Lines Matching refs:lang

2 $lang['bez'] = "Risk Elimination Base";
3 $lang['bez_short'] = "BEZ";
4 $lang['bds_timeline'] = "History";
5 $lang['bds_issues'] = "Registers";
6 $lang['bds_issue_report'] = "Report a problem";
7 $lang['bds_task_report'] = "Add a task";
8 $lang['report'] = "Report";
9 $lang['report_open'] = 'Raport of opened';
10 $lang['bez_tasks'] = 'Tasks';
12 $lang['issues'] = "Problems";
13 $lang['tasks'] = "Tasks";
14 $lang['reports'] = 'Registers';
16 $lang['issue'] = 'Issue';
17 $lang['task'] = 'Task';
19 $lang['report_threads'] = "Report a problem";
20 $lang['report_projects'] = "Add project";
21 $lang['project'] = "projekt";
22 $lang['kp_report'] = "Project Card";
24 $lang['kp_team'] = "Team";
25 $lang['kp_description'] = "Description";
26 $lang['kp_schedule'] = "Schedule";
27 $lang['kp_evaluation'] = "Evaluation";
29 $lang['id'] = "No";
30 $lang['_id'] = "No";
31 $lang['type'] = "Type of problem";
32 $lang['just_type'] = 'Type';
33 $lang['title'] = "Title";
34 $lang['state'] = "Status";
35 $lang['reporter'] = "Person reporting the problem";
36 $lang['executor'] = "Performer";
37 $lang['coordinator'] = "Coordinator";
38 $lang['description'] = "Description";
39 $lang['date'] = "Reported";
40 $lang['last_mod_date'] = "Last change";
41 $lang['opened_for'] = "Open since";
42 $lang['last_modified'] = "Last change";
43 $lang['last_modified_by'] = "Last changed by";
44 $lang['opened_tasks'] = "Open tasks";
46 $lang['entity'] = "Source of report";
47 $lang['entities'] = "Sources of report (one per line)";
48 $lang['entities_confirm'] = 'New sources of report saved.';
50 $lang['opinion'] = "Effectiveness evaluation";
51 $lang['root_cause'] = "Cause category";
52 $lang['causes'] = "Causes";
54 $lang['save'] = "Save";
55 $lang['proposal'] = "Proposal";
56 $lang['reported_by'] = "Reported by";
57 $lang['executor_not_specified'] = "Unspecified";
58 $lang['account_removed'] = "Removed account";
59 $lang['none'] = "none";
61 $lang['changes_history'] = "Change history";
62 $lang['add_comment'] = "Add comment";
63 $lang['add_task'] = "Add task";
64 $lang['change_issue'] = "Change the report of problem ";
66 $lang['changed'] = "It has been changed";
67 $lang['changed_field'] = "It has been changed";
68 $lang['by'] = "by";
69 $lang['from'] = "from";
70 $lang['to'] = "to";
71 $lang['diff'] = "Differences";
72 $lang['comment'] = "Skomentuj";
73 $lang['replay'] = "Reply";
74 $lang['edit'] = "Edit";
75 $lang['change_task_state'] = "Change a status of task";
76 $lang['replay_to'] = "Reply to";
77 $lang['quoted_in'] = "Replies";
79 $lang['error_issue_id_not_specifed'] = "You didn't provide the row number, you are trying to read. ";
80 $lang['error_issue_id_unknown'] = "Row you want to read does not exist.";
81 $lang['error_db_connection'] = "Cannot connect to the database.";
82 $lang['error_issue_insert'] = "The problem cannot be added. ";
83 $lang['error_task_add'] = "You cannot add tasks. Access denied.";
84 $lang['error_table_unknown'] = "The table dosn't exist.";
85 $lang['error_report_unknown'] = "The report dosn't exist";
86 $lang['error_issue_report'] = 'You cannot add new issues.';
87 $lang['error_entity'] = 'You cannot add new soruces of report.';
88 $lang['error_issues'] = 'You cannot view issues.';
89 $lang['error_no_permission'] = 'You do not have permission to view this page.';
91 $lang['vald_root_cause'] = "Select cause category.";
93 $lang['vald_type_required'] = "Specify a type of the problem";
94 $lang['vald_entity_required'] = "Choose a source of report from the list";
95 $lang['vald_title_required'] = "Provide a title.";
96 $lang['vald_title_too_long'] = "Title is too long, max: %d characters.";
97 $lang['vald_title_wrong_chars'] = "Forbidden characters in the title. Only letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, floors, points and commas are allowed.";
