1# dokuwiki-plugin-formatplus2
2A fork of the [nice DokuWiki plugin "formatplus"](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:formatplus) (orig. by [Tom N Harris](http://whoopdedo.org/doku/wiki/formatplus))
4This fork only tries to fix the deprecated `jQuery.browser` type error (at the moment). I have e-mailed to Tom to report this error, and he encouraged me to fork to deal with the bug since his development has been ceased. (A million thanks to Tom!)
6I found that `jQuery.browser` type is deprecated since jQuery 1.9, so I have inserted a snippet found [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9645803/whats-the-replacement-for-browser#answer-15072522) into the `script.js` of this plugin, and the JavaScript error in browser console is gone.