2$lang['logos'] = 'Comma separated list of image names for home page logo: names only, not paths';
3$lang['ips'] = 'Comma separated list of IPs for rotation by IP; rotations follow sequence of IPs';
4$lang['sitetools'] = '<b>Site Tools</b><br />Remove the selected site tools. In the Dokuwiki template Site Tools are located at the top of the template.';
5$lang['pagetools'] = '<b>Page Tools</b><br />Remove the selected page tools. In the Dokuwiki template these are located along the right-hand side of the template.  You can remove non-standard tools, using the input box:  enter them as a comma separated list of unique words from their query strings or urls.'
6    .  ' <code>Revert</code> stops attackers from  reverting pages to old revisions.';
7$lang['profile'] = 'Remove User Profile link';
8$lang['restricted_group'] = 'Name of group which is restricted from accessing the User Profile dialog. If no group is assigned and the <code>profile</code> option is true, all users will have the User Profile link removed.';
9$lang['search'] = 'Remove Search box';
10$lang['taglines'] = "Comma separated list of taglines. Requires default tagline in dokuwiki's <a href ='https://www.dokuwiki.org/config:tagline'>tagline</a> setting.";
11$lang['acl_all'] = 'The ACL level at which users are barred from access to the sitetoools and pagetools. Users with ACL levels equal to or less than this level will be barred from access to these tools';
12$lang['dateorip'] = 'Rotate logos, tag lines, and wiki names  by ip address or days of the week. Select  <code>NEITHER</code> if you do not want rotation.';
13$lang['rotatewhich'] = "If rotating the logo and/or tag line, select which to rotate";
14$lang['ptools_xcl'] = ' If pagetools is set to <code>All</code>, you can retain selected tools by entering  a comma separated list of unique words from their urls in this text box.'
15     . ' The Dokuwiki template and most others use these words: <code>edit,revisions,backlink,subscribe</code>. By default this option protects the top and login icons.';
16$lang['wiki_names'] = "Comma separated list of wiki names";
17$lang['rotate_title'] = "Rotate the wiki name (title)";
18$lang['tag_date_format'] = "A php <a href='http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php'>date format </a> string.  If present, this date string will be output as your tagline.";
19$lang['toggle_sidebar'] = "Display a toggle to hide and show the sidebar";
20$lang['background_color'] = 'The browser background color, i.e. surrounding the wiki page. See plugin page for possible advantages of setting this option.';
21$lang['blocking'] = 'Prevent attempts to access hidden actions by adding <code> do=&lt;action&gt; </code> parameters to the url.';
22$lang['deflang'] = 'User Interface Languages.  Select the languages from which your users will be selecting a UI Language in the User Profile dialog. If any do not appear '
23    .  'in the listing, they can be entered, as a comma-separated list, into the text box in this form: "Language ISO", where Language is the language name and ISO is the ISO code.';
24$lang['xcl_sidebar'] = "Comma separated list of pages and/or namespaces where sidebar should be suppressed.  Pages should be in <code>namespace:pagename</code> " .
25      "format. Namespaces as <code>namespace:*</code> ";