99 $lang['vald_executor_required'] = "Choose the existing user or leave a problem unspecified.";
100 $lang['vald_coordinator_required'] = "Coordinator has to be wiki user.";
102 $lang['vald_desc_required'] = "Describe a problem";
103 $lang['vald_desc_too_long'] = "Too long description, max %d characters.";
104 $lang['vald_opinion_too_long'] = "Effectiveness of evaluation is too long, max: %d characters.";
105 $lang['vald_opinion_required'] = 'Effectiveness of evaluation is required.';
106 $lang['vald_cannot_give_opinion'] = "You cannot evaluate effectiveness when a problem is still open.";
107 $lang['vald_cannot_give_reason'] = "You didn't change a status of the task.";
109 $lang['vald_content_required'] = "Insert a text";
110 $lang['vald_content_too_long'] = "Text is too long, max: %d";
111 $lang['vald_replay_to_not_exists'] = "Comment dosn't exist";
112 $lang['vald_state_required'] = "Specified a status of problem";
113 $lang['vald_state_tasks_not_closed'] = 'You cannot change issue state unless all tasks are closed.';
115 $lang['vald_task_state_required'] = "Specified a status of task";
116 $lang['vald_task_state_tasks_not_closed'] = "You cannot close the problem before closing all the tasks. Open tasks: %t";
118 $lang['vald_executor_not_exists'] = "Specified performer is nor a user of REB.";
119 $lang['vald_cost_too_big'] = "Cost is too high, max: %d";
120 $lang['vald_cost_wrong_format'] = "Cost should be integer.";
121 $lang['vald_action_required'] = "Provide an action of the task";
123 $lang['vald_days_should_be_numeric'] = "Days have to be decimal.";
125 $lang['vald_entity_too_long'] = 'Single source of report can have not have more than %d characters.';
126 $lang['vald_entity_no_ascii'] = 'Source of report contains non-ASCII charters.';
129 $lang['vald_type_wrong_chars'] = 'Type has to contain only numbers and letters.';
130 $lang['vald_type_required'] = 'You must provide type name in both languages.';
132 $lang['priority_marginal'] = 'marginal';
133 $lang['priority_important'] = 'important';
134 $lang['priority_crucial'] = 'crucial';
136 $lang['type_complaint'] = "complaint";
137 $lang['type_noneconformity'] = "nonconformity";
138 $lang['type_noneconformity_internal'] = 'internal noneconformity';
139 $lang['type_noneconformity_customer'] = 'customer noneconformity';
140 $lang['type_noneconformity_supplier'] = 'supplier noneconformity';
141 $lang['type_opportunity'] = 'opportunity';
142 $lang['type_threat'] = 'threat';
144 $lang['state_proposal'] = "proposal";
145 $lang['state_opened'] = "open";
146 $lang['state_done'] = "done";
147 $lang['state_rejected'] = "rejected";
148 $lang['state_closed'] = "closed";
150 $lang['reject_issue'] = 'Reject';
151 $lang['js']['close_issue'] = 'Close issue';
152 $lang['js']['comment_and_close_issue'] = 'Close and comment';
154 $lang['js']['reject_issue'] = 'Reject issue';
155 $lang['js']['comment_and_reject_issue'] = 'Comment and reject';
157 $lang['js']['reopen_issue'] = 'Reopen issue';
158 $lang['js']['comment_and_reopen_issue'] = 'Reopen and comment';
161 $lang['js']['do_task'] = 'Do task';
162 $lang['js']['comment_and_do_task'] = 'Do and comment';
163 $lang['js']['reopen_task'] = 'Reopen task';
164 $lang['js']['comment_and_reopen_task'] = 'Reopen and comment';
166 $lang['just_now'] = "minute before";
167 $lang['seconds'] = "seconds";
168 $lang['minutes'] = "minutes";
169 $lang['hours'] = "hours";
170 $lang['days'] = "days";
171 $lang['ago'] = "ago";
173 $lang['issue_closed_com'] = "Problem was closed %d, futhure changes are disabled.";
174 $lang['reopen_issue'] = "Change a status of the problem";
175 $lang['add'] = "Add";
177 $lang['class'] = 'Task type';
179 $lang['action'] = "Action";
181 $lang['open'] = "Open";
182 $lang['closed'] = "Closed";
