3 * Move Plugin Rewriting Handler
4 *
5 * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
6 * @author     Michael Hamann <michael@content-space.de>
7 */
9// must be run within Dokuwiki
10if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
13 * Handler class for move. It does the actual rewriting of the content.
14 *
15 * Note: This is not actually a valid DokuWiki Helper plugin and can not be loaded via plugin_load()
16 */
17class helper_plugin_move_handler extends DokuWiki_Plugin {
18    public $calls = '';
20    protected $id;
21    protected $ns;
22    protected $origID;
23    protected $origNS;
24    protected $page_moves;
25    protected $media_moves;
26    protected $handlers;
28    /**
29     * Do not allow re-using instances.
30     *
31     * @return bool   false - the handler must not be re-used.
32     */
33    public function isSingleton() {
34        return false;
35    }
37    /**
38     * Initialize the move handler.
39     *
40     * @param string $id          The id of the text that is passed to the handler
41     * @param string $original    The name of the original ID of this page. Same as $id if this page wasn't moved
42     * @param array  $page_moves  Moves that shall be considered in the form [[$old,$new],...] ($old can be $original)
43     * @param array  $media_moves Moves of media files that shall be considered in the form $old => $new
44     * @param array  $handlers    Handlers for plugin content in the form $plugin_name => $callback
45     */
46    public function init($id, $original, $page_moves, $media_moves, $handlers) {
47        $this->id          = $id;
48        $this->ns          = getNS($id);
49        $this->origID      = $original;
50        $this->origNS      = getNS($original);
51        $this->page_moves  = $page_moves;
52        $this->media_moves = $media_moves;
53        $this->handlers    = $handlers;
54    }
56    /**
57     * Go through the list of moves and find the new value for the given old ID
58     *
59     * @param string $old  the old, full qualified ID
60     * @param string $type 'media' or 'page'
61     * @throws Exception on bad argument
62     * @return string the new full qualified ID
63     */
64    public function resolveMoves($old, $type) {
65        global $conf;
67        if($type != 'media' && $type != 'page') throw new Exception('Not a valid type');
69        $old = resolve_id($this->origNS, $old, false);
71        if($type == 'page') {
72            // FIXME this simply assumes that the link pointed to :$conf['start'], but it could also point to another page
73            // resolve_pageid does a lot more here, but we can't really assume this as the original pages might have been
74            // deleted already
75            if(substr($old, -1) === ':') $old .= $conf['start'];
77            $moves = $this->page_moves;
78        } else {
79            $moves = $this->media_moves;
80        }
82        $old = cleanID($old);
84        foreach($moves as $move) {
85            if($move[0] == $old) {
86                $old = $move[1];
87            }
88        }
90        return $old; // this is now new
91    }
93    /**
94     * if the old link ended with a colon and the new one is a start page, adjust
95     *
96     * @param $relold string the old, possibly relative ID
97     * @param $new    string the new, full qualified ID
98     * @param $type   'media' or 'page'
99     * @return string
100     */
101    protected function _nsStartCheck($relold, $new, $type) {
102        global $conf;
103        if($type == 'page' && substr($relold, -1) == ':') {
104            $len = strlen($conf['start']);
105            if($new == $conf['start']) {
106                $new = '.:';
107            } else if(substr($new, -1 * ($len + 1)) == ':' . $conf['start']) {
108                $new = substr($new, 0, -1 * $len);
109            }
110        }
111        return $new;
112    }
114    /**
115     * Construct a new ID relative to the current page's location
116     *
117     * Uses a relative link only if the original was relative, too. This function is for
118     * pages and media files.
