3 * English language file for plugin owncloud
4 *
5 */
7// for the configuration manager
8$lang['pathtoowncloud']           = 'Path to ownCloud-files';
9$lang['owncloudurl']              = 'URL of the ownCloud-instance';
10$lang['marginFilelist']           = 'The indent of files of a subfolder in the filelist to the next higher folder (in px).';
11$lang['linkAuthor']               = 'Link authors in filelist and history (authorlist-plugin required)?';
12$lang['allowExternalImages']      = 'Allow external images? (If not selected, use the next to points to specify which URLs are allowed.)';
13$lang['allowedImagesURL']         = 'Allow external images from these URLs (it will be tested, if the statement exists in the URL. Separate multiple URLs with a comma).';
14$lang['allowedImagesURLregexp']   = 'Regular expressions for URLs from which images should be included (only pattern, no delimiter. Separate multiple expressions a comma).';
15$lang['imageboxCaptionStyle']     = 'Caption style in Imagebox.';
16$lang['extendedDetail']           = 'Use the extended detailpage?';