184 $lang['cost'] = "Cost";
185 $lang['executor'] = "Performer";
187 $lang['task_state'] = "Status";
188 $lang['reason'] = "Rejection reason";
190 $lang['task_added'] = "Task has been added";
191 $lang['task_changed'] = "Task has been changed";
192 $lang['task_rejected_header'] = "Task has been rejected";
193 $lang['task_closed'] = "Task has been completed";
194 $lang['task_reopened'] = "Task has been reopend";
195 $lang['comment_added'] = "commented";
196 $lang['closing_comment_added'] = 'has added closing comment';
197 $lang['comment_changed'] = "Comment has been changed";
199 $lang['cause_added'] = 'added cause';
200 $lang['cause_noun'] = "Cause";
201 $lang['change_cause_button'] = "Correct the cause";
202 $lang['added'] = 'Added';
205 $lang['replay_by_task'] = "Add task in replay";
206 $lang['change_made'] = "Change has been made";
208 $lang['change_comment'] = "Correct the comment";
209 $lang['change_comment_button'] = "Correct the comment";
210 $lang['change_task'] = "Change the task";
211 $lang['change_task_button'] = "Change the task";
213 $lang['preview'] = "preview";
214 $lang['next'] = "next";
216 $lang['version'] = "Version";
218 $lang['comment_noun'] = "Comment";
219 $lang['change'] = "Change";
220 $lang['task'] = "Task";
222 $lang['change_state_button'] = "Change the status";
225 $lang['correction'] = "Correction";
226 $lang['correction_h'] = 'Correction';
227 $lang['corrective_action_h'] = 'Corrective action';
228 $lang['preventive_action_h'] = 'Preventive action';
229 $lang['corrective_action'] = "Corrective action";
230 $lang['preventive_action'] = "Preventive action";
232 $lang['correction_add'] = 'Add correction';
233 $lang['corrective_action_add'] = 'Add corrective action';
234 $lang['preventive_action_add'] = 'Add preventive action';
236 $lang['show_all_tasks'] = 'Show all tasks';
238 $lang['none_comment'] = "none(comment)";
239 $lang['manpower'] = "Manpower";
240 $lang['method'] = "Method";
241 $lang['machine'] = "Machine";
242 $lang['material'] = "Material";
243 $lang['managment'] = "Management";
244 $lang['measurement'] = "Measurement";
245 $lang['money'] = "Money";
246 $lang['environment'] = "Environment";
247 $lang['communication'] = "Communication";
249 $lang['task_opened'] = "Open";
250 $lang ['task_outdated'] = 'Outdated';
251 $lang ['task_done'] = "Done";
252 $lang ['task_plan'] = "Plan";
253 $lang ['task_rejected'] = "Rejected";
255 $lang ['task_do'] = 'Done';
256 $lang ['task_reject'] = 'Reject';
257 $lang ['task_reopen'] = 'Reopen';
259 $lang['reason_reopen'] = "Reason for reopening ";
260 $lang['reason_done'] = "Reason for closing";
261 $lang['reason_reject'] = "Reason for rejecting";
263 $lang['issue_created'] = "Reported";
265 $lang['issue_closed'] = "Problem has been closed";
266 $lang['issue_reopened'] = "Problem has been reopened";
268 $lang['issue_reopen'] = 'Reopen issue';
270 $lang['today'] = "Today";
271 $lang['yesterday'] = "Yesterday";
273 $lang['task_for'] = "for";
274 $lang['content'] = "Description";
276 $lang['8d_report'] = "8D Report";
277 $lang['8d_report_header'] = "%dD Report";
278 $lang['8d_report_for'] = "for";
279 $lang['open_date'] = "Open date";
280 $lang['problem_close_date'] = 'Problem close date';
281 $lang['preventive_close_date'] = 'Preventive actions close date';
282 $lang['1d'] = "Team";
283 $lang['2d'] = "Problem";
284 $lang['3d'] = "Correction";
285 $lang['4d'] = "Real causes";
286 $lang['5d'] = "Corrective action";
287 $lang['6d'] = "Potential causes";
288 $lang['7d'] = "Preventive action";
289 $lang['8d'] = "Summary";
291 $lang['number'] = 'Quantity';
292 $lang['true_date'] = "Date";
295 $lang['report_issues'] = 'Issues';
296 $lang['report_tasks'] = 'Tasks';
297 $lang['report_causes'] = 'Causes';
298 $lang['report_priority'] = 'Raction time';
299 $lang['report_subhead'] = 'for closed issues and tasks';
