3namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Backend;
5use Sabre\DAV;
8 * Every CalDAV backend must at least implement this interface.
9 *
10 * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
11 * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
12 * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
13 */
14interface SubscriptionSupport extends BackendInterface {
16    /**
17     * Returns a list of subscriptions for a principal.
18     *
19     * Every subscription is an array with the following keys:
20     *  * id, a unique id that will be used by other functions to modify the
21     *    subscription. This can be the same as the uri or a database key.
22     *  * uri. This is just the 'base uri' or 'filename' of the subscription.
23     *  * principaluri. The owner of the subscription. Almost always the same as
24     *    principalUri passed to this method.
25     *
26     * Furthermore, all the subscription info must be returned too:
27     *
28     * 1. {DAV:}displayname
29     * 2. {http://apple.com/ns/ical/}refreshrate
30     * 3. {http://calendarserver.org/ns/}subscribed-strip-todos (omit if todos
31     *    should not be stripped).
32     * 4. {http://calendarserver.org/ns/}subscribed-strip-alarms (omit if alarms
33     *    should not be stripped).
34     * 5. {http://calendarserver.org/ns/}subscribed-strip-attachments (omit if
35     *    attachments should not be stripped).
36     * 6. {http://calendarserver.org/ns/}source (Must be a
37     *     Sabre\DAV\Property\Href).
38     * 7. {http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color
39     * 8. {http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-order
40     * 9. {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}supported-calendar-component-set
41     *    (should just be an instance of
42     *    Sabre\CalDAV\Property\SupportedCalendarComponentSet, with a bunch of
43     *    default components).
44     *
45     * @param string $principalUri
46     * @return array
47     */
48    function getSubscriptionsForUser($principalUri);
50    /**
51     * Creates a new subscription for a principal.
52     *
53     * If the creation was a success, an id must be returned that can be used to reference
54     * this subscription in other methods, such as updateSubscription.
55     *
56     * @param string $principalUri
57     * @param string $uri
58     * @param array $properties
59     * @return mixed
60     */
61    function createSubscription($principalUri, $uri, array $properties);
63    /**
64     * Updates a subscription
65     *
66     * The list of mutations is stored in a Sabre\DAV\PropPatch object.
67     * To do the actual updates, you must tell this object which properties
68     * you're going to process with the handle() method.
69     *
70     * Calling the handle method is like telling the PropPatch object "I
71     * promise I can handle updating this property".
72     *
73     * Read the PropPatch documentation for more info and examples.
74     *
75     * @param mixed $subscriptionId
76     * @param \Sabre\DAV\PropPatch $propPatch
77     * @return void
78     */
79    function updateSubscription($subscriptionId, DAV\PropPatch $propPatch);
81    /**
82     * Deletes a subscription.
83     *
84     * @param mixed $subscriptionId
85     * @return void
86     */
87    function deleteSubscription($subscriptionId);