4 * DokuWiki Plugin prosemirror (Action Component)
5 *
6 * @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
7 * @author  Andreas Gohr <gohr@cosmocode.de>
8 */
10use dokuwiki\Extension\ActionPlugin;
11use dokuwiki\Extension\EventHandler;
12use dokuwiki\Extension\Event;
13use dokuwiki\Form\Form;
14use dokuwiki\Form\ButtonElement;
16class action_plugin_prosemirror_editor extends ActionPlugin
18    /**
19     * Registers a callback function for a given event
20     *
21     * @param EventHandler $controller DokuWiki's event controller object
22     *
23     * @return void
24     */
25    public function register(EventHandler $controller)
26    {
27        $controller->register_hook('ACTION_HEADERS_SEND', 'BEFORE', $this, 'forceWYSIWYG');
28        $controller->register_hook('ACTION_HEADERS_SEND', 'AFTER', $this, 'addJSINFO');
29        $controller->register_hook('FORM_EDIT_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'addDataAndToggleButton');
30        $controller->register_hook('TPL_ACT_RENDER', 'AFTER', $this, 'addAddtionalForms');
31    }
33    /**
34     * If the current user is forced to use the WYSIWYG editor, set the cookie accordingly
35     *
36     * Triggered by event: ACTION_HEADERS_SEND
37     *
38     * @param Event $event
39     * @param            $param
40     */
41    public function forceWYSIWYG(Event $event, $param)
42    {
43        if ($this->isForceWYSIWYG()) {
44            set_doku_pref('plugin_prosemirror_useWYSIWYG', true);
45        }
46    }
48    /**
49     * Add the editor toggle button and, if using the WYSIWYG editor, the instructions rendered to json
50     *
51     * Triggered by event: HTML_EDITFORM_OUTPUT
52     *
53     * @param Event $event event object
54     * @param mixed      $param  [the parameters passed as fifth argument to register_hook() when this
55     *                           handler was registered]
56     *
57     * @return void
58     */
59    public function addDataAndToggleButton(Event $event, $param)
60    {
61        if (!$this->allowWYSIWYG()) {
62            return;
63        }
65        /** @var Doku_Form|Form $form */
66        $form = $event->data;
68        // return early if content is not editable
69        if ($this->isReadOnly($form)) return;
72        $useWYSIWYG = get_doku_pref('plugin_prosemirror_useWYSIWYG', false);
74        $prosemirrorJSON = '';
75        if ($useWYSIWYG) {
76            global $TEXT;
77            $instructions = p_get_instructions($TEXT);
78            try {
79                $prosemirrorJSON = p_render('prosemirror', $instructions, $info);
80            } catch (Throwable $e) {
81                $errorMsg = 'Rendering the page\'s syntax for the WYSIWYG editor failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
83                /** @var \helper_plugin_prosemirror $helper */
84                $helper = plugin_load('helper', 'prosemirror');
85                if ($helper->tryToLogErrorToSentry($e, ['text' => $TEXT])) {
86                    $errorMsg .= ' -- The error has been logged to Sentry.';
87                }
89                msg($errorMsg, -1);
90                return;
91            }
92        }
94        $form->addElement($this->buildToggleButton(), 0);
95        $form->setHiddenField('prosemirror_json', $prosemirrorJSON);
96        $form->addHTML('<div class="prosemirror_wrapper" id="prosemirror__editor"></div>', 1);
97    }
99    /**
100     * Create the button to toggle the WYSIWYG editor
101     *
102     * Creates it as hidden if forcing WYSIWYG
103     *
104     * @return ButtonElement
105     */
106    protected function buildToggleButton()
107    {
108        $button = new ButtonElement('prosemirror', $this->getLang('switch_editors'));
109        $button->attr('type', 'button');
110        $button->addClass('button plugin_prosemirror_useWYSIWYG');
111        if ($this->isForceWYSIWYG()) {
112            $button->attr('style', 'display: none;');
113        }
114        return $button;
115    }
117    /**
118     * Determine if the current user is forced to use the WYSIWYG editor
119     *
120     * @return bool
121     */
122    protected function isForceWYSIWYG()
123    {
124        return $this->getConf('forceWYSIWYG') && !auth_ismanager();
125    }
127    /**
128     * Forbid using WYSIWYG editor when editing anything else then sections or the entire page
129     *
130     * This would be the case for the edittable editor or the editor of the data plugin
131     *
132     * @return bool
133     */
134    protected function allowWYSIWYG()
135    {
136        global $INPUT;
137        return !$INPUT->has('target') || $INPUT->str('target') === 'section';
138    }
140    public function addAddtionalForms(Event $event)
141    {
142        if (!$this->allowWYSIWYG()) {
143            return;
144        }
146        if (!in_array($event->data, ['edit', 'preview'])) {
147            return;
148        }
150        $linkForm = new Form([
151            'class' => 'plugin_prosemirror_linkform',
152            'id' => 'prosemirror-linkform',
153            'style' => 'display: none;',
154        ]);
155        $linkForm->addFieldsetOpen('Links')->addClass('js-link-fieldset');
156        $iwOptions = array_keys(getInterwiki());
157        $linkForm->addDropdown('iwshortcut', $iwOptions, 'InterWiki')->attr('required', 'required');
159        $linkForm->addButtonHTML('linkwiz', inlineSVG(DOKU_PLUGIN . 'prosemirror/images/link.svg'))->attrs([