119     *
120     * @param string $relold the old, possibly relative ID
121     * @param string $new    the new, full qualified ID
122     * @param string $type 'media' or 'page'
123     * @throws Exception on bad argument
124     * @return string
125     */
126    public function relativeLink($relold, $new, $type) {
127        global $conf;
128        if($type != 'media' && $type != 'page') throw new Exception('Not a valid type');
130        // first check if the old link still resolves
131        $exists = false;
132        $old    = $relold;
133        if($type == 'page') {
134            resolve_pageid($this->ns, $old, $exists);
135        } else {
136            resolve_mediaid($this->ns, $old, $exists);
137        }
138        if($old == $new) {
139            return $relold; // old link still resolves, keep as is
140        }
142        if($conf['useslash']) $relold = str_replace('/', ':', $relold);
144        // check if the link was relative
145        if(strpos($relold, ':') === false ||$relold[0] == '.') {
146            $wasrel = true;
147        } else {
148            $wasrel = false;
149        }
151        // if it wasn't relative then, leave it absolute now, too
152        if(!$wasrel) {
153            if($this->ns && !getNS($new)) $new = ':' . $new;
154            $new = $this->_nsStartCheck($relold, $new, $type);
155            return $new;
156        }
158        // split the paths and see how much common parts there are
159        $selfpath = explode(':', $this->ns);
160        $goalpath = explode(':', getNS($new));
161        $min      = min(count($selfpath), count($goalpath));
162        for($common = 0; $common < $min; $common++) {
163            if($selfpath[$common] != $goalpath[$common]) break;
164        }
166        // we now have the non-common part and a number of uppers
167        $ups       = max(count($selfpath) - $common, 0);
168        $remainder = array_slice($goalpath, $common);
169        $upper     = $ups ? array_fill(0, $ups, '..:') : array();
171        // build the new relative path
172        $newrel = join(':', $upper);
173        if($remainder) $newrel .= join(':', $remainder) . ':';
174        $newrel .= noNS($new);
175        $newrel = str_replace('::', ':', trim($newrel, ':'));
176        if($newrel[0] != '.' && $this->ns && getNS($newrel)) $newrel = '.' . $newrel;
178        // if the old link ended with a colon and the new one is a start page, adjust
179        $newrel = $this->_nsStartCheck($relold,$newrel,$type);
181        // don't use relative paths if it is ridicoulus:
182        if(strlen($newrel) > strlen($new)) {
183            $newrel = $new;
184            if($this->ns && !getNS($new)) $newrel = ':' . $newrel;
185            $newrel = $this->_nsStartCheck($relold,$newrel,$type);
186        }
188        return $newrel;
189    }
191    /**
192     * Handle camelcase links
193     *
194     * @param string $match The text match
195     * @param string $state The starte of the parser
196     * @param int    $pos   The position in the input
197     * @return bool If parsing should be continued
198     */
199    public function camelcaselink($match, $state, $pos) {
200        $oldID = cleanID($this->origNS . ':' . $match);
201        $newID = $this->resolveMoves($oldID, 'page');
202        $newNS = getNS($newID);
204        if($oldID == $newID || $this->origNS == $newNS) {
205            // link is still valid as is
206            $this->calls .= $match;
207        } else {
208            if(noNS($oldID) == noNS($newID)) {
209                // only namespace changed, keep CamelCase in link
210                $this->calls .= "[[$newNS:$match]]";
211            } else {
212                // all new, keep CamelCase in title
213                $this->calls .= "[[$newID|$match]]";
214            }
215        }
216        return true;
217    }
219    /**
220     * Handle rewriting of internal links
221     *
222     * @param string $match The text match
223     * @param string $state The starte of the parser
224     * @param int    $pos   The position in the input
225     * @return bool If parsing should be continued
226     */
227    public function internallink($match, $state, $pos) {
228        // Strip the opening and closing markup
229        $link = preg_replace(array('/^\[\[/', '/\]\]$/u'), '', $match);
231        // Split title from URL
232        $link = explode('|', $link, 2);
233        if(!isset($link[1])) {
234            $link[1] = null;
235        } else if(preg_match('/^\{\{[^\}]+\}\}$/', $link[1])) {
236            // If the title is an image, rewrite it
237            $old_title = $link[1];
238            $link[1]   = $this->rewrite_media($link[1]);
239            // do a simple replace of the first match so really only the id is changed and not e.g. the alignment
240            $oldpos = strpos($match, $old_title);
241            $oldlen = strlen($old_title);
