3namespace Sabre\DAVACL;
5use Sabre\DAV\Exception\InvalidResourceType;
6use Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden;
7use Sabre\DAV\IExtendedCollection;
8use Sabre\DAV\MkCol;
11 * Principals Collection
12 *
13 * This collection represents a list of users.
14 * The users are instances of Sabre\DAVACL\Principal
15 *
16 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
17 * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
18 * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
19 */
20class PrincipalCollection extends AbstractPrincipalCollection implements IExtendedCollection, IACL {
22    /**
23     * This method returns a node for a principal.
24     *
25     * The passed array contains principal information, and is guaranteed to
26     * at least contain a uri item. Other properties may or may not be
27     * supplied by the authentication backend.
28     *
29     * @param array $principal
30     * @return \Sabre\DAV\INode
31     */
32    function getChildForPrincipal(array $principal) {
34        return new Principal($this->principalBackend, $principal);
36    }
38    /**
39     * Creates a new collection.
40     *
41     * This method will receive a MkCol object with all the information about
42     * the new collection that's being created.
43     *
44     * The MkCol object contains information about the resourceType of the new
45     * collection. If you don't support the specified resourceType, you should
46     * throw Exception\InvalidResourceType.
47     *
48     * The object also contains a list of WebDAV properties for the new
49     * collection.
50     *
51     * You should call the handle() method on this object to specify exactly
52     * which properties you are storing. This allows the system to figure out
53     * exactly which properties you didn't store, which in turn allows other
54     * plugins (such as the propertystorage plugin) to handle storing the
55     * property for you.
56     *
57     * @param string $name
58     * @param MkCol $mkCol
59     * @throws Exception\InvalidResourceType
60     * @return void
61     */
62    function createExtendedCollection($name, MkCol $mkCol) {
64        if (!$mkCol->hasResourceType('{DAV:}principal')) {
65            throw new InvalidResourceType('Only resources of type {DAV:}principal may be created here');
66        }
68        $this->principalBackend->createPrincipal(
69            $this->principalPrefix . '/' . $name,
70            $mkCol
71        );
73    }
75    /**
76     * Returns the owner principal
77     *
78     * This must be a url to a principal, or null if there's no owner
79     *
80     * @return string|null
81     */
82    function getOwner() {
83        return null;
84    }
86    /**
87     * Returns a group principal
88     *
89     * This must be a url to a principal, or null if there's no owner
90     *
91     * @return string|null
92     */
93    function getGroup() {
94        return null;
95    }
97    /**
98     * Returns a list of ACE's for this node.
99     *
100     * Each ACE has the following properties:
101     *   * 'privilege', a string such as {DAV:}read or {DAV:}write. These are
102     *     currently the only supported privileges
103     *   * 'principal', a url to the principal who owns the node
104     *   * 'protected' (optional), indicating that this ACE is not allowed to
105     *      be updated.
106     *
107     * @return array
108     */
109    function getACL() {
110        return [
111            [
112                'principal' => '{DAV:}authenticated',
113                'privilege' => '{DAV:}read',
114                'protected' => true,
115            ],
116        ];
117    }
119    /**
120     * Updates the ACL
121     *
122     * This method will receive a list of new ACE's as an array argument.
123     *
124     * @param array $acl
125     * @return void
126     */
127    function setACL(array $acl) {
129        throw new Forbidden('Updating ACLs is not allowed on this node');
131    }
133    /**
134     * Returns the list of supported privileges for this node.
135     *
136     * The returned data structure is a list of nested privileges.
137     * See Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin::getDefaultSupportedPrivilegeSet for a simple
138     * standard structure.
139     *
140     * If null is returned from this method, the default privilege set is used,
141     * which is fine for most common usecases.
142     *
143     * @return array|null
144     */
145    function getSupportedPrivilegeSet() {
147        return null;
149    }