1<?php 2/** 3 * Templar - Dokuwiki Template - 09/2012 4 * based on Andreas's Gohr template dokuwiki/main.php 5 * 6 * @link http://templar.cavalie.ro 7 * @author Tudor Vaida 8 * @license GPL 3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) 9 */ 10 11if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); 12 13$customSidebar= 'custom'==$conf['sidebar']; 14$showSidebar = ($ACT=='show') && ($customSidebar || page_findnearest($conf['sidebar'])); 15?><!DOCTYPE html> 16<html lang="<?php echo $conf['lang'] ?>" dir="<?php echo $lang['direction'] ?>" class="no-js"> 17<head> 18 <meta charset=utf-8" /> 19 <title><?php tpl_pagetitle() ?> [<?php echo strip_tags($conf['title']) ?>]</title> 20 <script>(function(H){H.className=H.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,'js')})(document.documentElement)</script> 21 <?php tpl_metaheaders() ?> 22 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" /> 23 <?php echo tpl_favicon(array('favicon', 'mobile')) ?> 24 <?php tpl_includeFile('meta.html') ?> 25</head> 26 27<body> 28<div id='dokuwiki__top' ></div> 29<!-- == NAVBAR == --> 30<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"> 31 <div class="navbar-inner"> 32 <div class="container"> 33 <button type="button" class="btn btn-navbar" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse"> 34 <span class="icon-bar"></span> 35 <span class="icon-bar"></span> 36 <span class="icon-bar"></span> 37 </button> 38 <!-- == LOGO/TITLE == --> 39<?php 40 $logo = @tpl_getMediaFile(array(':wiki:logo.png', 'images/logo.png'), false); 41 tpl_link( wl(), 42 '<img src="'.$logo.'" alt="" class="logo"/><span>'.$conf['title'].'</span>', 43 'accesskey="h" title="[H]" class="brand"' 44 ); 45 ?> 46 <div class="nav-collapse collapse"> 47 <ul class="nav"> 48 <?php include('tpl_menu.php') ?> 49 <?php if ($conf['useacl']): ?> 50 <li class="dropdown user" id="dokuwiki__usertools"> 51 <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><?php 52 if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) { 53 tpl_userinfo(); 54 } else { 55 echo tpl_getLang('user_tools'); 56 } 57 ?><b class="caret"></b></a> 58 <ul class="dropdown-menu"> 59 <?php /* the optional second parameter of tpl_action() switches between a link and a button, 60 e.g. a button inside a <li> would be: tpl_action('edit',0,'li') */ 61 tpl_action('admin', 1, 'li'); 62 tpl_action('profile', 1, 'li'); 63 tpl_action('register', 1, 'li'); /* DW versions > 2011-02-20 can use the core function tpl_action('register', 1, 'li') */ 64 tpl_action('login', 1, 'li'); 65 ?> 66 </ul> 67 </li> 68 <form action="'.wl().'" accept-charset="utf-8" class="search navbar-form pull-right" id="dw__search" method="get"><div class="no"> 69 <input type="hidden" name="do" value="search" /> 70 <?php print '<input type="text" '; 71 if($ACT == 'search') print 'value="'.htmlspecialchars($QUERY).'" '; 72 if(!$autocomplete) print 'autocomplete="off" '; 73 print 'id="qsearch__in" accesskey="f" name="id" class="span2" title="[F]" /> '; 74 print '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['btn_search'].'" class="btn" title="'.