2if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');
4  $page = $entry->entry['page'];
5  $pcasthelper =& plugin_load("helper", "podcast");
6  $files = array( );
8  if( $pcasthelper ) {
9    $p = $pcasthelper->get_info( $page );
10    if( !$p['nr'] ) {
11      $path = explode( ':', $page );
12      $p['nr'] = array_pop( $path ); }
13    $files = $p['files']; }
16<div class="blogtng_entry">
17    <div class="blogtng_postnavigation level1">
18    <?php if ($link = $entry->tpl_previouslink('« @TITLE@', $entry->entry['page'], true)) { ?>
19        <div class="blogtng_prevlink">
20            <?php echo $link?>
21        </div>
22    <?php } ?>
23    <?php if ($link = $entry->tpl_nextlink('@TITLE@ »', $entry->entry['page'], true)) { ?>
24        <div class="blogtng_nextlink">
25            <?php echo $link?>
26        </div>
27    <?php } ?>
28    </div>
30    //show headline
31    echo "<h1 class=\"hspec\"><a href=\"";
32    $entry->tpl_link();
33    echo "\" class=\"postdate\">";
34    $entry->tpl_created("%Y-%m-%d");
35    echo "</a><a href=\"";
36    $entry->tpl_link();
37    echo "\"> // ".$entry->entry["title"]."</a></h1>";
40    $source = array( );
41    $links = array( );
42    foreach( $files as $ext => $f ) {
43      if( !$f['size'] ) continue;
44      $source[] = "<source src='".$f['url']."' />";
45      $links[]  = " <li><a href='".$f['url']."' />".$p['nr'].".$ext(".$f['hsize'].")</a></li>"; }
47    echo "<div class='podcastaudio'>";
48    if( count( $source )) {
49      echo "<audio controls>";
50      echo implode( "\n", $source );
51      echo "</audio>"; }
52    if( count( $links )) {
53      echo "<ul>";
54      echo implode( "\n", $links );
55      echo "</ul>";
56      echo "</div>"; }
58    //show entry
59    $entry->tpl_entry(//included
60                      true,
61                      //readmore (where to cut valid)
62                      false,
63                      //inc level
64                      false,
65                      //skip header
66                      true); ?>
67    <div class="clearer"></div>
68    <div class="blogtng_footer">
69        <div class="level1">
70            <?php $entry->tpl_created("%Y-%m-%d @ %H:%M"); ?> |
71            written by <?php $entry->tpl_author(); ?> |
72            <?php if ($entry->has_tags()) { echo "Tags:"; $entry->tpl_tags(""); } ?>
73        </div>
74    </div>
75    <a id="the__comments"></a>
76    <?php
77    if ($entry->entry["commentstatus"] !== "disabled") {
78        //show existing comments
79        if (!$entry->commenthelper){
80            $entry->commenthelper =& plugin_load("helper", "blogtng_comments");
81        }
82        if ($entry->commenthelper->get_count() >= 1){
83            echo "\n    <div class=\"level2\">\n        <h2 class=\"hspec\">".$entry->getLang("comments")."</h2>\n";
84            $entry->tpl_comments($entry->entry["blog"]);
85            echo "\n    </div>\n";
86        }
87        //show form to leave a comment
88        if ($entry->entry["commentstatus"] !== "closed") {
89            echo "\n    <div class=\"level2\">\n        <h2 class=\"hspec\">Leave a comment…</h2>\n";
90            $entry->tpl_commentform();
91            echo  "        <div id=\"commentform_notes\">\n"
92                 ."            <ul id=\"commentform_notes_left\">\n"
93                 ."                <li>E-Mail address will not be published.</li>\n"
94                 ."                <li><strong>Formatting:</strong><br /><em>//italic//</em>&#160;&#160;<u>__underlined__</u><br /><strong>**bold**</strong>&#160;&#160;<code>''preformatted''</code></li>\n"
95                 ."                <li><strong>Links:</strong><br />[[http://example.com]]<br />[[http://example.com|Link Text]]</li>\n"
96                 ."                <li><strong>Quotation:</strong><br />&#62; This is a quote. Don't forget the space in front of the text: &#34;&#62; &#34;</li>\n"
97                 ."            </ul>\n"
98                 ."            <ul id=\"commentform_notes_right\">\n"
99                 ."                <li><strong>Code:</strong><br />&lt;code&gt;This is unspecific source code&lt;/code&gt;<br />&lt;code [lang]&gt;This is specifc [lang] code&lt;/code&gt;<br />&lt;code php&gt;&lt;?php echo 'example'; ?&gt;&lt;/code&gt;<br />Available: html, css, javascript, bash, cpp, …</li>\n"
100                 ."                <li><strong>Lists:</strong><br />Indent your text by two spaces and use a * for<br />each unordered list item or a - for ordered ones.</li>\n"
101                 ."            </ul>\n"
102                 ."            <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n"
103                 ."        </div>\n"
104                 ."        <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
105            echo "\n    </div>\n";
106        } else {
107            echo  "\n    <div class=\"level2\">\n        <h3>Comments are closed</h3>\n"
108                 ."\n    </div>\n";
109        }
110    } else {
111        echo  "\n    <div class=\"level2\">\n        <h3>Comments are disabled</h3>\n"
112             ."\n    </div>\n";
113    }
114    ?>