1# This is a gitignore style file to ignore typical temporary files and directories 2 3### Linux ### 4*~ 5 6# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file 7.fuse_hidden* 8 9# KDE directory preferences 10.directory 11 12# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk 13.Trash-* 14 15# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed 16.nfs* 17 18### macOS ### 19# General 20.DS_Store 21.AppleDouble 22.LSOverride 23 24 25# Thumbnails 26._* 27 28# Files that might appear in the root of a volume 29.DocumentRevisions-V100 30.fseventsd 31.Spotlight-V100 32.TemporaryItems 33.Trashes 34.VolumeIcon.icns 35.com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent 36 37# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share 38.AppleDB 39.AppleDesktop 40Network Trash Folder 41Temporary Items 42.apdisk 43 44# iCloud generated files 45*.icloud 46 47### MicrosoftOffice ### 48*.tmp 49 50# Word temporary 51~$*.doc* 52 53# Word Auto Backup File 54Backup of *.doc* 55 56# Excel temporary 57~$*.xls* 58 59# Excel Backup File 60*.xlk 61 62# PowerPoint temporary 63~$*.ppt* 64 65# Visio autosave temporary files 66*.~vsd* 67 68### Windows ### 69# Windows thumbnail cache files 70Thumbs.db 71Thumbs.db:encryptable 72ehthumbs.db 73ehthumbs_vista.db 74 75# Dump file 76*.stackdump 77 78# Folder config file 79[Dd]esktop.ini 80 81# Recycle Bin used on file shares 82$RECYCLE.BIN 83 84# Windows shortcuts 85*.lnk 86