1<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> 2<html> 3 <head> 4 <title>Tests for the Helper functions</title> 5<!-- 6 $Id: HelpersTestsOther.html 147 2006-12-20 22:53:19Z wingedfox $ 7 $HeadURL: https://svn.debugger.ru/repos/jslibs/BrowserExtensions/tags/BrowserExtensions.003/tests/HelpersTestsOther.html $ 8 9 Automated tests for the Helper functions 10 @author Ilya Lebedev <ilya@lebedev.net> 11--> 12 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 13 <title>BrowserExtensions/Helpers tests</title> 14 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/jsUnitStyle.css"> 15 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="jsUnitCore.js"></script> 16 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../helpers.js"></script> 17 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 18 19 var div,p,span,em; 20 function setUpPage() { 21 inform('setUpPage()'); 22 document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="testdiv1" class="testdiv1">' 23 +' <div id="testdiv2" class="testdiv2">' 24 +' <p id="teestp1" class="testp1">' 25 +' <span id="testspan1" class="testspan1">' 26 +' <em id="testem1" class="testem1"> test </em>' 27 +' </span></p></div></div>'; 28 div = document.getElementById('testdiv1'); 29 div2 = document.getElementById('testdiv2'); 30 p = document.getElementById('testp1'); 31 span = document.getElementById('testspan1'); 32 em = document.getElementById('testem1'); 33 setUpPageStatus = 'complete'; 34 } 35 36 function testGetParent() { 37 assertEquals("Find self should return self", em, DOM.getParent(em, em)); 38 assertEquals("Find parent should return parent", div, DOM.getParent(em, div)); 39 assertEquals("Find from em with 1st param 'em' should return self", em, DOM.getParent(em,"em")); 40 assertEquals("Find from em with 1st param 'div' should return div with id=testdiv2", div2, DOM.getParent(em,"div")); 41 assertNull("Find unexistent node should return null", DOM.getParent(em,"td")); 42 assertEquals("Find from em with 1st param 'className' and 2nd 'testdiv1' should return div with id=testdiv1", div, DOM.getParent(em, "className", "testdiv1")); 43 assertNull("Find from em with 1st param 'className' and 2nd 'nothing' should return null", DOM.getParent(em, "className", "nothing")); 44 } 45 46 function testGluePath() { 47 assertEquals("gluePath will return empty string when no arguments specified", '', gluePath()); 48 assertEquals("gluePath will return string 'as is' when only 1 argument specified", 'a', gluePath('a')); 49 assertEquals("gluePath will return string 'as is' when only 1 argument specified", '/a', gluePath('/a')); 50 assertEquals("gluePath will return string 'as is' when only 1 argument specified", '/a/', gluePath('/a/')); 51 assertEquals("gluePath will return string 'as is' when only 1 argument specified", 'a/', gluePath('a/')); 52 assertEquals("gluePath will not strip duplicate slashes in non-glued parts", '//a', gluePath('//a')); 53 assertEquals("gluePath will not strip duplicate slashes in non-glued parts", '//a//', gluePath('//a//')); 54 assertEquals("gluePath will not strip duplicate slashes in non-glued parts", 'a//', gluePath('a//')); 55 assertEquals("gluePath will not break URLs", 'http://test.com', gluePath('http://test.com')); 56 assertEquals("gluePath will glue the strings and numbers", 'http://test.com/1/path/to/file.html', gluePath('http://test.com', 1, 'path/to/file.html')); 57 assertEquals("gluePath will skip arguments, that does not match the strings and numbers", 'http://test.com/1/path/to/file.html', gluePath('http://test.com',{}, 1, [], /34/, 'path/to/file.html')); 58 } 59 60 61 </script> 62 </head> 63 <body> 64 <h1>Tests for the Helpers functions</h1> 65 <p>This page contains tests for the Helpers functions. To see them, take a look at the source.</p> 66 </body> 67</html> 68