3 * PyCode plugin: it embeds a Python script hosted in a remote repository.
4 *
5 * syntax.php: it defines all the methods used by PyCode plugin
6 *      who extend DokuWiki's syntax.
7 *
8 * @author Torpedo <dgtorpedo@gmail.com>
9 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
10 * @package syntax
11 */
13if (!defined("DOKU_INC")) die();  // the plugin must be run within Dokuwiki
15require_once "method.php";  // common methods used by PyCode plugin
18 * This class defines all the methods used by the PyCode plugin to produce
19 * the plugin's output.
20 *
21 * It extends DokuWiki's basic syntax defined in lib/plugins/syntax.php.
22 *
23 * @package syntax_pycode
24 */
25class syntax_plugin_pycode extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
27    /**
28     * Constructor method for class suitable for any initialization.
29     */
30    public function __construct() {
31        $this->mpp = new method_pycode_plugin;
32    }
34    /**
35     * Define the syntax types that this plugin applies when founds
36     * its token: it is simply replaced.
37     *
38     * @return (str)
39     */
40    public function getType() {
41        return "substition";
42    }
44    /**
45     * Define how the plugin's output is handled regarding paragraphs.
46     *
47     * Open paragraphs will be closed before plugin output and
48     * the plugin output will not starts with a paragraph:
49     *     <p>foo</p>
50     *     <pycode>
51     *     <p>bar</p>
52     *
53     * @return (str)
54     */
55    public function getPType() {
56        return "block";
57    }
59    /**
60     * Define the priority used to determine in which order modes are added:
61     * the mode with the lowest sort number will win.
62     *
63     * Since this plugin provides text codes and internal links, it is
64     * sorted at:
65     *     Doku_Parser_Mode_code (= 200) < PyCode plugin
66     *     Doku_Parser_Mode_internallink (= 310) < PyCode plugin
67     *
68     * @return (int)
69     */
70    public function getSort() {
71        return 315;
72    }
74    /**
75     * Define the regular expression needed to match the plugin's syntax.
76     *
77     * This plugin use the following general syntax:
78     *     <pycode [list of parameters]>
79     *
80     * @param (str) $mode name for the format mode of the final output
81     *     (at the present only $mode == "xhtml" is supported)
82     */
83    public function connectTo($mode) {
84        $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern("<pycode.*?>", $mode, "plugin_pycode");
85    }
87    /**
88     * Handle the plugin's syntax matched.
89     *
90     * This method is called every time the parser encounters the
91     * plugin's syntax in order to produce a list of instructions for the
92     * renderer, which will be interpreted later.
93     *
94     * @param (str) $match the text matched
95     * @param (int) $state the lexer state
96     * @param (int) $pos the character position of the matched text
97     * @param (obj) $handler object reference to the Doku_Handler class,
98     *     defined in inc/parser/handler.php
99     * @return (arr) $data it contains the parameters handed to the
100     *     plugin's syntax and found in the wiki page, that is:
101     *     array {
102     *     [0] => (str) <src-url>
103     *     [1] => (str) <flag-c|f|l>
104     *     [2] => (str) <name-class|function|lines>
105     *     [3] => (str) <name-class>
106     *     }
107     *     where only element [0] is obligatory so the following
108     *     are valid combinations:
109     *     <src-url>
110     *     <src-url> c <name-class>
111     *     <src-url> f <name-function> <name-class>
112     *     <src-url> f <name-function>
113     *     <src-url> l <name-lines>
114     */
115    public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) {
116        $data = array();
118        $match = $this->mpp->_remove_multi_space($match);
119        $match = substr($match, 8, -1);  // strips "<pycode " and ">"
121        // get user option for line numbers
122        $usr_nums = null;
123        $re = "/(-nums)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(0|1)/";
124        preg_match($re, $match, $matches);
125        if (preg_match($re, $match, $matches) == 1) {
126            $usr_nums = $matches[5];
127        }
129        // get user option for title
130        $usr_title = null;
131        $re = "/(-title)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(\'|\")(.*)(\'|\")/";
132        preg_match($re, $match, $matches);
133        if (preg_match($re, $match, $matches) == 1) {
134            $usr_title = $matches[6];
135        }
137        // get user option for docstrings
138        $usr_docstr = null;
139        $re = "/(-docstr)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(0|1)/";
140        preg_match($re, $match, $matches);
141        if (preg_match($re, $match, $matches) == 1) {
142            $usr_docstr = $matches[5];
143        }
145        // remove user options and create data array
146        $re = "/(\s*-nums.*|\s*-title.*|\s*-docstr.*)/";
147        $subst = "";
148        $match = preg_replace($re, $subst, $match);
149        $data = explode(" ", $match);
151        // append user options
152        $data["usr_nums"] = $usr_nums;
153        $data["usr_title"] = $usr_title;
154        $data["usr_docstr"] = $usr_docstr;
156        return $data;
157    }
159    /**
160     * Process the list of instructions that render the final output.
