3namespace Psr\Http\Message;
6 * Representation of an outgoing, server-side response.
7 *
8 * Per the HTTP specification, this interface includes properties for
9 * each of the following:
10 *
11 * - Protocol version
12 * - Status code and reason phrase
13 * - Headers
14 * - Message body
15 *
16 * Responses are considered immutable; all methods that might change state MUST
17 * be implemented such that they retain the internal state of the current
18 * message and return an instance that contains the changed state.
19 */
20interface ResponseInterface extends MessageInterface
22    /**
23     * Gets the response status code.
24     *
25     * The status code is a 3-digit integer result code of the server's attempt
26     * to understand and satisfy the request.
27     *
28     * @return int Status code.
29     */
30    public function getStatusCode(): int;
32    /**
33     * Return an instance with the specified status code and, optionally, reason phrase.
34     *
35     * If no reason phrase is specified, implementations MAY choose to default
36     * to the RFC 7231 or IANA recommended reason phrase for the response's
37     * status code.
38     *
39     * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the
40     * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the
41     * updated status and reason phrase.
42     *
43     * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6
44     * @link http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml
45     * @param int $code The 3-digit integer result code to set.
46     * @param string $reasonPhrase The reason phrase to use with the
47     *     provided status code; if none is provided, implementations MAY
48     *     use the defaults as suggested in the HTTP specification.
49     * @return static
50     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException For invalid status code arguments.
51     */
52    public function withStatus(int $code, string $reasonPhrase = ''): ResponseInterface;
54    /**
55     * Gets the response reason phrase associated with the status code.
56     *
57     * Because a reason phrase is not a required element in a response
58     * status line, the reason phrase value MAY be null. Implementations MAY
59     * choose to return the default RFC 7231 recommended reason phrase (or those
60     * listed in the IANA HTTP Status Code Registry) for the response's
61     * status code.
62     *
63     * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6
64     * @link http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml
65     * @return string Reason phrase; must return an empty string if none present.
66     */
67    public function getReasonPhrase(): string;