1<!DOCTYPE html><?php if ( !defined ( 'DOKU_INC' ) ) die ( ); // must be run from within DokuWiki
2/* This is the template for the media manager popup
3 * @link   http://dokuwiki.org/templates
4 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
5 */
6$NS = $INFO [ 'namespace' ]; $t2 = "\n\t\t";
7$comic = preg_match ( '/:(sci-fi|tlk|wolves|mlp|furry|gamer|other|interrobang):/', $NS );
9header ( 'X-UA-Compatible: IE = edge' ); echo '
10<html xml:lang = "' . $conf [ "lang" ] . '" lang = "' . $conf [ "lang" ] . '" dir = "' . $lang [ "direction" ] . '">' .
11// 1. HEAD
12"\n\t" . '<head>' .
13$t2 . '<meta charset = "utf-8" />' .
14$t2 . '<title>' . hsc ( $lang [ 'mediaselect' ] ) . ' [' . strip_tags ( $conf [ 'title' ] ) . ']</title>' .
15$t2 . '<meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1" />' .
16$t2; tpl_metaheaders ( );
17echo "\t" . '</head>' .
18// 2. BODY
19"\n\t" . '<body>' .
20$t2 . '<div id="media__manager" class="dokuwiki lang-' . str_replace ( ":", " ", $NS ) . ( $comic ? ' comic' : '') . '">' .
21// Message
22$t3 . '<div id="media__left">'; html_msgarea ( );
23// PAGE
24$t4 . '<h1>' . hsc ( $lang [ 'mediaselect' ] ) . '</h1>' .
25$t4 . '<div id="media__opts"></div>' . $t4;
26tpl_mediaTree ( );
27echo $t3 . '</div>' .
29$t3 . '<div id="media__right">' . $t4;
30tpl_mediaContent ( );
31echo '
32';?>			</div>
33		</div>
34	</body>