161     *
162     * It's used an array to remember if, in the same wiki page,
163     * the same <file> is called one or more times, in order to do only one
164     * connection to the relative repository to download its code.
165     * As soon as the content of <file> is downloaded, it's stored in a local
166     * directory and used to render the output, even for the oher calls
167     * of <file>.
168     * If, visiting another wiki page, the same <file> is called again or
169     * every time the page is refreshed, this array is unset (desired effect)
170     * so, before download the code again, it's checked how much
171     * up-to-date is the local copy of <file> against the original copy
172     * in the repository.
173     * The array is of the form:
174     *     array {
175     *     [<src-url>] => (int) 0|1|2
176     *     }
177     * with the following meaning:
178     *     <src-url> = 0: <file> has been just downloaded so it's up-to-date
179     *     <src-url> = 1: <file> has been downloaded in the current session
180     *                    and can be reused in the same page
181     *     <src-url> = 2: <file> was downloaded in a previous session so
182     *                    it could be out-of-date
183     *
184     * Since is saved a copy of <file>, it is necessary to know when it's no
185     * longer used in any wiki page.
186     * Hence it's used a logfile in which are recorded, for each wiki page, all
187     * the repository used. When all the references to the same repository are
188     * deleted from all wiki pages, the relative local copy of <file> is
189     * deleted too.
190     *
191     * @param (str) $mode name for the format mode of the final output
192     *     (at the present only $mode == "xhtml" is supported)
193     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
194     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
195     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
196     * @param (arr) $data it contains the parameters handled to the
197     *     plugin's syntax and found in the wiki page, that is:
198     *     array {
199     *     [0] => (str) <src-url>
200     *     [1] => (str) <flag-c|f|l>
201     *     [2] => (str) <name-class|function|lines>
202     *     [3] => (str) <name-class>
203     *     ["usr_nums"] => (str) -nums = 0|1
204     *     ["usr_title"] => (str) -title = "<new-title>"
205     *     ["usr-docstr"] => (str) -docstr = 0|1
206     *     }
207     *     where only element [0] is obligatory and element [3] is
208     *     the name of the class at wich the method belongs to
209     *     so the following are valid combinations:
210     *     <src-url>
211     *     <src-url> [c <name-class> [-docstr]]
212     *     <src-url> [f <name-function> [<name-class>] [-nums] [-title]]
213     *     <src-url> [l <name-lines> [-nums] [-title]]
214     */
215    public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) {
216        global $INPUT;
217        $repo = array();  // store all <src-url>(s) found in the current page
218        $code_error = array("error", "notfound-lns", "notfound-def", "notfound-cls");
220        // eventualy disable the cache
221        $cache = $this->getConf("cache");
222        if ($cache == 1){
223            $renderer->nocache();
224        }
226        try {
227            // check if url to the source code is right
228            $src_url = $data[0];
229            $src_url = $this->mpp->_check_src_url($src_url);
230            if (in_array($src_url, $code_error)) {
231                throw new Exception($this->mpp->_check_src_url($src_url));
232            }
234            // get info associated to the code
235            $flag = $data[1];
236            $name = $data[2];
237            $subname = $data[3];
238            $nums = $data["usr_nums"];
239            $title = $data["usr_title"];
240            $docstr = $data["usr_docstr"];
241            list($name_host, $name_repo, $name_brch, $name_file) = $this->mpp->_get_names($src_url);
242            $loc_url = $this->mpp->_get_loc_url($name_host, $name_repo, $name_brch, $name_file);
243            $lang = $this->mpp->_get_lang($name_file);
244            $raw_url = $this->mpp->_get_raw_url($src_url);
246            // check if in this session <file> has been alredy downloaded
247            if ((file_exists($loc_url) == false)) {
248                $repo[$src_url] = 0;
249            }
250            elseif (file_exists($loc_url) == true and
251                    in_array($src_url, array_keys($repo)) == false) {
252                $repo[$src_url] = 2;
253            }
255            // get the code
256            if ($flag == "" and $name != "") {
257                throw new Exception("wrong-flag");
258            }
259            elseif ($flag != "" and $name == "") {
