3 * english language file
4 *
5 * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
6 * @author Taggic <taggic@t-online.de>
7 */
8$lang['admin_removeold']    = 'Remove outdated files';
9$lang['p_include']          = 'Please copy the list of outdated files into the textarea.';
10$lang['i_choose']           = 'An empty input field will not cause any effect to prevent misuse/mistakes.<br />';
11$lang['i_legend']           = 'Insert the <u><b><a href="https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki/raw/stable/data/deleted.files" target="_blank">removeold</a></b></u> - file content here';
12$lang['i_dryrun']           = 'simulate only';
13$lang['btn_start']          = 'Start';
14$lang['removeold_willmsg']  = 'SIMULATION: The files would be processed as follows.';
15$lang['removeold_delmsg']   = 'The files are <u><b>finally</b></u> processed as follows.';
16$lang['removeold_summary']  = 'Summary';
17$lang['summary_option']     = 'Show summary only !';
18$lang['cache_option']       = 'Erase cache completely';
19$lang['not_found']          = 'File not found';
20$lang['exists']             = 'Files exist';
21$lang['deleted']            = 'Files deleted';
22$lang['delError']           = '<span style="color:red;">! ERROR ! </span>';
23$lang['erased']             = 'Cache erased';
24$lang['ro_err_msg']         = '<b>LOG WRITE ERROR !</b> Can\'t write to the log file.';