3 * ODTTextStyle: class for ODT text styles.
4 *
5 * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
6 * @author LarsDW223
7 */
9require_once DOKU_PLUGIN . 'odt/ODT/XMLUtil.php';
10require_once 'ODTStyle.php';
15 * The ODTTextStyle class
16 */
17class ODTTextStyle extends ODTStyleStyle
19    static $text_fields = array(
20        'padding'                          => array ('fo:padding',                         'text',  true),
21        'padding-top'                      => array ('fo:padding-top',                     'text',  true),
22        'padding-right'                    => array ('fo:padding-right',                   'text',  true),
23        'padding-bottom'                   => array ('fo:padding-bottom',                  'text',  true),
24        'padding-left'                     => array ('fo:padding-left',                    'text',  true),
25        'border'                           => array ('fo:border',                          'text',  true),
26        'border-top'                       => array ('fo:border-top',                      'text',  true),
27        'border-right'                     => array ('fo:border-right',                    'text',  true),
28        'border-bottom'                    => array ('fo:border-bottom',                   'text',  true),
29        'border-left'                      => array ('fo:border-left',                     'text',  true),
30        'color'                            => array ('fo:color',                           'text',  true),
31        'background-color'                 => array ('fo:background-color',                'text',  true),
32        'background-image'                 => array ('fo:background-image',                'text',  true),
33        'font-style'                       => array ('fo:font-style',                      'text',  true),
34        'font-style-asian'                 => array ('style:font-style-asian',             'text',  true),
35        'font-style-complex'               => array ('style:font-style-complex',           'text',  true),
36        'font-weight'                      => array ('fo:font-weight',                     'text',  true),
37        'font-weight-asian'                => array ('style:font-weight-asian',            'text',  true),
38        'font-weight-complex'              => array ('style:font-weight-complex',          'text',  true),
39        'font-size'                        => array ('fo:font-size',                       'text',  true),
40        'font-size-asian'                  => array ('style:font-size-asian',              'text',  true),
41        'font-size-complex'                => array ('style:font-size-complex',            'text',  true),
42        'font-family'                      => array ('fo:font-family',                     'text',  true),
43        'font-family-asian'                => array ('style:font-family-asian',            'text',  true),
44        'font-family-complex'              => array ('style:font-family-complex',          'text',  true),
45        'font-variant'                     => array ('fo:font-variant',                    'text',  true),
46        'letter-spacing'                   => array ('fo:letter-spacing',                  'text',  true),
47        'vertical-align'                   => array ('style:vertical-align',               'text',  true),
48        'display'                          => array ('text:display',                       'text',  true),
49        'lang'                             => array ('fo:language',                        'text',  true),
50        'lang-asian'                       => array ('style:language-asian',               'text',  true),
51        'lang-complex'                     => array ('style:language-complex',             'text',  true),
52        'country'                          => array ('fo:country',                         'text',  true),
53        'country-asian'                    => array ('style:country-asian',                'text',  true),
54        'country-complex'                  => array ('style:country-complex',              'text',  true),
55        'text-transform'                   => array ('fo:text-transform',                  'text',  true),
56        'use-window-font-color'            => array ('style:use-window-font-color',        'text',  true),
57        'text-outline'                     => array ('style:text-outline',                 'text',  true),
58        'text-line-through-type'           => array ('style:text-line-through-type',       'text',  true),
59        'text-line-through-style'          => array ('style:text-line-through-style',      'text',  true),
60        'text-line-through-width'          => array ('style:text-line-through-width',      'text',  true),
61        'text-line-through-color'          => array ('style:text-line-through-color',      'text',  true),
62        'text-line-through-text'           => array ('style:text-line-through-text',       'text',  true),
63        'text-line-through-text-style'     => array ('style:text-line-through-text-style', 'text',  true),
64        'text-position'                    => array ('style:text-position',                'text',  true),
65        'font-name'                        => array ('style:font-name',                    'text',  true),
66        'font-name-asian'                  => array ('style:font-name-asian',              'text',  true),
67        'font-name-complex'                => array ('style:font-name-complex',            'text',  true),
68        'font-family-generic'              => array ('style:font-family-generic',          'text',  true),
69        'font-family-generic-asian'        => array ('style:font-family-generic-asian',    'text',  true),
70        'font-family-generic-complex'      => array ('style:font-family-generic-complex',  'text',  true),
71        'font-style-name'                  => array ('style:font-style-name',              'text',  true),
72        'font-style-name-asian'            => array ('style:font-style-name-asian',        'text',  true),
73        'font-style-name-complex'          => array ('style:font-style-name-complex',      'text',  true),
74        'font-pitch'                       => array ('style:font-pitch',                   'text',  true),
75        'font-pitch-asian'                 => array ('style:font-pitch-asian',             'text',  true),
76        'font-pitch-complex'               => array ('style:font-pitch-complex',           'text',  true),
77        'font-charset'                     => array ('style:font-charset',                 'text',  true),
78        'font-charset-asian'               => array ('style:font-charset-asian',           'text',  true),
79        'font-charset-complex'             => array ('style:font-charset-complex',         'text',  true),
80        'font-size-rel'                    => array ('style:font-size-rel',                'text',  true),
81        'font-size-rel-asian'              => array ('style:font-size-rel-asian',          'text',  true),
82        'font-size-rel-complex'            => array ('style:font-size-rel-complex',        'text',  true),
83        'script-type'                      => array ('style:script-type',                  'text',  true),
84        'script'                           => array ('fo:script',                          'text',  true),
85        'script-asian'                     => array ('style:script-asian',                 'text',  true),
86        'script-complex'                   => array ('style:script-complex',               'text',  true),
87        'rfc-language-tag'                 => array ('style:rfc-language-tag',             'text',  true),
88        'rfc-language-tag-asian'           => array ('style:rfc-language-tag-asian',       'text',  true),
89        'rfc-language-tag-complex'         => array ('style:rfc-language-tag-complex',     'text',  true),
90        'rfc-language-tag-complex'         => array ('style:rfc-language-tag-complex',     'text',  true),
91        'font-relief'                      => array ('style:font-relief',                  'text',  true),
92        'text-shadow'                      => array ('fo:text-shadow',                     'text',  true),
93        'text-underline-type'              => array ('style:text-underline-type',          'text',  true),
94        'text-underline-style'             => array ('style:text-underline-style',         'text',  true),
95        'text-underline-width'             => array ('style:text-underline-width',         'text',  true),
96        'text-underline-color'             => array ('style:text-underline-color',         'text',  true),
97        'text-overline-type'               => array ('style:text-overline-type',           'text',  true),
98        'text-overline-style'              => array ('style:text-overline-style',          'text',  true),
99        'text-overline-width'              => array ('style:text-overline-width',          'text',  true),
100        'text-overline-color'              => array ('style:text-overline-color',          'text',  true),
101        'text-overline-mode'               => array ('style:text-overline-mode',           'text',  true),
102        'text-underline-mode'              => array ('style:text-underline-mode',          'text',  true),
103        'text-line-through-mode'           => array ('style:text-line-through-mode',       'text',  true),
104        'letter-kerning'                   => array ('style:letter-kerning',               'text',  true),
105        'text-blinking'                    => array ('style:text-blinking',                'text',  true),
106        'text-combine'                     => array ('style:text-combine',                 'text',  true),
107        'text-combine-start-char'          => array ('style:text-combine-start-char',      'text',  true),
108        'text-combine-end-char'            => array ('style:text-combine-end-char',        'text',  true),
109        'text-emphasize'                   => array ('style:text-emphasize',               'text',  true),
110        'text-scale'                       => array ('style:text-scale',                   'text',  true),
111        'text-rotation-angle'              => array ('style:text-rotation-angle',          'text',  true),
112        'text-rotation-scale'              => array ('style:text-rotation-scale',          'text',  true),
113        'hyphenate'                        => array ('fo:hyphenate',                       'text',  true),
114        'hyphenation-remain-char-count'    => array ('fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count',   'text',  true),
115        'hyphenation-push-char-count'      => array ('fo:hyphenation-push-char-count',     'text',  true),
116        'condition'                        => array ('text:condition',                     'text',  true),
117    );
119    /**
120     * Constructor.
121     */
122    public function __construct() {
123        parent::__construct();
124    }
126    /**
127     * Set style properties by importing values from a properties array.
128     * Properties might be disabled by setting them in $disabled.
129     * The style must have been previously created.
130     *
131     * @param  $properties Properties to be imported
132     * @param  $disabled Properties to be ignored
133     */
134    public function importProperties($properties, $disabled=array()) {
135        $this->importPropertiesInternal(ODTStyleStyle::getStyleProperties (), $properties, $disabled);
136        $this->importPropertiesInternal(self::$text_fields, $properties, $disabled);
137        $this->setProperty('style-family', $this->getFamily());
138    }
140    /**
141     * Check if a style is a common style.
142     *
143     * @return bool Is common style
144     */
145    public function mustBeCommonStyle() {
146        return false;
147    }
149    /**
150     * Get the style family of a style.
151     *
152     * @return string Style family
153     */
154    static public function getFamily() {
155        return 'text';
156    }
158    /**
159     * Set a property.
160     *
161     * @param $property The name of the property to set
162     * @param $value    New value to set
163     */
164    public function setProperty($property, $value) {
165        $style_fields = ODTStyleStyle::getStyleProperties ();
166        if (array_key_exists ($property, $style_fields)) {
167            $this->setPropertyInternal
168                ($property, $style_fields [$property][0], $value, $style_fields [$property][1]);
169            return;
170        }
171        if (array_key_exists ($property, self::$text_fields)) {
172            $this->setPropertyInternal
173                ($property, self::$text_fields [$property][0], $value, self::$text_fields [$property][1]);
174            return;
175        }
176    }
178    /**
179     * Create new style by importing ODT style definition.
180     *
181     * @param  $xmlCode Style definition in ODT XML format
182     * @return ODTStyle New specific style
183     */
184    static public function importODTStyle($xmlCode) {
185        $style = new ODTTextStyle();
186        $attrs = 0;
188        $open = XMLUtil::getElementOpenTag('style:style', $xmlCode);
189        if (!empty($open)) {
190            $attrs += $style->importODTStyleInternal(ODTStyleStyle::getStyleProperties (), $open);
191        } else {
192            $open = XMLUtil::getElementOpenTag('style:default-style', $xmlCode);
193            if (!empty($open)) {
194                $style->setDefault(true);
195                $attrs += $style->importODTStyleInternal(ODTStyleStyle::getStyleProperties (), $open);
196            }
197        }
199        $open = XMLUtil::getElementOpenTag('style:text-properties', $xmlCode);
200        if (!empty($open)) {
201            $attrs += $style->importODTStyleInternal(self::$text_fields, $open);
202        }
204        // If style has no meaningfull content then throw it away
205        if ( $attrs == 0 ) {
206            return NULL;
207        }
209        return $style;
210    }
212    static public function getTextProperties () {
213        return self::$text_fields;
214    }
216    /**
217     * This function creates a text style using the style as set in the assoziative array $properties.
218     * The parameters in the array should be named as the CSS property names e.g. 'color' or 'background-color'.
219     * Properties which shall not be used in the style can be disabled by setting the value in disabled_props
220     * to 1 e.g. $disabled_props ['color'] = 1 would block the usage of the color property.
221     *
222     * The currently supported properties are:
223     * background-color, color, font-style, font-weight, font-size, border, font-family, font-variant, letter-spacing,
224     * vertical-align, background-image
225     *
226     * The function returns the name of the new style or NULL if all relevant properties are empty.
227     *
228     * @author LarsDW223
229     * @param $properties
230     * @param null $disabled_props
231     * @return ODTTextStyle or NULL
232     */
233    public static function createTextStyle(array $properties, array $disabled_props = NULL, ODTDocument $doc=NULL){
234        // Convert 'text-decoration'.
235        if ( $properties ['text-decoration'] == 'line-through' ) {
236            $properties ['text-line-through-style'] = 'solid';
237        }
238        if ( $properties ['text-decoration'] == 'underline' ) {
239            $properties ['text-underline-style'] = 'solid';
240        }
241        if ( $properties ['text-decoration'] == 'overline' ) {
242            $properties ['text-overline-style'] = 'solid';
243        }
245        // If the property 'vertical-align' has the value 'sub' or 'super'
246        // then for ODT it needs to be converted to the corresponding 'text-position' property.
247        // Replace sub and super with text-position.
248        $valign = $properties ['vertical-align'];
249        if (!empty($valign)) {
250            if ( $valign == 'sub' ) {
251                $properties ['text-position'] = '-33% 100%';
252                unset($properties ['vertical-align']);
253            } elseif ( $valign == 'super' ) {
254                $properties ['text-position'] = '33% 100%';
255                unset($properties ['vertical-align']);
256            }
257        }
259        // Separate country from language
260        $lang = $properties ['lang'];
261        $country = $properties ['country'];
262        if ( !empty($lang) ) {
263            $parts = preg_split ('/-/', $lang);
264            $lang = $parts [0];
265            $country = $parts [1];
266            $properties ['country'] = trim($country);
267            $properties ['lang'] = trim($lang);
268        }
269        if (!empty($properties ['country'])) {
270            if (empty($properties ['country-asian'])) {
271                $properties ['country-asian'] = $properties ['country'];
272            }
273            if (empty($properties ['country-complex'])) {
274                $properties ['country-complex'] = $properties ['country'];
275            }
276        }
278        // Extra handling for font-size in '%'
279        $save = $disabled_props ['font-size'];
280        $odt_fo_size = '';
281        if ( empty ($disabled_props ['font-size']) ) {
282            $odt_fo_size = $properties ['font-size'];
283        }
284        $length = strlen ($odt_fo_size);
285        if ( $length > 0 && $odt_fo_size [$length-1] == '%' && isset($doc)) {
286            // A font-size in percent is only supported in common style definitions, not in automatic
287            // styles. Create a common style and set it as parent for this automatic style.
288            $name = 'Size'.trim ($odt_fo_size, '%').'pc';
289            $style_obj = self::createSizeOnlyTextStyle ($name, $odt_fo_size);
290            $doc->addStyle($style_obj);
291            $parent = $style_obj->getProperty('style-name');
292            if (!empty($parent)) {
293                $properties ['style-parent'] = $parent;
294            }
295        }
297        // Create style name (if not given).
298        $style_name = $properties ['style-name'];
299        if ( empty($style_name) ) {
300            $style_name = self::getNewStylename ('Text');
301            $properties ['style-name'] = $style_name;
302        }
304        // Create empty text style.
305        $object = new ODTTextStyle();
306        if (!isset($object)) {
307            return NULL;
308        }
310        // Import our properties
311        $object->importProperties($properties, $disabled_props);
313        // Restore $disabled_props
314        $disabled_props ['font-size'] = $save;
315        return $object;
316    }
318    /**
319     * Simple helper function for creating a text style $name setting the specfied font size $size.
320     *
321     * @author LarsDW223
322     *
323     * @param string $name
324     * @param string $size
325     * @return ODTTextStyle
326     */
327    public static function createSizeOnlyTextStyle ($name, $size) {
328        $properties = array();
329        $properties ['style-name'] = $name;
330        $properties ['style-display-name'] = $name;
331        $properties ['font-size'] = $size;
332        $properties ['font-size-asian'] = $size;
333        $properties ['font-size-complex'] = $size;
334        return self::createTextStyle($properties);
335    }