260                throw new Exception("wrong-flag");
261            }
262            elseif (($flag == "f" or $flag == "c") and $lang != "python") {
263                throw new Exception("wrong-flag");
264            }
265            if ($repo[$src_url] == 0) {
266                // get the whole code
267                list($code_raw, $sl_raw, $el_raw) = $this->mpp->_get_code($raw_url);
268                if (in_array($code_raw, $code_error)) {
269                    throw new Exception($code_raw);
270                }
271                // save in local and use this instead of the repo
272                $this->mpp->_save_code($loc_url, $code_raw);
273            }
274            elseif ($repo[$src_url] == 2) {
275                list($code_raw, $sl_raw, $el_raw) = $this->mpp->_get_code($raw_url, $flag, $name, $subname);
276                if (in_array($code_raw, $code_error)) {
277                    throw new Exception($code_raw);
278                }
279                if ($flag == "c") {
280                    // temporaly save in local and use this instead of the repo
281                    // because to chek if a class is changed is necessary to
282                    // check if all its methods are changed too
283                    $tmp_raw_loc_url = $loc_url . ".tmp";
284                    $this->mpp->_save_code($tmp_raw_loc_url, $code_raw);
285                }
286            }
287            list($code_loc, $sl_loc, $el_loc) = $this->mpp->_get_code($loc_url, $flag, $name, $subname);
288            if (in_array($code_loc, $code_error)) {
289                throw new Exception($code_loc);
290            }
292            // call the printer
293            if ($repo[$src_url] == 0 or $repo[$src_url] == 1) {
294                if (in_array($flag, array("", "l", "f"))) {
295                    $range = range($sl_loc, $el_loc);
296                    $this->_print_code($renderer, $src_url, $code_loc, $lang, $range, $flag, $name, $subname, $nums, $title);
297                }
298                elseif ($flag == "c") {
299                    $tree_loc = $this->mpp->_get_tree($code_loc);
300                    $this->_print_tree($renderer, $loc_url, $tree_loc, $docstr);
301                }
302                $repo[$src_url] = 1;
303            }
304            elseif ($repo[$src_url] == 2) {
305                $code_dif = $this->mpp->_get_code_dif($code_raw, $code_loc);
306                if (in_array($flag, array("", "l", "f"))) {
307                    if ($code_dif == "dif") {
308                        $this->_print_note($renderer, $loc_url, $code_raw, $sl_loc, $el_loc);
309                        $range = range($sl_loc, $el_loc);
310                    }
311                    else {
312                        $range = range($sl_raw, $el_raw);  // sth. is changed outside the range
313                    }
314                    $this->_print_code($renderer, $src_url, $code_loc, $lang, $range, $flag, $name, $subname, $nums, $title);
315                }
316                elseif ($flag == "c") {
317                    $tree_loc = $this->mpp->_get_tree($code_loc);
318                    if ($code_dif == "dif") {
319                        $tree_raw = $this->mpp->_get_tree($code_raw);
320                        $tree_dif = $this->mpp->_get_tree_dif($tmp_raw_loc_url, $loc_url, $tree_raw, $tree_loc);
321                        $this->_print_note($renderer, $loc_url, $code_raw, $sl_loc, $el_loc);
322                        $this->_print_tree($renderer, $loc_url, $tree_dif, $docstr);
323                    }
324                    else {
325                        $this->_print_tree($renderer, $loc_url, $tree_loc, $docstr);
326                    }
327                    unlink($tmp_raw_loc_url);
328                }
329            }
331            // record the <file>(s) embedded in this wiki page
332            $tmp_log_url = DOKU_PLUGIN . "pycode/tmp/logfile.tmp";
333            $this->mpp->_save_code($tmp_log_url, $loc_url);
334        }
336        catch (Exception $error) {
337            if ($error->getMessage() == "error") {
338                $this->_print_error($renderer);
339            }
340            elseif ($error->getMessage() == "wrong-flag") {
341                $this->_print_wrong_flag($renderer);
342            }
343            elseif ($error->getMessage() == "notfound-lns") {
344                $this->_print_notfound_lns($renderer);
345            }
346            elseif ($error->getMessage() == "notfound-def") {
347                $this->_print_notfound_def($renderer);
348            }
349            elseif ($error->getMessage() == "notfound-cls") {
350                $this->_print_notfound_cls($renderer);
351            }
352        }
353    }
355    /**
356     * Print the code of <file>.
