2// UI, cc0, by Zatalyz
3$lang['kh_userpage']            = "Hello";
6 * style.ini values
7 */
8$lang['__background_site__'] = 'Color for the very background (behind the content box)';
9$lang['__link__']     = 'The general link color';
10$lang['__existing__'] = 'The color for links to existing pages';
11$lang['__missing__']  = 'The color for links to non-existing pages';
12$lang['__site_width__']    = 'The width of the full site (can be any length unit: %, px, em, ...)';
13$lang['__sidebar_width__'] = 'The width of the sidebar, if any (can be any length unit: %, px, em, ...)';
14$lang['__tablet_width__']  = 'Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to tablet mode';
15$lang['__phone_width__']   = 'Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to phone mode';