2$lang['GAID'] = 'Your Google Analytics ID (UA-XXXXXX-XX)';
3$lang['GTAGID'] = 'Your Global Site Tag ID (G-XXXXXXXXXX)';
4$lang['dont_count_admin'] = 'Don\'t count admin/superuser';
5$lang['dont_count_users'] = 'Don\'t count logged in users';
6$lang['anonymize'] = 'Send anonymized IP addresses to Google. (UA-XXXXXX-XX only)';
7$lang['track_users'] = 'Track logged in users across different devices. Needs <a href="https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3123662?hl=en">user tracking</a> enabled. Users will not be identifable in Google Analytics! (UA-XXXXXX-XX only)';
8$lang['track_links'] = 'Track outgoing links. (UA-XXXXXX-XX only)';
9$lang['domainName'] = 'Configure the cookie domain. Should usually be left empty. (UA-XXXXXX-XX only)';