301 $lang['priority'] = 'Priority';
302 $lang['average'] = 'Average';
304 $lang['totalcost'] = 'Value';
305 $lang['report_total'] = 'Total';
307 $lang['show'] = "show";
309 $lang['by_last_activity'] = "Open, from latest to earliest";
310 $lang['issues_by_last_activity'] = "Open problems, from latest to earliest";
312 $lang['ns'] = "NA";
314 $lang['ended'] = "Completed";
317 $lang['new_task'] = "New task";
318 $lang['new_issue'] = "New issue";
319 $lang['send_mail'] = "Send";
321 $lang['average_days'] = "Average time of task closing(days)";
323 $lang['bds_switch_lang'] = "Wersja polska";
325 $lang['comments'] = 'Comments';
327 $lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
328 $lang['info_no_causes_added'] = 'You have to add cause in order to add corrective and preventive actions.';
329 $lang['info_no_all_tasks_closed'] = 'You have to close all tasks before closing the problem.';
331 $lang['types_manage'] = 'Types of issues';
333 $lang['sort'] = 'Sort';
334 $lang['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
336 $lang['menu_activity'] = 'Activity';
337 $lang['menu_close_task'] = 'My tasks (%d)';
338 $lang['menu_close_issue'] = 'My issues(%d)';
339 $lang['menu_comment_issue'] = 'Opened issues (%d)';
341 $lang['do_you_want_remove'] = 'Do you really want to remove this row?';
342 $lang['yes'] = 'Yes';
343 $lang['no'] = 'No';
345 $lang['all'] = 'everything';
346 $lang['all_not_rejected'] = 'everything without rejected';
347 $lang['year'] = 'Year';
348 $lang['in_year'] = 'in year';
349 $lang['filter'] = 'Filter';
351 $lang['close_issues'] = 'My issues';
352 $lang['close_tasks'] = 'My tasks';
353 $lang['my_reported_threads'] = 'Threads reported by me';
354 $lang['my_reported_tasks'] = 'Tasks reported by me';
356 $lang['proposals'] = 'Proposals';
358 $lang['show_tasks_hidden'] = 'Show closed and rejected tasks';
359 $lang['add_task'] = 'Add new task';
361 $lang['save_without_changing_date'] = 'Save without changing date';
363 $lang['sort_by_open_date'] = 'Sort by open date';
365 $lang['casue_cant_remove'] = 'You cannot remove cause with related tasks.';
367 $lang['add_cause'] = 'Add cause';
368 $lang['add_correction'] = 'Add correction';
370 $lang['cause'] = 'cause';
371 $lang['pontential_cause'] = 'potential cause';
373 $lang['cause_type'] = 'Cause type';
375 $lang['cause_real'] = 'real';
376 $lang['cause_potential'] = 'potential';
378 $lang['evaluation'] = 'Ocena';
380 $lang['rr_report'] = 'RR Report';
382 $lang['rr_team'] = 'Risk evaluation team';
383 $lang['rr_desc'] = 'Risk description';
384 $lang['rr_eval'] = 'Risk evaluacion';
385 $lang['rr_suceval'] = 'Effectiveness evalutation';
387 $lang['correction_nav'] = 'Corrections';
388 $lang['closed_tasks'] = 'Closed tasks';
389 $lang['root_causes'] = 'Cause categories';
391 $lang['version'] = 'version';
393 $lang['issues_juxtaposition'] = 'Juxtaposition of issues';
394 $lang['tasks_juxtaposition'] = 'Juxtaposition of tasks';
396 $lang['issue_unclosed_tasks'] = 'You cannot close issues until some correction or corrective tasks are not closed.';
397 $lang['issue_is_proposal'] = 'You cannot add tasks until the issue is proposal.';
398 $lang['issue_no_tasks'] = 'You cannot close the issue until it has no tasks.';
399 $lang['cause_without_task'] = 'You cannot close the issue if you have some causes without tasks.';
401 $lang['number_of_open'] = 'Number of open';
402 $lang['number_of_close'] = 'Number of closed';
403 $lang['number_of_close_on_time'] = 'Number of closed on time';
404 $lang['number_of_close_off_time'] = 'Number of closed off time';
405 $lang['diffirence'] = 'Diffirence';
407 $lang['cost_of_open'] = 'Cost of open';
409 $lang['average_of_close'] = 'Avarage close time';
411 $lang['plan_date'] = 'Plan date';
412 $lang['all_day_event'] = 'All day event';
