2$lang['admin'] = 'Initially hide overlay when accessing the admin panels.';
3$lang['profile'] = 'Initially hide overlay when updating profiles.';
4$lang['recent'] = 'Initially hide overlay when accessing recent changes.';
5$lang['revisions'] = 'Initially hide overlay when reviewing revisions history.';
6$lang['backlink'] = 'Initially hide overlay when viewing backlinks.';
7$lang['login'] = 'Initially hide overlay during logins.';
8$lang['index'] = 'Initially hide overlay when accessing the sitemap index.';
9$lang['media'] = 'Initially hide overlay when opening media window.';
10$lang['register'] = 'Initially hide overlay for new registrations.';
11$lang['edit'] = 'Initially hide overlay during edits.';
12$lang['always'] = 'Always initially hide the overlay.';
13$lang['page'] = 'Dokuwiki page on which navigation or overlay content is to be found [namespace:pagename].';
14$lang['menutype'] ="Where to place overlay toggle (see overlay plugin page).";
15$lang['nsoverlays'] = "Comma separated list of namespaces where alternate overlay content will be found for display in those namespaces. The pages with this alternate content"
16  . " must be named 'overlay' and if found will be used instead of the main overlay page. If a namespace ends with an asterisk, it will govern child namespaces, unless"
17  . " a child has its own overlay page.";
18$lang['width'] ="Width in pixels of the overlay window. This can also be changed in overlay/style.css. Its initial setting is 300px.";
19$lang['height'] ="Height in pixels of the overlay window. This can also be changed in overlay/style.css. Its initial setting is 325px.";
20$lang['tools'] = 'Which action links to insert in top menu bar of overlay panel. A comma separated list of unspecified links can be inserted in the textbox. The width of the panel may have to be increased in size for some sets of link names.';
21$lang['toggletype'] = "If you are not using the dokuwiki template or a compatible template, and you are implementing the tools event (see the plugin page at dokuwiki.org), select whether you want to insert a button or a link.";