357     *
358     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
359     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
360     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
361     * @param (str) $src_url the url to the source code of <file> in the repo
362     *     Bitbucket <src-url> =
363     *     "https://bitbucket.org/<user>/<repo>/src/<branch>/<file>"
364     *     GitHub <src-url> =
365     *     "https://github.com/<user>/<repo>/blob/<branch>/<file>"
366     * @param (arr) $code the code to embed
367     * @param (str) $lang the language name used in <file>
368     * @param (arr) $range the numbers of the lines matching the code to embed
369     * @param (str) $flag flag to indicate what kind of code we want to embed:
370     *     "" = all | "c" = class | "f" = function | "l" = lines
371     * @param (str) $name if specified, it can be only:
372     *     name-function|lines
373     * @param (str) $subname if specified, it can be only:
374     *     name-class
375     * @param (int) $nums if specified, it can be only:
376     *     0 = hide line numbers | 1 = show line numbers
377     * @param (str) $title if specified, it is the new user's title for the
378     *     code embedded
379     */
380    private function _print_code(Doku_Renderer $renderer, $src_url, $code, $lang, $range, $flag,
381                                 $name = null, $subname = null, $nums = null, $title = null) {
382        if ($flag == "f") {
383            $code = $this->mpp->_remove_indent($code);
384        }
385        $code = implode($code, PHP_EOL);
387        if ($nums === null) {
388            $nums = $this->getConf("nums");
389        }
391        // make the title for the code
392        if ($title === null) {
393            $title = $this->getConf("title");
394            if ($title != "none") {
395                if ($title == "file â‹… class â‹… def â‹… #:#") {
396                    $src = basename($src_url) . " â‹… ";
397                }
398                elseif ($title == "src-url â‹… class â‹… def â‹… #:#") {
399                    $src = $src_url . " â‹… ";
400                }
401                if ($flag == "") {
402                    $class = "";
403                    $def = "";
404                }
405                elseif ($flag == "f") {
406                    if ($subname === null) {
407                        $class = "";
408                        $def = "def: " . $name . " â‹… ";
409                    }
410                    else {
411                        $class = "class: " . $subname . " â‹… ";
412                        $def = "def: " . $name . " â‹… ";
413                    }
414                }
415                elseif ($flag == "l") {
416                    $class = "";
417                    $def = "";
418                }
419                $lns = "Ln: " . reset($range) . "-" . end($range);
420                $title = "$src" . "$class" . "$def" . "$lns";
421            }
422        }
423        else {
424            if ($title == "") {
425                $title = "none";
426            }
427        }
429        // print
430        if ($nums == 1) {
431            $renderer->doc .= "<div class='nums_pycode'>";
432            $renderer->doc .= "<dl class='code nums_pycode'>";
433            if ($title != "none") {
434                $renderer->doc .= "<dt>&nbsp;</dt>";
435            }
436            $renderer->doc .= "<dd>";
437            $renderer->doc .= "<pre class='code nums_pycode'>";
438            foreach ($range as $number) {
439                if (strlen(end($range)) <= 4) {
440                    $number = str_pad($number, 4, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
441                }
442                else {
443                    $number = str_pad($number, 5, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
444                }
445                $renderer->doc .= "$number<br>";
446            }
447            $renderer->doc .= "</pre> </dd> </dl> </div>";
448            $renderer->doc .= "<div class='code_pycode'>";
449        }
451        if ($title != "none") {
452            $icon = $this->mpp->_get_icon($src_url);
453            $renderer->doc .= "<dl class='code code_pycode'>";
454            $renderer->doc .= "<dt><img class='code_pycode' src='" . $icon . "'>$title</dt>";
455            $renderer->doc .= "<dd>";
456        }
458        $renderer->doc .= "<pre class='code $lang'>";
459        $renderer->doc .= $this->mpp->_get_geshi_code($code, $lang);
460        $renderer->doc .= "</pre>";
462        if ($title != "none") {
463            $renderer->doc .= "</dd> </dl>";
464        }
466        if ($nums == 1) {
467            $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
468        }
469    }
471    /**
472     * Print the tree structure of a given class defined in <file>.
473     *
474     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
475     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
476     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
477     * @param (str) $loc_url the url to the raw code of the copy of <file> in
478     *     <srv-path>/lib/plugins/pycode/tmp/<host>/<repo>/<branch>/<file>
479     * @param (arr) $tree the name of a class and its methods, that is:
480     *     array {
481     *     [0] => array {
482     *         [0] => (str) "class <name-class>(<parameters>)"
483     *         [1] => (str) <name-class>
484     *         [2] => (int) <#>
485     *         }
486     *     [i] => array {
487     *         [0] => (str) "class <name-function>(<parameters>)"
488     *         [1] => (str) <name-function>
489     *         [2] => (int) <#>
490     *         }
491     *     }
492     *     where <#> is a flag used by the print function of the tree
493     *     structure of the given class and which tells "how" to render
494     *     each name; it can takes the following values:
495     *     <#> = 0 means "unchanged"
496     *     <#> = 1 means "changed"
497     *     <#> = 2 means "deleted"
498     *     <#> = 3 means "added"
499     * @param (int) $docstr if specified, it can be only:
500     *     0 = hide docstring | 1 = show docstring
501     */
502    private function _print_tree(Doku_Renderer $renderer, $loc_url, $tree, $docstr = null) {
503        global $INFO;
504        $namespace = $INFO["namespace"];
506        if ($docstr === null) {
507            $docstr = $this->getConf("docstr");
508        }
510        // get the descriptive part of the docstring
511        if ($docstr == 1) {
512            $all_brief = array();
513            foreach ($tree as $key => $val) {
514                if ($key == 0) {
515                    list($code, $sl, $el) = $this->mpp->_get_code($loc_url, "c", $val[1]);
516                    if ($code != "notfound-cls") {
517                        $brief = $this->mpp->_get_docstr($code, $val[1], "c");
518                    }
519                }
520                else {
521                    list($code, $sl, $el) = $this->mpp->_get_code($loc_url, "f", $val[1], $tree[0][1]);
522                    if ($code != "notfound-def") {
523                        $brief = $this->mpp->_get_docstr($code, $val[1], "f");
524                    }
525                }
526                array_push($all_brief, $brief);
527            }
528        }
530        // this is what we want to produce:
531        // * class <name-class>(<parameters>)
532        //   * def <name-function>(<parameters>)
533        //   * ...
534        //   * def <name-function>(<parameters>)
535        //
536        // the equivalent xhtml code is:
537        // <ul>
538        //   <li>
539        //   <div>class <name-class>(<parameters>)</div>
540        //     <ul>
541        //       <li>
542        //       <div>def <name-function>(<parameters>)</div>
543        //       </li>
544        //       ...
545        //       <li>
546        //       <div>def <name-function>(<parameters>)</div>
547        //       </li>
548        //     </ul>
549        //   </li>
550        // </ul>
552        $renderer->listu_open(); // <ul>
553        $renderer->listitem_open(1); // <li>
554        $renderer->listcontent_open(); // <div>
555        if ($tree[0][2] == 1) {
556            $renderer->strong_open(); // start bold
557            $renderer->cdata($tree[0][0]);
558            $renderer->strong_close(); // stop bold
559        }
560        else {
561            $renderer->cdata($tree[0][0]);
562        }
563        if ($docstr == 1) {
564            $renderer->doc .= "<blockquote class='quote_pycode'>";
565            $renderer->emphasis_open();
566            foreach ($all_brief[0] as $line) {
567                $renderer->doc .= $line . "<br />";
568            }
569            $renderer->emphasis_close();
570            $renderer->doc .= "</blockquote>";
571        }
572        $renderer->listcontent_close(); // </div>
574        $renderer->listu_open(); // <ul> start indented
575        foreach ($tree as $key => $val) {
576            if ($key == 0) {
577                continue;
578            }
579            $renderer->listitem_open(2); // <li>
580            $renderer->listcontent_open(); // <div>
581            if ($val[2] == 1) {
582                $renderer->strong_open(); // start bold
583            }
584            elseif ($val[2] == 2) {
585                $renderer->deleted_open(); // start strike out
586            }
587            $renderer->internallink($namespace . ":" . $val[1], $val[0]);
588            if ($val[2] == 1) {
589                $renderer->strong_close(); // stop bold
590            }
591            elseif ($val[2] == 2) {
592                $renderer->deleted_close(); // stop strike out
593            }
594            if ($docstr == 1) {
595                $renderer->doc .= "<blockquote class='quote_pycode'>";
596                $renderer->emphasis_open();
597                foreach ($all_brief[$key] as $line) {
598                    $renderer->doc .= $line . "<br />";
599                }
600                $renderer->emphasis_close();
601                $renderer->doc .= "</blockquote>";
602            }
603            $renderer->listcontent_close(); // </div>
604            $renderer->listitem_close(); // </li>
605        }
606        $renderer->listu_close(); // </ul> stop indented
608        $renderer->listitem_close(); // </li>
609        $renderer->listu_close(); // </ul>
610    }
612    /**
613     * Print a notificaton which informs that the copy of <file>
614     * is out-of-date.
615     *
616     * Only users with a level permission greater than or equal to 2,
617     * can flush it away (see DokuWiki's ACL):
618     * level     |  0       1       2       4       8       16      255
619     * permission|  none    read    edit    create  upload  delete  admin
620     *
621     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
622     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
623     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
624     * @param (str) $loc_url the url to the raw code of the copy of <file> in
625     *     <srv-path>/lib/plugins/pycode/tmp/<host>/<repo>/<branch>/<file>
626     * @param (arr) $code_new the updated code got from the repository
627     * @param (int) $sl the number of the starting line of the code
628     * @param (int) $el the number of the ending line of the code
629     */
630    private function _print_note(Doku_Renderer $renderer, $loc_url, $code_new, $sl, $el) {
631        global $INFO;
632        $perm = $INFO["perm"];
633        $note = $this->getLang("note");
634        $code_new = base64_encode(serialize($code_new));
636        $renderer->doc .= "<div class='notify'>";
637        $renderer->cdata($note);
638        if ($perm >= AUTH_EDIT) {
639            $renderer->doc .= "<form method='post'>";
640            $renderer->doc .= "<input type='hidden' name='url' value=$loc_url>";
641            $renderer->doc .= "<input type='hidden' name='new' value=$code_new>";
642            $renderer->doc .= "<input type='hidden' name='start' value=$sl>";
643            $renderer->doc .= "<input type='hidden' name='end' value=$el>";
644            $renderer->doc .= "<input class='button ok_pycode' type='submit'
645            name='submit' value='Ok'>";
646            $renderer->doc .= "</form>";
647        }
648        $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
649    }
651    /**
652     * Print an error message which informs that the code between the
653     * specified lines is out of range.
654     *
655     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
656     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
657     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
658     */
659    private function _print_notfound_lns(Doku_Renderer $renderer) {
660        $notfound_lns = $this->getLang("notfound-lns");
662        $renderer->doc .= "<div class='error'>";
663        $renderer->cdata($notfound_lns);
664        $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
665    }
667    /**
668     * Print an error message which informs that the given function was
669     * not found in <file>.
670     *
671     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
672     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
673     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
674     */
675    private function _print_notfound_def(Doku_Renderer $renderer) {
676        $notfound_def = $this->getLang("notfound-def");
678        $renderer->doc .= "<div class='error'>";
679        $renderer->cdata($notfound_def);
680        $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
681    }
683    /**
684     * Print an error message which informs that the given class was
685     * not found in <file>.
686     *
687     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
688     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
689     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
690     */
691    private function _print_notfound_cls(Doku_Renderer $renderer) {
692        $notfound_cls = $this->getLang("notfound-cls");
694        $renderer->doc .= "<div class='error'>";
695        $renderer->cdata($notfound_cls);
696        $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
697    }
699    /**
700     * Prints an error message which informs that the flag is not correct.
701     *
702     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
703     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
704     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
705     */
706    private function _print_wrong_flag(Doku_Renderer $renderer) {
707        $wrong_flag = $this->getLang("wrong-flag");
709        $renderer->doc .= "<div class='error'>";
710        $renderer->cdata($wrong_flag);
711        $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
712    }
714    /**
715     * Print an error message which informs that the file is not
716     * a Python script.
717     *
718     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
719     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
720     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
721     */
722    private function _print_wrong_lang(Doku_Renderer $renderer) {
723        $wrong_lang = $this->getLang("wrong-lang");
725        $renderer->doc .= "<div class='error'>";
726        $renderer->cdata($wrong_lang);
727        $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
728    }
730    /**
731     * Print an error message which informs that there was some problems
732     * to contact the repository.
733     *
734     * @param (obj) $renderer object reference to the Doku_Render class,
735     *     defined in /inc/parser/renderer.php, which defines functions for the
736     *     output (see also /lib/styles/screen.css for some styles)
737     */
738    private function _print_error(Doku_Renderer $renderer) {
739        $error = $this->getLang("error");
741        $renderer->doc .= "<div class='error'>";
742        $renderer->cdata($error);
743        $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
744    }