3 * DokuWiki Plugin memcache (Helper Component)
4 *
5 * @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
6 * @author  János Fekete <jan@fjan.eu>
7 */
9// must be run within Dokuwiki
10if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
12class helper_plugin_memcache extends DokuWiki_Plugin {
14	public function __construct() {
15		if (!defined('MEMCACHE_CHECK_KEYS')){
16			$this->loadConfig();
17		/*
18			NOTE: as both apc and wincache supports arrays for many functions, this class DOES NOT.
19			The variables are not checked for better performance, but checking can be enabled for debuging in which case non-string keys trigger error.
20		*/
21			define('MEMCACHE_CHECK_KEYS',(bool)$this->conf['debug_check_keys']);
22		}
23		require_once('classes/memcache_interface.loader.php');
25	}
26    /**
27     * Return info about supported methods in this Helper Plugin
28     *
29     * @return array of public methods
30     */
31    function getMethods() {
32        $result = array();
33        $result[] = array(
34                'name'   => 'key_checks_enabled',
35                'desc'   => "returns MEMCACHE_CHECK_KEYS constant's value.",
36				'return' => array('enabled'=>'boolean'),
37                );
38        $result[] = array(
39                'name'   => 'driver',
40                'desc'   => 'returns the backend driver as string (which is either "wincache" or "apc" currently or "fake" if neither is supported, and using filesys-caching instead.)',
41				'return' => array('driver'=>'string'),
42                );
43        $result[] = array(
44                'name'   => 'emulated',
45                'desc'   => 'returns true if the driver is emulated (no performance boost)',
46				'return' => array('emulated'=>'boolean'),
47                );
48        $result[] = array(
49                'name'   => 'add',
50                'desc'   => "add one entry, if it does not exists already. returns boolean success (false if key already exists or something went wrong)\n if ttl parameter is given and positive, it will set time-to-live, else it will remain until cache clear.",
51				'parameters' => array(
52					'key' => 'string',
53					'val' => 'mixed (serializable)',
54					'ttl' => 'integer',
55					),
56				'return' => array('success'=>'boolean'),
57                );
58        $result[] = array(
59                'name'   => 'set',
60                'desc'   => "set one entry: create new or overwrite old value. returns boolean success (false if something went wrong). if ttl parameter is given and positive, it will set time-to-live, else it will remain until cache clear.",
61				'parameters' => array(
62					'key' => 'string',
63					'val' => 'mixed (serializable)',
64					'ttl' => 'integer',
65					),
66				'return' => array('success'=>'boolean'),
67                );
68        $result[] = array(
69                'name'   => 'exists',
70                'desc'   => "checks if a key exists.",
71				'parameters' => array(
72					'key' => 'string',
73					),
74				'return' => array('exists'=>'boolean'),
75                );
76        $result[] = array(
77                'name'   => 'del',
78                'desc'   => "deletes data by its key.",
79				'parameters' => array(
80					'key' => 'string',
81					),
82				'return' => array('success'=>'boolean'),
83                );
84        $result[] = array(
85                'name'   => 'get',
86                'desc'   => "retrieves a value. returns retrieved value or null. \$success out-parameter can be checked to check success (you may have false, null, 0, or '' as stored value).",
87				'parameters' => array(
88					'key' => 'string',
89					'success' => 'boolean (out)',
90					),
91				'return' => array('value'=>'mixed'),
92                );
93       $result[] = array(
94                'name'   => 'clear',
95                'desc'   => "clears the entire cache. (note: server-wide, so clears cache for every code that uses the same driver).  returns boolean success (which should be always true)",
96				'return' => array('success'=>'boolean'),
97                );
99        return $result;
100    }
102	function key_checks_enabled(){
103		return (bool) @MEMCACHE_CHECK_KEYS;
104	}
106	function driver(){
107		return memcache::driver();
108	}
110	function emulated(){
111		return memcache::emulated();
112	}
114	function clear(){
115		return memcache::clear();
116	}
118	function add($key,$val,$ttl = 0){
119		return memcache::add($key,$val,$ttl);
120	}
122	function set($key,$val,$ttl = 0){
123		return memcache::set($key,$val,$ttl);
124	}
126	function exists($key){
127		return memcache::exists($key);
128	}
130	function del($key){
131		return memcache::del($key);
132	}
134	function get($key,&$success = false){
135		return memcache::get($key,$success);
136	}
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