413 $lang['start_time'] = 'Start time';
414 $lang['finish_time'] = 'Finish time';
416 $lang['vald_valid_date_required'] = 'Valid date required.';
417 $lang['vald_valid_start_hour_required'] = 'Valid start time required.';
418 $lang['vald_valid_finish_hour_required'] = 'Valid finish time required.';
420 $lang['download_in_icalendar'] = 'iCalendar';
422 $lang['task_types'] = 'Task scopes';
423 $lang['task_type'] = 'Scope';
425 $lang['programme'] = 'Programme';
427 $lang['tasks_no_type'] = '--- without scope ---';
429 $lang ['plan'] = "Plan";
431 $lang ['task_plan'] = "Plan";
432 $lang ['task_realization'] = "Realization";
434 $lang ['month'] = "Month";
436 $lang ['report_date'] = "Report date";
437 $lang ['close_date'] = "Close date";
439 $lang['jan'] = 'January';
440 $lang['feb'] = 'February';
441 $lang['mar'] = 'March';
442 $lang['apr'] = 'April';
443 $lang['may'] = 'May';
444 $lang['june'] = 'June';
445 $lang['july'] = 'July';
446 $lang['aug'] = 'August';
447 $lang['sept'] = 'September';
448 $lang['oct'] = 'October';
449 $lang['nov'] = 'November';
450 $lang['dec'] = 'December';
452 $lang['mon1_a'] = 'January';
453 $lang['mon2_a'] = 'February';
454 $lang['mon3_a'] = 'March';
455 $lang['mon4_a'] = 'April';
456 $lang['mon5_a'] = 'May';
457 $lang['mon6_a'] = 'June';
458 $lang['mon7_a'] = 'July';
459 $lang['mon8_a'] = 'August';
460 $lang['mon9_a'] = 'September';
461 $lang['mon10_a'] = 'October';
462 $lang['mon11_a'] = 'November';
463 $lang['mon12_a'] = 'December';
465 $lang['at_hour'] = 'at';
467 $lang['hours_no'] = 'Number of hours';
469 $lang['show_desc'] = 'Show descriptions';
470 $lang['show_desc_and_eval'] = 'Show descrpitions and evaluations';
472 $lang['hide_desc'] = 'Hide descripitons';
473 $lang['hide_desc_and_eval'] = 'Hide descripitons and evaluations';
475 $lang['users'] = 'users';
476 $lang['groups'] = 'groups';
478 $lang['duplicate'] = 'Duplicate';
480 $lang['show_issue'] = 'Show issue';
482 $lang['select'] = 'select';
484 $lang['not_relevant'] = 'not relevant';
486 $lang['validate_is_null'] = 'cannot be empty.';
487 $lang['validate_validate_iso_date'] = 'bad date format.';
488 $lang['validate_must_be_0'] = 'must be 0.';
489 $lang['refs'] = 'References';
491 $lang['comment_last_activity'] = 'Last activity';
492 $lang['comment_participants'] = 'Participants';
494 $lang['issue_type_no_specified'] = 'type no specified';
496 $lang['involvement'] = 'Involvement';
497 $lang['commentator'] = 'Commentator';
499 $lang['activity_report'] = 'Activity report';
501 $lang['user'] = 'User';
503 $lang['activity_in_issues'] = 'Activity in issues';
505 $lang['activity_in_tasks'] = 'Activity in tasks';
507 $lang['rejected_tasks'] = 'Rejected tasks';
509 $lang['subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';
511 $lang['subscribent'] = 'Subscribent';
513 $lang['unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe';
515 $lang['subscribed_info'] = "You're receiving notifications about changes in this problem.";
517 $lang['not_subscribed_info'] = "You're not receiving notifications about changes in this problem.";
519 $lang['task_subscribed_info'] = "You're receiving notifications about changes in this task.";
521 $lang['task_not_subscribed_info'] = "You're not receiving notifications about changes in this task.";
523 $lang['show_comments'] = 'Show comments';
524 $lang['hide_comments'] = 'Hide comments';
526 $lang['correct'] = 'Correct';
528 $lang['from_hour'] = 'from';
529 $lang['to_hour'] = 'to';
531 $lang['next_open'] = 'Next open';
532 $lang['prev_open'] = 'Previous open';
534 $lang['js']['remove_confirm'] = 'Do you realy want to delete this item?';
536 $lang['unsubscribed_com'] = 'You’ve been unsubscribed from this problem.';
538 $lang['issue_added'] = 'Issue added';
540 $lang['timeline_cause_added'] = 'Cause added';
541 $lang['timeline_comment_added'] = 'Comment added';
