3 * Options for the discussion plugin
4 */
6$conf['automatic']    = 0;   // discussion section on every page by default
7$conf['excluded_ns']  = '';  // list of namespaces to revert the option above (a regular expression)
8$conf['allowguests']  = 1;   // should unregistred users be able to comment?
9$conf['showguests']   = 1;   // show/hide comments from guests
10$conf['linkemail']    = 0;   // link usernames with e-mail addresses
11$conf['useavatar']    = 1;   // use Avatar Plugin to display user images in comments
12$conf['urlfield']     = 0;   // allow entering an URL
13$conf['addressfield'] = 0;   // allow entering an address
14$conf['adminimport']  = 0;   // allow admins to set all the fields for import
15$conf['wikisyntaxok'] = 1;   // allow wiki syntax in comments
16$conf['subscribe']    = 1;   // enable/disable subscribe to comments
17$conf['newestfirst']  = 0;   // list newest comments first
18$conf['moderate']     = 0;   // moderate newly added comments
19$conf['usethreading'] = 1;
20$conf['userealname']  = 1;
21$conf['threads_formposition'] = 'bottom'; // position of new thread form
22$conf['visibilityButton'] = 0; // show/hide button to hide the discussion section
23$conf['moderatorgroups']  = '';
24$conf['moderatorsnotify'] = 0;
26//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :