%s has been removed.'; $lang['pin_to_the_issue'] = 'Pin to the issue'; $lang['unpin_from_the_issue'] = 'Unpin from the issue'; $lang['validate_pin_task'] = "Thread doesn't exists or isn't opened."; $lang['thread_id'] = "Thread id"; $lang['confirm_unpin_task'] = "Do you really want to unpin this task?"; $lang['pin_button'] = 'Pin'; $lang['timeline thread_proposal'] = 'Proposal added by %s'; $lang['timeline thread_opened'] = 'Problem opened. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['timeline thread_done'] = 'Problem done. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['timeline thread_closed'] = 'Problem closed. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['timeline thread_rejected'] = 'Problem rejected. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['timeline thread_comment_cause_added'] = 'Cause added by %s'; $lang['timeline thread_comment_added'] = 'Comment added by %s'; $lang['timeline task_opened'] = 'Task opened. Performer: %s'; $lang['timeline task_done'] = 'Task closed. Performer: %s'; $lang['timeline task_comment_added'] = 'Komentarz dodany przez %s'; $lang['timeline thread_proposal_project'] = 'Proposal added by %s'; $lang['timeline thread_opened_project'] = 'Project opened. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['timeline thread_done_project'] = 'Project done. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['timeline thread_closed_project'] = 'Project closed. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['timeline thread_rejected_project'] = 'Project rejected. Coordinator: %s'; $lang['report from'] = 'from'; $lang['report to'] = 'to'; $lang['report threads done'] = 'Done'; $lang['report threads cost'] = 'Total cost'; $lang['report threads cost closed'] = 'Total closed cost'; $lang['report threads rejected'] = 'Rejected'; $lang['info set baseurl'] = 'Set "baseurl" to enable bez mail notifications.'; $lang['info set basedir'] = 'Set "basedir" to enable bez mail notifications.'; $lang['mute_notifications'] = 'Mute BEZ notifications for %s'; $lang['unmute_notifications'] = 'Unmute BEZ notifications for %s'; $lang['js']['close_with_comment'] = 'Close with comment'; $lang['js']['close_without_comment'] = 'Close without comment'; $lang['notification problems_without_tasks'] = 'You are a coordinator of the problem without tasks %s.'; $lang['notification problems_coming'] = 'You have coming problem %s.'; $lang['notification problems_outdated'] = 'You have outdated problem %s.'; $lang['notification tasks_coming'] = 'You have comming task %s.'; $lang['notification tasks_outdated'] = 'You have outdated task %s.'; $lang['risk_noun'] = "Risk"; $lang['opportunity_noun'] = "Opportunity"; $lang['risk_added'] = "added risk"; $lang['opportunity_added'] = "added opportunity"; $lang['improvement_action_add'] = "Add improvement action"; $lang['risks'] = "Risks"; $lang['opportunities'] = "Opportunities"; $lang['4d'] = "Causes"; $lang['6d'] = "Risks and opportunities"; $lang['7d'] = "Preventive measures"; $lang['task_program_id'] = 'Programme'; $lang['risk'] = "risk"; $lang['opportunity'] = "opportunity"; $lang['has_causes'] = 'Problem has causes'; $lang['has_risks'] = 'Problem has risks'; $lang['has_opportunities'] = 'Problem has opportunities'; $lang['delete_selected'] = 'Delete selected'; $lang['move_to'] = 'Move to'; $lang['button_move'] = 'Move'; $lang['js']['bulk_delete_confirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete these elements?'; $lang['js']['bulk_move_confirm'] = 'Do you really want to move these elements?'; $lang['6d-var2'] = "Effectiveness evaluation of correction/corrective actions"; $lang['noneconformities_report'] = 'Noneconformities report'; $lang['action_add'] = 'Add action'; $lang['has_corrective'] = 'Has corrective actions'; $lang['has_preventive'] = 'Has preventive actions';