clampScalar=function(t,e){return this.x=Math.max(t,Math.min(e,this.x)),this.y=Math.max(t,Math.min(e,this.y)),this},e.clampLength=function(t,e){var n=this.length();return this.divideScalar(n||1).multiplyScalar(Math.max(t,Math.min(e,n)))},e.floor=function(){return this.x=Math.floor(this.x),this.y=Math.floor(this.y),this},e.ceil=function(){return this.x=Math.ceil(this.x),this.y=Math.ceil(this.y),this},e.round=function(){return this.x=Math.round(thi argument [all...] |
/plugin/flowcharts/ |
H A D | mermaid.min.js | 1 …amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?exports.mermaid=e():t.mermaid=e()}("undefined"!=typeof s… function 24 …aphlib:n(281),dagre:n(136),intersect:n(338),render:n(340),util:n(10),version:n(352)}},function(t,e… variable 34 …ar e,n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:fu… argument
/plugin/dirtylittlehelper/script/ |
H A D | mermaid.min.js | 1 …amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?exports.mermaid=e():t.mermaid=e()}("undefined"!=typeof s… property in AnonymousFunction9ec3f6665b600.i.A.symbols_ 28 …)}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";var r=n(4),i=n(20).Graph;function a(t,e,n,i){var a;do{a=r.uniqueI… class in AnonymousFunction9ec3f6667e400
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/js/mermaid/ |
H A D | mermaid.min.js | 6 …amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?exports.mermaid=e():t.mermaid=e()}("undefined"!=typeof s… property in AnonymousFunction094842375b600.i.A.symbols_ 29 …)}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";var r=n(4),i=n(20).Graph;function a(t,e,n,i){var a;do{a=r.uniqueI… variable
/plugin/ol3/ |
H A D | script.js | 1 …amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?exports.ol=e():t.ol=e()}(window,(function(){return funct… function 8 var n=r(8),i=r(3),o=r(9);function a(){return l.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?2147483647:1073741823}function s… argument
/plugin/c3chart/assets/ |
H A D | d3.min.js | 2 …amd?define(["exports"],n):n(t.d3=t.d3||{})})(this,function(t){"use strict";function n(t,n){return[… argument
/plugin/s5reloaded/ui/effects_support/ |
H A D | prototype.js | 1252 function round() { function 3530 concat: function(a, b) { argument 3780 getIndices: function(a, b, total) { argument 3905 concat: function(a, b) { argument
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/js/orgchart/ |
H A D | bridge.min.js | 8 …ar bt={global:n,emptyFn:function(){},identity:function(n){return n},geti:function(n,t,i){return Br… variable
/plugin/highlightjs/highlight/ |
H A D | highlight.pack.js | 1 …={};var a={};function n(c){return c.replace(/&/gm,"&").replace(/</gm,"<").replace(/>/gm,"&g… property in hljs.HTML_TAGS
/plugin/issuetracker/ |
H A D | prototype.js | 708 json = json.replace(cx, function (a) { argument 1365 function round() { function 4669 sortOrder = function( a, b ) { argument
/plugin/amcharts/assets/amcharts/plugins/export/libs/fabric.js/ |
H A D | fabric.js | 802 multiplyTransformMatrices: function(a, b) { argument 2416 function normalize(a, c, p, s) { argument 5029 this.colorStops.sort(function(a, b) { argument 15089 a: 7 property in commandLengths 19005 sqrt = Math.sqrt, abs = Math.abs, max = Math.max, round = Math.round, sin = Math.sin, variable
/plugin/scrape/ |
H A D | HTMLPurifier.standalone.php |
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/WEB-INF/lib/ |
H A D | commons-lang3-3.5.jar | META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
org/ ... |
/plugin/dirtylittlehelper/mermaid/editor/docs/ |
H A D | 2.2.js | 1432 var sortedEdits = mergeSort(edits, function (a, b) { argument 23578 …'round': 'Repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area. If it doesn’t fit … property in AnonymousFunction410cd55fb500.repeatStyleKeywords 30957 candidates.sort(function (a, b) { argument 36203 var sortedEdits = mergeSort(edits.map(getWellformedEdit), function (a, b) { argument
/plugin/jmol2/jmol/ |
H A D | JmolAppletSigned0.jar | ... init> (double[])
double[] a
public void <init> (javax.vecmath. ... |
H A D | JmolAppletSigned.jar | META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
/plugin/aichat/vendor/mehrab-wj/tiktoken-php/data/ |
H A D | encoder.json | 1 {"!": 0, "\"": 1, "#": 2, "$": 3, "%": 4, "&": 5, "'": 6, "(": 7, ")": 8, "*": 9, "+": 10, ",": 11, "-": 12, ".": 13, "/": 14, "0": 15, "1": 16, "2": 17, "3": 18, "4": 19, "5": 20, "6": 21, "7": 22, "8": 23, "9": 24, ":": 25, ";": 26, "<": 27, "=": 28, ">": 29, "?": 30, "@": 31, "A": 32, "B": 33, "C": 34, "D": 35, "E": 36, "F": 37, "G": 38, "H": 39, "I": 40, "J": 41, "K": 42, "L": 43, "M": 44, "N": 45, "O": 46, "P": 47, "Q": 48, "R": 49, "S": 50, "T": 51, "U": 52, "V": 53, "W": 54, "X": 55, "Y": 56, "Z": 57, "[": 58, "\\": 59, "]": 60, "^": 61, "_": 62, "`": 63, "a": 64, "b": 65, "c": 66, "d": 67, "e": 68, "f": 69, "g": 70, "h": 71, "i": 72, "j": 73, "k": 74, "l": 75, "m": 76, "n": 77, "o": 78, "p": 79, "q": 80, "r": 81, "s": 82, "t": 83, "u": 84, "v": 85, "w": 86, "x": 87, "y": 88, "z": 89, "{": 90, "|": 91, "}": 92, "~": 93, "\u00a1": 94, "\u00a2": 95, "\u00a3": 96, "\u00a4": 97, "\u00a5": 98, "\u00a6": 99, "\u00a7": 100, "\u00a8": 101, "\u00a9": 102, 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