1<?php 2$lang['menu'] = 'Subscriptions'; 3$lang['abo_aboactifs'] = 'Current subscriptions'; 4$lang['abo_abode'] = 'Subsriptions for'; 5$lang['abo_noabo'] = 'No subscription'; 6$lang['abo_estadmin'] = 'You are administrator, you can '; 7$lang['abo_voirtousabo'] = 'see all subscriptions'; 8$lang['abo_voirvosabo'] = 'See your subscriptions'; 9$lang['abo_whoto'] = 'To subscribe to a page, click the "Subscribe to this page" link down the page. You will receive a e-mail each time this page is modified.<br />You can also subscribe a category (a "namespace") using the "Subscribe to this category" link. Then you will receive a mail eache time a page within this category is modified.'; 10$lang['abo_cat'] = 'Category'; 11$lang['abo_cptabo'] = 'subscription(s)'; 12$lang['abo_cptdans'] = 'on'; 13$lang['abo_cptpages'] = 'page(s)'; 14$lang['abo_cptet'] = 'and'; 15$lang['abo_cptcat'] = 'category(ies)'; 16 17