3 * Syntax plugin part for displaying a tag search form with results.
4 *
5 * Usage: {{tagsearch[&flags]}}
6 * @license  GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 * @author Michael Hamann <michael@content-space.de>
8 */
11 * Tagsearch syntax, displays a tag search form with results similar to the topic syntax
12 */
13class syntax_plugin_tag_searchtags extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
14    /**
15     * @return string Syntax type
16     */
17    function getType() { return 'substition'; }
19    /**
20     * @return string Paragraph type
21     */
22    function getPType() { return 'block'; }
24    /**
25     * @return int Sort order
26     */
27    function getSort() { return 295; }
29    /**
30     * @param string $mode Parser mode
31     */
32    function connectTo($mode) {
33        $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{searchtags}}', $mode,'plugin_tag_searchtags');
34        // make sure that flags really start with & and media files starting with "searchtags" still work
35        $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{searchtags&.*?\}\}',$mode,'plugin_tag_searchtags');
36    }
38    /**
39     * Handle matches of the searchtags syntax
40     *
41     * @param string $match The match of the syntax
42     * @param int    $state The state of the handler
43     * @param int    $pos The position in the document
44     * @param Doku_Handler    $handler The handler
45     * @return array Data for the renderer
46     */
47    function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) {
48        $flags = substr($match, 12, -2); // strip {{searchtags from start and }} from end
49        // remove empty flags by using array_filter (removes elements == false)
50        return array_filter(explode('&', $flags));
51    }
53    /**
54     * Render xhtml output or metadata
55     *
56     * @param string         $format      Renderer mode (supported modes: xhtml and metadata)
57     * @param Doku_Renderer  $renderer  The renderer
58     * @param array          $data      The data from the handler function
59     * @return bool If rendering was successful.
60     */
61    function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) {
62        global $lang;
63        $flags = $data;
65        if ($format == 'xhtml') {
66            /* @var Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer */
68            // prevent caching to ensure content is always fresh
69            $renderer->nocache();
71            /* @var helper_plugin_pagelist $pagelist */
72            // let Pagelist Plugin do the work for us
73            if (!$pagelist = $this->loadHelper('pagelist')) {
74                return false;
75            }
77            // Prepare the flags for the pagelist plugin
78            $configflags = explode(',', str_replace(" ", "", $this->getConf('pagelist_flags')));
79            $flags = array_merge($configflags, $flags);
80            foreach($flags as $key => $flag) {
81                if($flag == "")	{
82                    unset($flags[$key]);
83                }
84            }
86            // print the search form
87            $nonsform = in_array('nonsform', $flags);
88            $renderer->doc .= $this->getForm($nonsform);
90            // get the tag input data
91            $tags = $this->getTagSearchString();
93            if ($tags != null) {
94                /* @var helper_plugin_tag $helper */
95                if ($helper = $this->loadHelper('tag')) {
96                    $pages = $helper->getTopic($this->getNS(), '', $tags);
97                }
99                // Display a message when no pages were found
100                if (!isset($pages) || !$pages) {
101                    $renderer->p_open();
102                    $renderer->cdata($lang['nothingfound']);
103                    $renderer->p_close();
104                } else {
106                    // display the actual search results
107                    $pagelist->setFlags($flags);
108                    $pagelist->startList();
109                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
110                        $pagelist->addPage($page);
111                    }
112                    $renderer->doc .= $pagelist->finishList();
113                }
114            }
116            return true;
117        }
118        return false;
119    }
121    /**
122     * Return the search form for the namespace and the tag selection
123     *
124     * @return string the HTML code of the search form
125     */
126    private function getForm($nonsform=false)  {
127        global $conf, $lang;
129        if (!$nonsform) {
130            // Get the list of all namespaces for the dropdown
131            $namespaces = [];
132            search($namespaces,$conf['datadir'],'search_namespaces', []);
134            // build the list in the form value => label from the namespace search result
135            $ns_select = ['' => ''];
136            foreach ($namespaces as $ns) {
137                // only display namespaces the user can access when sneaky index is on
138                if ($ns['perm'] > 0 || $conf['sneaky_index'] == 0) {
139                    $ns_select[$ns['id']] = $ns['id'];
140                }
141            }
142        }
144        $form = new Doku_Form(array('action' => '', 'method' => 'post', 'class' => 'plugin__tag_search'));
146        // add a paragraph around the inputs in order to get some margin around the form elements
147        $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('p'));
148        // namespace select
149        if (!$nonsform) {
150            $form->addElement(form_makeMenuField('plugin__tag_search_namespace', $ns_select, $this->getNS(), $lang['namespaces']));
151        }
153        // checkbox for AND
154        $attr = array();
155        if ($this->useAnd()) {
156            $attr['checked'] = 'checked';
157        }
158        $form->addElement(form_makeCheckboxField('plugin__tag_search_and', 1, $this->getLang('use_and'), '', '', $attr));
159        $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('p'));
161        // load the tag list - only tags that actually have pages assigned that the current user can access are listed
162        /* @var helper_plugin_tag $my */
163        if ($my = $this->loadHelper('tag')) {
164            $tags = $my->tagOccurrences(array(), NULL, true);
165        }
166        // sort tags by name ($tags is in the form $tag => $count)
167        ksort($tags);
169        // display error message when no tags were found
170        if (!isset($tags) || $tags == NULL) {
171            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('p'));
172            $form->addElement($this->getLang('no_tags'));
173            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('p'));
174        } else {
175            // the tags table
176            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('class' => 'table')));
177            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('table', array('class' => 'inline')));
178            // print table header
179            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('tr'));
180            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('th'));
181            $form->addElement($this->getLang('include'));
182            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('th'));
183            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('th'));
184            $form->addElement($this->getLang('exclude'));
185            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('th'));
186            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('th'));
187            $form->addElement($this->getLang('tags'));
188            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('th'));
189            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('tr'));
191            // print tag checkboxes
192            foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) {
193                $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('tr'));
194                $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('td'));
195                $attr = array();
196                if ($this->isSelected($tag)) {
197                    $attr['checked'] = 'checked';
198                }
199                $form->addElement(form_makeCheckboxField('plugin__tag_search_tags[]', $tag, '+', '', 'plus', $attr));
200                $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('td'));
201                $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('td'));
202                $attr = array();
203                if ($this->isSelected('-'.$tag)) {
204                    $attr['checked'] = 'checked';
205                }
206                $form->addElement(form_makeCheckboxField('plugin__tag_search_tags[]', '-'.$tag, '-', '', 'minus', $attr));
207                $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('td'));
208                $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('td'));
209                $form->addElement(hsc($tag).' ['.$count.']');
210                $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('td'));
211                $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('tr'));
212            }
214            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('table'));
215            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('div'));
217            // submit button (doesn't use the button form element because it always submits an action which is not
218            // recognized for $preact in inc/actions.php and thus always causes a redirect)
219            $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('p'));
220            $form->addElement(form_makeTag('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => $lang['btn_search'])));
221            $form->addElement(form_makeCloseTag('p'));
222        }
224        return $form->getForm();
225    }
227    /**
228     * Returns the currently selected namespace
229     * @return string the cleaned namespace id
230     */
231    private function getNS() {
232        global $INPUT;
233        if ($INPUT->post->has('plugin__tag_search_namespace')) {
234            return cleanID($INPUT->post->str('plugin__tag_search_namespace'));
235        } else {
236            return '';
237        }
238    }
240    /**
241     * Returns the tag search string from the selected tags
242     * @return string|null the tag search or null when no tags were selected
243     */
244    private function getTagSearchString() {
245        global $INPUT;
246        if ($INPUT->post->has('plugin__tag_search_tags') && is_array($INPUT->post->param('plugin__tag_search_tags'))) {
247            $tags = $INPUT->post->arr('plugin__tag_search_tags');
248            // When 'and' is set, prepend "+" to each tag
249            $plus = $this->useAnd() ? '+' : '';
250            $positive_tags = '';
251            $negative_tags = '';
252            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
253                $tag = (string)$tag;
254                if ($tag[0] == '-') {
255                    $negative_tags .= $tag.' ';
256                } else {
257                    if ($positive_tags === '') {
258                        $positive_tags = $tag.' ';
259                    } else {
260                        $positive_tags .= $plus.$tag.' ';
261                    }
262                }
263            }
264            return $positive_tags.$negative_tags;
265        } else {
266            return null; // return NULL when no tags were selected so no results will be displayed
267        }
268    }
270    /**
271     * Check if a tag was selected for search
272     *
273     * @param string $tag The tag to check
274     * @return bool if the tag was checked
275     */
276    private function isSelected($tag) {
277        global $INPUT;
278        if ($INPUT->post->has('plugin__tag_search_tags')) {
279            return in_array($tag, $INPUT->post->arr('plugin__tag_search_tags'), true);
280        } else {
281            return false; // no tags in the post data - no tag selected
282        }
283    }
285    /**
286     * Check if the tag query should use AND (instead of OR)
287     *
288     * @return bool if the query should use AND
289     */
290    private function useAnd() {
291        global $INPUT;
292        return $INPUT->post->has('plugin__tag_search_and');
293    }
295// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: