1PMID- 15924077
4DCOM- 20050929
5LR  - 20191109
6IS  - 0035-3787 (Print)
7IS  - 0035-3787 (Linking)
8VI  - 161
9IP  - 4
10DP  - 2005 Apr
11TI  - [Cognitive disorders and falls: experience of the Lille multidisciplinary falls
12      service].
13PG  - 419-26
14AB  - BACKGROUND: Falls and dementia are two major public health problems which concern
15      the elderly population. Cognitive impairment, as a result of Alzheimer's disease or
16      non-Alzheimer dementia, is recognized as a risk factor for falling. Through the
17      experience of the Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation, our aims were first, to
18      evaluate the prevalence of a cognitive decline among outpatients who consult for
19      falls, and second, to determine whether the cognitive impairment was known and
20      diagnosed before the consultation or not. METHODS: Data concerning the first 300
21      outpatients who completed the initial evaluation are reported. Each patient was
22      assessed by a geriatrician, a neurologist, and a physiatrist, who visited him or her
23      at home. Cognitive impairment was defined as a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)
24      score<24. RESULTS: Of the 300 patients, 228 patients completed the initial
25      evaluation. Among them, 97 (42.5 percent) had a MMSE score<24; 55 had mild stage
26      dementia (MMSE score between 23 and 18) and 42 were at a moderate or severe stage
27      (MMSE score< or =17/30). The cognitive decline was not diagnosed before the
28      consultation in 80 of the 97 patients (82 percent). CONCLUSION: The findings show
29      that a large proportion of old persons presenting with gait disturbance at the
30      Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation have an underlying cognitive decline.
31      Assessment of cognitive functions is required in every elderly faller.
32FAU - Maeker, E
33AU  - Maeker E
34AD  - Service de Médecine Interne et Gériatrie, Hôpital gériatrique "Les Bateliers",
35      Lille.
36FAU - Bombois, S
37AU  - Bombois S
38FAU - Pardessus, V
39AU  - Pardessus V
40FAU - Tiberghien, F
41AU  - Tiberghien F
42FAU - Dipompeo, C
43AU  - Dipompeo C
44FAU - Thevenon, A
45AU  - Thevenon A
46FAU - Dewailly, P
47AU  - Dewailly P
48FAU - Puisieux, F
49AU  - Puisieux F
50LA  - fre
51PT  - English Abstract
52PT  - Journal Article
53TT  - Troubles cognitifs et chutes: l'expérience de la consultation multidisciplinaire de
54      la chute de Lille.
55PL  - France
56TA  - Rev Neurol (Paris)
57JT  - Revue neurologique
58JID - 2984779R
59SB  - IM
60MH  - *Accidental Falls
61MH  - Aged
62MH  - Aged, 80 and over
63MH  - Cognition Disorders/*complications/epidemiology
64MH  - Female
65MH  - Humans
66MH  - Male
67MH  - Paris
68MH  - Retrospective Studies
69EDAT- 2005/06/01 09:00
70MHDA- 2005/09/30 09:00
71CRDT- 2005/06/01 09:00
72PHST- 2005/06/01 09:00 [pubmed]
73PHST- 2005/09/30 09:00 [medline]
74PHST- 2005/06/01 09:00 [entrez]
75AID - MDOI-RN-04-2005-161-4-0035-3787-101019-200501758 [pii]
76AID - 10.1016/s0035-3787(05)85071-4 [doi]
77PST - ppublish
78SO  - Rev Neurol (Paris). 2005 Apr;161(4):419-26. doi: 10.1016/s0035-3787(05)85071-4.