242            $match  = substr_replace($match, $link[1], $oldpos, $oldlen);
243        }
244        $link[0] = trim($link[0]);
246        //decide which kind of link it is
248        if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+>{1}.*$/u', $link[0])) {
249            // Interwiki
250            $this->calls .= $match;
251        } elseif(preg_match('/^\\\\\\\\[^\\\\]+?\\\\/u', $link[0])) {
252            // Windows Share
253            $this->calls .= $match;
254        } elseif(preg_match('#^([a-z0-9\-\.+]+?)://#i', $link[0])) {
255            // external link (accepts all protocols)
256            $this->calls .= $match;
257        } elseif(preg_match('<' . PREG_PATTERN_VALID_EMAIL . '>', $link[0])) {
258            // E-Mail (pattern above is defined in inc/mail.php)
259            $this->calls .= $match;
260        } elseif(preg_match('!^#.+!', $link[0])) {
261            // local hash link
262            $this->calls .= $match;
263        } else {
264            $id = $link[0];
266            $hash  = '';
267            $parts = explode('#', $id, 2);
268            if(count($parts) === 2) {
269                $id   = $parts[0];
270                $hash = $parts[1];
271            }
273            $params = '';
274            $parts  = explode('?', $id, 2);
275            if(count($parts) === 2) {
276                $id     = $parts[0];
277                $params = $parts[1];
278            }
280            $new_id = $this->resolveMoves($id, 'page');
281            $new_id = $this->relativeLink($id, $new_id, 'page');
283            if($id == $new_id) {
284                $this->calls .= $match;
285            } else {
286                if($params !== '') {
287                    $new_id .= '?' . $params;
288                }
290                if($hash !== '') {
291                    $new_id .= '#' . $hash;
292                }
294                if($link[1] != null) {
295                    $new_id .= '|' . $link[1];
296                }
298                $this->calls .= '[[' . $new_id . ']]';
299            }
301        }
303        return true;
304    }
306    /**
307     * Handle rewriting of media links
308     *
309     * @param string $match The text match
310     * @param string $state The starte of the parser
311     * @param int    $pos   The position in the input
312     * @return bool If parsing should be continued
313     */
314    public function media($match, $state, $pos) {
315        $this->calls .= $this->rewrite_media($match);
316        return true;
317    }
319    /**
320     * Rewrite a media syntax
321     *
322     * @param string $match The text match of the media syntax
323     * @return string The rewritten syntax
324     */
325    protected function rewrite_media($match) {
326        $p = Doku_Handler_Parse_Media($match);
327        if($p['type'] == 'internalmedia') { // else: external media
329            $new_src = $this->resolveMoves($p['src'], 'media');
330            $new_src = $this->relativeLink($p['src'], $new_src, 'media');
332            if($new_src !== $p['src']) {
333                // do a simple replace of the first match so really only the id is changed and not e.g. the alignment
334                $srcpos = strpos($match, $p['src']);
335                $srclen = strlen($p['src']);
336                return substr_replace($match, $new_src, $srcpos, $srclen);
337            }
338        }
339        return $match;
340    }
342    /**
343     * Handle rewriting of plugin syntax, calls the registered handlers
344     *
345     * @param string $match      The text match
346     * @param string $state      The starte of the parser
347     * @param int    $pos        The position in the input
348     * @param string $pluginname The name of the plugin
349     * @return bool If parsing should be continued
350     */
351    public function plugin($match, $state, $pos, $pluginname) {
352        if(isset($this->handlers[$pluginname])) {
353            $this->calls .= call_user_func($this->handlers[$pluginname], $match, $state, $pos, $pluginname, $this);
354        } else {
355            $this->calls .= $match;
356        }
357        return true;
358    }
360    /**
361     * Catchall handler for the remaining syntax
362     *
363     * @param string $name   Function name that was called
364     * @param array  $params Original parameters
365     * @return bool If parsing should be continue
366     */
367    public function __call($name, $params) {
368        if(count($params) == 3) {
369            $this->calls .= $params[0];
370            return true;
371        } else {
372            trigger_error('Error, handler function ' . hsc($name) . ' with ' . count($params) . ' parameters called which isn\'t implemented', E_USER_ERROR);
373            return false;
374        }
375    }
377    public function _finalize() {
378        // remove padding that is added by the parser in parse()
379        $this->calls = substr($this->calls, 1, -1);
380    }