543 $lang['issue_invite_header'] = 'Invite user';
544 $lang['issue_invite_button'] = 'Invite';
546 $lang['mail_mail_notify_invite_action'] = 'invited you to take part in the discussion in issue';
547 $lang['mail_mail_notify_invite_subject'] = 'Problem invitation';
549 $lang['mail_mail_inform_coordinator_subject'] = 'Assignment to the problem';
551 $lang['mail_mail_notify_change_state_action'] = 'has changed state';
552 $lang['mail_mail_notify_change_state_subject'] = 'State change in the problem';
554 $lang['js']['combobox_show_all_items'] = 'Show All Items';
555 $lang['js']['combobox_did_not_match'] = "didn't match any item";
557 $lang['invitation_has_been_send'] = 'Invitation has been sent to';
559 $lang['no_evaluation'] = 'No evaluation';
561 $lang['edit_metadata'] = 'Edit metadata';
563 $lang['metadata_edit_header'] = 'Edit metadata';
565 $lang['unsubscribed_task_com'] = 'You\'ve been unsubscribed from this task.';
567 $lang['task_type_correction'] = 'Correction';
568 $lang['task_type_corrective'] = 'Corrective';
569 $lang['task_type_preventive'] = 'Preventive';
570 $lang['task_type_program'] = 'Program';
572 $lang['nav my_activities'] = 'My activities';
573 $lang['nav projects'] = 'Projects';
575 $lang['user_did_task'] = '%s did task %s';
577 $lang['user_closed_issue'] = '%s closed issue %s';
578 $lang['user_rejected_issue'] = '%s rejected issue %s';
580 $lang['private'] = 'Private';
582 $lang['issue_unclosed_tasks_project'] = 'You cannot close project until some tasks are not closed.';
583 $lang['issue_is_proposal_project'] = 'You cannot add tasks until the project is proposal.';
584 $lang['issue_no_tasks_project'] = 'You cannot close the project until it has no tasks.';
586 $lang['js']['close_issue_project'] = 'Close project';
587 $lang['js']['reject_issue_project'] = 'Reject project';
588 $lang['js']['reopen_issue_project'] = 'Reopen project';
590 $lang['user_closed_issue_project'] = '%s closed project %s';
591 $lang['user_rejected_issue_project'] = '%s rejected project %s';
593 $lang['subscribed_info_project'] = 'You\'re receiving notifications about changes in this project.';
594 $lang['not_subscribed_info_project'] = 'You aren\'t receiving notifications about changes in this project.';
596 $lang['correction_add_project'] = 'Add task';
598 $lang['task_unsubscribed_com'] = 'You’ve been unsubscribed from this task';
600 $lang['mail_task_comment_added'] = 'has added comment in task';
603 $lang['mail_thread_closed'] = 'closed issue';
604 $lang['mail_thread_rejected'] = 'rejected issue';
605 $lang['mail_thread_reopened'] = 'reopened';
606 $lang['mail_mail_notify_invite_action'] = 'invited you to take part in the discussion in issue';
607 $lang['mail_mail_inform_coordinator_action'] = 'has assigned you as coordinator in issue';
608 $lang['mail_mail_notify_issue_inactive'] = 'No activity in issue';
609 $lang['mail_thread_task_added'] = 'added task in issue';
610 $lang['mail_thread_task_done'] = 'closed task in issue';
611 $lang['mail_thread_task_reopened'] = 'reopened task in issue';
612 $lang['mail_task_done'] = 'closed task';
613 $lang['mail_task_repened'] = 'reopened task';
615 $lang['mail_task_assignee'] = 'assigned you to task';
616 $lang['mail_mail_inform_admins_action'] = 'reported proposal';
618 $lang['participant_removed'] = '<strong>%s</strong> has been removed.';
620 $lang['pin_to_the_issue'] = 'Pin to the issue';
621 $lang['unpin_from_the_issue'] = 'Unpin from the issue';
623 $lang['validate_pin_task'] = "Thread doesn't exists or isn't opened.";
624 $lang['thread_id'] = "Thread id";
625 $lang['confirm_unpin_task'] = "Do you really want to unpin this task?";
626 $lang['pin_button'] = 'Pin';
628 $lang['timeline thread_proposal'] = 'Proposal added by <strong>%s</strong>';
