[Gag] * @author José Torrecilla */ $lang['debugLvl'] = "Debug mode -- more verbose : 0-void, 1-Display error, 2-Log&Display error, 3-Log&Display all message"; $lang['logFile'] = "Path to the log file"; $lang['formDisplayRule'] = "Action list where the import file form will be displayed"; $lang['formIntroMessage'] = "
Message shown before the upload form
- dokuwiki syntax allowed
- Default value : default -> get the message from the default language file
"; $lang['formMaxFileSize'] = "
Max file size allowed to upload
The value must be lower than the Apache max size value
"; $lang['parserPostDisplay'] = "Displayed mask after an import"; $lang['parserXslFile'] = "Name of the xslFile used to transform"; $lang['parserLinkToOriginalFile'] = "Create a link to original file into the dokuwiki page"; $lang['parserCoreTimeOut'] = "Special TimeOut used when parsing the odt content by xslt (default : 300)."; $lang['parserUploadDir'] = "Path where the file will be uploaded"; $lang['parserMimeTypeAuthorized'] = "
Mimetypes authorized to upload
Default: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/octetstream application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/msword
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text default common .odt mimetype
application/octetstream mimetype used by Chrome on Windows XP for .odt files
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document .docx mimetype
application/msword .doc mimetype
Add missing mimetypes if necessary
Leave empty to disable the control.
"; $lang['parserMimeTypePandoc'] = "
Mimetypes that need Pandoc conversion
Default: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
Add missing mimetypes if necessary. Remember to add them to parserMimeTypeAuthorized too (if used).
"; $lang['parserMimeTypeSOffice'] = "
Mimetypes that need SOffice conversion
Default: application/msword
Add missing mimetypes if necessary. Remember to add them to parserMimeTypeAuthorized too (if used).