160            'type' => 'button',
161            'class' => 'js-open-linkwiz linkform_linkwiz'
162        ]);
163        $linkForm->addTextInput('linktarget', $this->getLang('link target'))->attrs(
164            [
165            'required' => 'required',
166            'autofocus' => 'autofocus',
167            ]
168        );
170        $linkForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('radio-wrapper');
171        $linkForm->addTagOpen('fieldset');
172        $linkForm->addTagOpen('legend');
173        $linkForm->addHTML('Link Type');
174        $linkForm->addTagClose('legend');
175        $linkForm->addRadioButton('linktype', $this->getLang('type:wiki page'))->val('internallink');
176        $linkForm->addRadioButton('linktype', $this->getLang('type:interwiki'))->val('interwikilink');
177        $linkForm->addRadioButton('linktype', $this->getLang('type:email'))->val('emaillink');
178        $linkForm->addRadioButton('linktype', $this->getLang('type:external'))
179            ->val('externallink')
180            ->attr('checked', 'checked');
181        $linkForm->addRadioButton('linktype', $this->getLang('type:other'))->val('other');
182        $linkForm->addTagClose('fieldset');
183        $linkForm->addTagClose('div');
185        $linkForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('radio-wrapper');
186        $linkForm->addTagOpen('fieldset');
187        $linkForm->addTagOpen('legend');
188        $linkForm->addHTML('Link Name Type');
189        $linkForm->addTagClose('legend');
190        $linkForm->addRadioButton('nametype', $this->getLang('type:automatic title'))
191            ->val('automatic')
192            ->attr('checked', 'checked');
193        $linkForm->addRadioButton('nametype', $this->getLang('type:custom title'))->val('custom');
194        $linkForm->addRadioButton('nametype', $this->getLang('type:image'))->val('image');
195        $linkForm->addTextInput('linkname', 'Link name')->attr('placeholder', $this->getLang('placeholder:link name'));
196        $linkForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('js-media-wrapper');
197        $linkForm->addTagClose('div');
198        $linkForm->addTagClose('fieldset');
199        $linkForm->addTagClose('div');
202        $linkForm->addFieldsetClose();
203        $linkForm->addButton('ok-button', 'OK')->attr('type', 'submit');
204        $linkForm->addButton('cancel-button', $this->getLang('cancel'))->attr('type', 'button');
206        echo $linkForm->toHTML();
208        $mediaForm = new Form([
209            'class' => 'plugin_prosemirror_mediaform',
210            'id' => 'prosemirror-mediaform',
211            'style' => 'display: none;',
212        ]);
213        $mediaForm->addFieldsetOpen($this->getLang('legend:media'))->addClass('js-media-fieldset');
214        $mediaForm->addButtonHTML(
215            'mediamanager',
216            inlineSVG(DOKU_PLUGIN . 'prosemirror/images/file-image-outline.svg')
217        )->attrs([
218                'type' => 'button',
219                'class' => 'js-open-mediamanager mediaform_mediamanager'
220        ]);
221        $mediaForm->addTextInput('mediatarget', $this->getLang('media target'))->attrs(
222            [
223                'required' => 'required',
224                'autofocus' => 'autofocus',
225            ]
226        );
227        $mediaForm->addTextInput('mediacaption', $this->getLang('label:caption'));
229        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('image-properties');
230        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('p');
231        $mediaForm->addHTML($this->getLang('label:image_properties'));
232        $mediaForm->addTagClose('p');
234        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('input-wrapper');
235        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('fieldset');
236        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('legend');
237        $mediaForm->addHTML($this->getLang('legend:size'));
238        $mediaForm->addTagClose('legend');
239        $mediaForm->addTextInput('width', $this->getLang('label:width'))->attr('type', 'number');
240        $mediaForm->addTextInput('height', $this->getLang('label:height'))->attr('type', 'number');
241        $mediaForm->addTagClose('fieldset');
242        $mediaForm->addTagClose('div');
244        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('input-wrapper');
245        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('fieldset');
246        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('legend');
247        $mediaForm->addHTML($this->getLang('legend:alignment'));
248        $mediaForm->addTagClose('legend');
249        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('alignment', $this->getLang('label:default alignment'))
250            ->val('')
251            ->attr('checked', 'checked');
252        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('alignment', $this->getLang('label:float left'))->val('left');
253        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('alignment', $this->getLang('label:center alignment'))->val('center');
254        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('alignment', $this->getLang('label:float right'))->val('right');
255        $mediaForm->addTagClose('fieldset');
256        $mediaForm->addTagClose('div');