629 $lang['timeline thread_opened'] = 'Problem opened. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
630 $lang['timeline thread_done'] = 'Problem done. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
631 $lang['timeline thread_closed'] = 'Problem closed. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
632 $lang['timeline thread_rejected'] = 'Problem rejected. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
634 $lang['timeline thread_comment_cause_added'] = 'Cause added by <strong>%s</strong>';
635 $lang['timeline thread_comment_added'] = 'Comment added by <strong>%s</strong>';
637 $lang['timeline task_opened'] = 'Task opened. Performer: <strong>%s</strong>';
638 $lang['timeline task_done'] = 'Task closed. Performer: <strong>%s</strong>';
640 $lang['timeline task_comment_added'] = 'Komentarz dodany przez <strong>%s</strong>';
642 $lang['timeline thread_proposal_project'] = 'Proposal added by <strong>%s</strong>';
643 $lang['timeline thread_opened_project'] = 'Project opened. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
644 $lang['timeline thread_done_project'] = 'Project done. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
645 $lang['timeline thread_closed_project'] = 'Project closed. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
646 $lang['timeline thread_rejected_project'] = 'Project rejected. Coordinator: <strong>%s</strong>';
648 $lang['report from'] = 'from';
649 $lang['report to'] = 'to';
651 $lang['report threads done'] = 'Done';
652 $lang['report threads cost'] = 'Total cost';
653 $lang['report threads cost closed'] = 'Total closed cost';
655 $lang['report threads rejected'] = 'Rejected';
657 $lang['info set baseurl'] = 'Set "baseurl" to enable bez mail notifications.';
658 $lang['info set basedir'] = 'Set "basedir" to enable bez mail notifications.';
660 $lang['mute_notifications'] = 'Mute BEZ notifications for <strong>%s</strong>';
661 $lang['unmute_notifications'] = 'Unmute BEZ notifications for <strong>%s</strong>';
663 $lang['js']['close_with_comment'] = 'Close with comment';
664 $lang['js']['close_without_comment'] = 'Close without comment';
666 $lang['notification problems_without_tasks'] = 'You are a coordinator of the problem without tasks %s.';
667 $lang['notification problems_coming'] = 'You have coming problem %s.';
668 $lang['notification problems_outdated'] = 'You have outdated problem %s.';
669 $lang['notification tasks_coming'] = 'You have comming task %s.';
670 $lang['notification tasks_outdated'] = 'You have outdated task %s.';
672 $lang['risk_noun'] = "Risk";
673 $lang['opportunity_noun'] = "Opportunity";
674 $lang['risk_added'] = "added risk";
675 $lang['opportunity_added'] = "added opportunity";
676 $lang['improvement_action_add'] = "Add improvement action";
678 $lang['risks'] = "Risks";
679 $lang['opportunities'] = "Opportunities";
681 $lang['4d'] = "Causes";
682 $lang['6d'] = "Risks and opportunities";
683 $lang['7d'] = "Preventive measures";
685 $lang['task_program_id'] = 'Programme';
687 $lang['risk'] = "risk";
688 $lang['opportunity'] = "opportunity";
690 $lang['has_causes'] = 'Problem has causes';
691 $lang['has_risks'] = 'Problem has risks';
692 $lang['has_opportunities'] = 'Problem has opportunities';
694 $lang['delete_selected'] = 'Delete selected';
695 $lang['move_to'] = 'Move to';
696 $lang['button_move'] = 'Move';
697 $lang['js']['bulk_delete_confirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete these elements?';
698 $lang['js']['bulk_move_confirm'] = 'Do you really want to move these elements?';
700 $lang['6d-var2'] = "Effectiveness evaluation of correction/corrective actions";
701 $lang['noneconformities_report'] = 'Noneconformities report';
702 $lang['action_add'] = 'Add action';
704 $lang['has_corrective'] = 'Has corrective actions';
705 $lang['has_preventive'] = 'Has preventive actions'