2update FetcherLocalFile so that it returns correct base url
3Page breaking "watermark" for non-top-aligned cells
6height: 100% in quirks mode
7Check for magic_quotes
8Custom postscript prologue
11Table headers and footers should be repeated on page breaks
12Grayscale image rendering
13Bidirectional text output
14XSL-FO processing
15table-layout: fixed
16JPEG/GIF output
17Completely debug PNG output
18PNG with alpha channels
19Anchors vertical position
20Documentation on page-break algorithm
21Encrypted PDF output
22Write-protected PDF output
23Missing zlib FPDF font generation error
24Systemcheck script checks for CURL in safe_mode (CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION does not work there)
25'caption' support
26Rendering several pages on one page
27support for 'counter' for non margin-box elements
28Setting starting page number explicitly (replacing default value of 1)