258        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('input-wrapper');
259        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('fieldset');
260        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('legend');
261        $mediaForm->addHTML($this->getLang('legend:linking'));
262        $mediaForm->addTagClose('legend');
263        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('linking', $this->getLang('label:default linking'))
264            ->val('details')
265            ->attr('checked', 'checked');
266        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('linking', $this->getLang('label:direct linking'))->val('direct');
267        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('linking', $this->getLang('label:nolink'))->val('nolink');
268        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('linking', $this->getLang('label:linkonly'))->val('linkonly');
269        $mediaForm->addTagClose('fieldset');
270        $mediaForm->addTagClose('div');
272        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('input-wrapper');
273        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('fieldset');
274        $mediaForm->addTagOpen('legend');
275        $mediaForm->addHTML($this->getLang('legend:caching'));
276        $mediaForm->addTagClose('legend');
277        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('caching', $this->getLang('label:default caching'))
278            ->val('')
279            ->attr('checked', 'checked');
280        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('caching', $this->getLang('label:recache'))->val('recache');
281        $mediaForm->addRadioButton('caching', $this->getLang('label:nocache'))->val('nocache');
282        $mediaForm->addTagClose('fieldset');
283        $mediaForm->addTagClose('div');
285        $mediaForm->addTagClose('div'); // end of image-properties
287        $mediaForm->addFieldsetClose();
288        $mediaForm->addButton('ok-button', 'OK')->attr('type', 'submit');
289        $mediaForm->addButton('cancel-button', $this->getLang('cancel'))->attr('type', 'button');
291        // dynamic image hack? https://www.dokuwiki.org/images#dynamic_images
293        echo $mediaForm->toHTML();
295        // phpcs:disable
296        $languages = explode(' ', '4cs 6502acme 6502kickass 6502tasm 68000devpac abap actionscript3 actionscript ada aimms algol68 apache applescript apt_sources arm asm asp asymptote autoconf autohotkey autoit avisynth awk bascomavr bash basic4gl batch bf biblatex bibtex blitzbasic bnf boo caddcl cadlisp ceylon cfdg cfm chaiscript chapel cil c_loadrunner clojure c_mac cmake cobol coffeescript c cpp cpp-qt cpp-winapi csharp css cuesheet c_winapi dart dcl dcpu16 dcs delphi diff div dos dot d ecmascript eiffel email epc e erlang euphoria ezt f1 falcon fo fortran freebasic freeswitch fsharp gambas gdb genero genie gettext glsl gml gnuplot go groovy gwbasic haskell haxe hicest hq9plus html html4strict html5 icon idl ini inno intercal io ispfpanel java5 java javascript jcl j jquery julia kixtart klonec klonecpp kotlin latex lb ldif lisp llvm locobasic logtalk lolcode lotusformulas lotusscript lscript lsl2 lua m68k magiksf make mapbasic mathematica matlab mercury metapost mirc mk-61 mmix modula2 modula3 mpasm mxml mysql nagios netrexx newlisp nginx nimrod nsis oberon2 objc objeck ocaml-brief ocaml octave oobas oorexx oracle11 oracle8 oxygene oz parasail parigp pascal pcre perl6 perl per pf phix php-brief php pic16 pike pixelbender pli plsql postgresql postscript povray powerbuilder powershell proftpd progress prolog properties providex purebasic pycon pys60 python qbasic qml q racket rails rbs rebol reg rexx robots rpmspec rsplus ruby rust sas sass scala scheme scilab scl sdlbasic smalltalk smarty spark sparql sql standardml stonescript swift systemverilog tclegg tcl teraterm texgraph text thinbasic tsql twig typoscript unicon upc urbi uscript vala vbnet vb vbscript vedit verilog vhdl vim visualfoxpro visualprolog whitespace whois winbatch xbasic xml xojo xorg_conf xpp yaml z80 zxbasic');
297        // phpcs:enable
298        $datalistHTML = '<datalist id="codelanguages">';
299        foreach ($languages as $language) {
300            $datalistHTML .= "<option value=\"$language\">";
301        }
302        $datalistHTML .= '</datalist>';
303        echo $datalistHTML;
304    }
306    /**
307     * Provide the current smiley configuration to Javascript
308     */
309    public function addJSINFO()
310    {
311        global $JSINFO;
312        $JSINFO['SMILEY_CONF'] = getSmileys();
313    }
315    /**
316     * Returns true if the current content is read only
317     *
318     * @todo remove Doku_Form case when the class is removed
319     *
320     * @param $form
321     * @return bool
322     */
323    protected function isReadOnly($form)
324    {
325        if (is_a($form, Form::class)) {
326            $textareaPos = $form->findPositionByType('textarea');
327            $readonly = $textareaPos !== false && !empty($form->getElementAt($textareaPos)->attr('readonly'));
328        } else {
329            /** @var Doku_Form $form */
330            $textareaPos = $form->findElementByType('wikitext');
331            $readonly = $textareaPos !== false && !empty($form->getElementAt($textareaPos)['readonly']);
332        }
333        return $readonly;
334    }
337// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: