3 * English language file
4 *
5 * @license GNU General Public License 3 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
6 * @author Bob Baddeley <bob@bobbaddeley.com>
7 * @author Marvin Thomas Rabe <mrabe@marvinrabe.de>
8 */
10// settings must be present and set appropriately for the language
11$lang['encoding']   = 'utf-8';
12$lang['direction']  = 'ltr';
14// for admin plugins, the menu prompt to be displayed in the admin menu
15// if set here, the plugin doesn't need to override the getMenuText() method
16$lang['menu'] = 'Modern Contact Form';
18// custom language strings for the plugin
19$lang["field"] = 'Field';
20$lang["value"] = 'Value';
21$lang["name"] = 'Your Name';
22$lang["email"] = 'Your Email';
23$lang["subject"] = 'Subject';
24$lang["content"] = 'Message';
25$lang["send"] = 'Submit';
26$lang["from"] = 'from';
27$lang["datetime"] = ' at %Y-%m-%d %H:%M';
28$lang["sent by"] = 'sent by';
29$lang["via"] = 'via DokuWiki at ';
30$lang["viewonline"] = 'view the message online at ';
32// error messages
33$lang["error"]["unknown"] = 'Mail not sent. Please contact the administrator.';
34$lang["error"]["name"] = 'Please enter a name. Should be at least 2 characters.';
35$lang["error"]["email"] = 'Please enter your email address. It must be valid.';
36$lang["error"]["content"] = 'Please add a comment. Should be at least 10 characters.';
37$lang["error"]["captcha"] = 'Mail not sent. You could not be verified as a human.';
38$lang["error"]["valid_name"] = 'Name has invalid input.';
39$lang["error"]["valid_email"] = 'Email address has invalid input.';
40$lang["error"]["valid_subject"] = 'Subject has invalid input.';
41$lang["error"]["valid_to"] = 'Destination address has invalid input.';
42$lang["error"]["valid_content"] = 'Comment has invalid input.';
43$lang["error"]["external_email_forbidden"] = 'Emails cannot be specified in this form.';
44$lang["error"]["acl_touser"] = 'You are not allowed to send mails to user "%s" (field: %s)';
45$lang["error"]["acl_togroup"] = 'You are not allowed to send mails to members of "%s" (field: %s)';
46$lang["error"]["acl_one"] = 'You are not allowed to send a mail to multiple recipients.';
47$lang["error"]["acl_bcc"] = 'You are not allowed to send a message which shows the mail address of another user. Use bcc field alone to fix this issue.';
48$lang["success"] = 'Mail sent successfully.';