3 * English language setting file
4 *
5 * @author Greg BELLAMY <garlik.crx@gmail.com> [Gag]
6 * @author José Torrecilla <qky669@gmail.com>
7 */
9$lang['debugLvl']                 = "Debug mode -- more verbose : 0-void, 1-Display error, 2-Log&Display error, 3-Log&Display all message";
10$lang['logFile']                  = "Path to the log file";
11$lang['formDisplayRule']          = "Action list where the import file form will be displayed";
12$lang['formIntroMessage']         = "<div>Message shown before the upload form</div>
13                                     <div>  - dokuwiki syntax allowed</div>
14                                     <div>  - Default value : default -> get the message from the default language file</div>";
15$lang['formMaxFileSize']          = "<div>Max file size allowed to upload</div>
16                                     <div>The value must be lower than the Apache max size value</div>";
17$lang['parserPostDisplay']        = "Displayed mask after an import";
18$lang['parserXslFile']            = "Name of the xslFile used to transform";
19$lang['parserLinkToOriginalFile'] = "Create a link to original file into the dokuwiki page";
20$lang['parserCoreTimeOut']        = "Special TimeOut used when parsing the odt content by xslt (default : 300).";
21$lang['parserUploadDir']          = "Path where the file will be uploaded";
22$lang['parserMimeTypeAuthorized'] = "<div>Mimetypes authorized to upload</div>
23                                     <div>
24                                       Default:
25                                       <tt>
26                                         application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
27                                         application/octetstream
28                                         application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
29                                         application/msword
30                                       </tt>
31                                     </div>
32                                     <div><b>application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text</b> default common .odt mimetype</div>
33                                     <div><b>application/octetstream</b> mimetype used by Chrome on Windows XP for .odt files</div>
34                                     <div><b>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document</b> .docx mimetype</div>
35                                     <div><b>application/msword</b> .doc mimetype</div>
36                                     <div>Add missing mimetypes if necessary</div>
37                                     <div>Leave empty to disable the control.</div>";
38$lang['parserMimeTypePandoc']     = "<div>Mimetypes that need Pandoc conversion</div>
39                                     <div>
40                                       Default:
41                                       <tt>
42                                         application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
43                                       </tt>
44                                     </div>
45                                     <div>Add missing mimetypes if necessary. Remember to add them to parserMimeTypeAuthorized too (if used).</div>";
46$lang['parserMimeTypeSOffice']    = "<div>Mimetypes that need SOffice conversion</div>
47                                     <div>
48                                       Default:
49                                       <tt>
50                                         application/msword
51                                       </tt>
52                                     </div>
53                                     <div>Add missing mimetypes if necessary. Remember to add them to parserMimeTypeAuthorized too (if used).</div>";