$lang['btn_search'].'" />'; 75 if($ajax) print '<div id="qsearch__out" class="ajax_qsearch JSpopup"></div>'; 76 ?> 77 </div></form> 78 <?php endif; ?> 79 </ul><!-- nav --> 80 </div> 81 </div> 82 </div> 83</div> 84<div class='container' id="dokuwiki__site"> 85<?php include('tpl_header.php') ?> 86<div class="dokuwiki site mode_<?php echo $ACT; echo $showSidebar?' showSidebar ':' '; ?>"> 87 <div class='row'> 88 <?php $tocInsidePage=true; 89 if($showSidebar){ ?> 90 <!-- == ASIDE == --> 91 <?php tpl_flush() ?> 92 <div id="dokuwiki__aside" class='span2'> 93 <div class='sidebar affix-top' data-spy='affix' data-offset-top='40'> 94 <?php 95 $tocPlace=tpl_getConf('toc_place'); 96 if('sidebar-up'==$tocPlace || 'sidebar-down'==$tocPlace) 97 $tocInsidePage=false; 98 if($customSidebar) { 99 include 'tpl_sidebar.php'; 100 } else { 101 if('sidebar-up'==$tocPlace) { 102 tpl_toc(); ?> 103 <div class='clearfix'></div> 104 <?php } ?> 105 <div class='content sidebar_menu'> 106 <?php 107 if(tpl_getConf('sidebar_head')) 108 tpl_includeFile('tpl_sidebar_head.php'); 109 tpl_include_page($conf['sidebar'], 1, 1); 110 if(tpl_getConf('sidebar_foot')) 111 tpl_includeFile('tpl_sidebar_foot.php'); 112 ?> 113 </div> 114 <?php if('sidebar-down'==$tocPlace) { 115 tpl_toc(); ?> 116 <div class='clearfix'></div> 117 <?php } ?> 118 <div id="dokuwiki__pagetools"> 119 <ul class='nav nav-tabs nav-stacked'> 120 <?php 121 tpl_action('edit', 1, 'li'); 122 tpl_action('history', 1, 'li'); 123 tpl_action('backlink', 1, 'li'); 124 tpl_action('subscribe', 1, 'li'); 125 tpl_action('revert', 1, 'li'); 126 tpl_action('top', 1, 'li'); 127 ?> 128 </ul> 129 </div> 130 <?php } ?> 131 </div> 132 </div> 133 <?php };//endif ?> 134 <!-- == CONTENT == --> 135 <div id="dokuwiki__content" class="<?php echo $showSidebar?'span10':'span12'; ?>"> 136 <?php tpl_flush() /* flush the output buffer */ ?> 137 <?php tpl_includeFile('pageheader.php') ?> 138 139 <div class="page"> 140 <?php tpl_content($tocInsidePage?true:false); /* the main content */ ?> 141 </div><!-- page --> 142 143 <?php tpl_flush() ?> 144 <?php tpl_includeFile('pagefooter.php') ?> 145 </div> 146 </div><!-- row --> 147 148 <!-- == FOOTER == --> 149 <div class='row'> 150 <div id="dokuwiki__footer" class="span10 <?php echo $showSidebar?'offset2':'';?>"> 151 <!-- PAGE ACTIONS --> 152 <hr /> 153 <div id="dokuwiki__pagetools"> 154 <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo tpl_getLang('page_tools'); ?></h3> 155 <div class='btn-group'> 156 <?php 157 tpl_action('edit', 1, 'span class="btn"'); 158 tpl_action('history', 1, 'span class="btn"'); 159 tpl_action('backlink', 1, 'span class="btn"'); 160 tpl_action('subscribe', 1, 'span class="btn"'); 161 tpl_action('revert', 1, 'span class="btn"'); 162 tpl_action('top', 1, 'span class="btn"'); 163 ?> 164 </div> 165 </div> 166 <div class="doc"><?php tpl_pageinfo() /* 'Last modified' etc */ ?></div> 167 <?php tpl_license('button') /* content license, parameters: img=*badge|button|0, imgonly=*0|1, return=*0|1 */ ?> 168 <?php tpl_includeFile('footer.html') ?> 169 </div> 170 </div> 171</div><!-- /site --><div class="no"><?php tpl_indexerWebBug()?></div> 172</div> 173</body> 174</html> 175