3namespace Facebook\WebDriver\Remote;
6 * This list of command defined in the WebDriver json wire protocol.
7 *
8 * @codeCoverageIgnore
9 */
10class DriverCommand
12    const GET_ALL_SESSIONS = 'getAllSessions';
13    const GET_CAPABILITIES = 'getCapabilities';
14    const NEW_SESSION = 'newSession';
15    const STATUS = 'status';
16    const CLOSE = 'close';
17    const QUIT = 'quit';
18    const GET = 'get';
19    const GO_BACK = 'goBack';
20    const GO_FORWARD = 'goForward';
21    const REFRESH = 'refresh';
22    const ADD_COOKIE = 'addCookie';
23    const GET_ALL_COOKIES = 'getCookies';
24    const DELETE_COOKIE = 'deleteCookie';
25    const DELETE_ALL_COOKIES = 'deleteAllCookies';
26    const FIND_ELEMENT = 'findElement';
27    const FIND_ELEMENTS = 'findElements';
28    const FIND_CHILD_ELEMENT = 'findChildElement';
29    const FIND_CHILD_ELEMENTS = 'findChildElements';
30    const CLEAR_ELEMENT = 'clearElement';
31    const CLICK_ELEMENT = 'clickElement';
32    const SEND_KEYS_TO_ELEMENT = 'sendKeysToElement';
33    const SEND_KEYS_TO_ACTIVE_ELEMENT = 'sendKeysToActiveElement';
34    const SUBMIT_ELEMENT = 'submitElement';
35    const UPLOAD_FILE = 'uploadFile';
36    const GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE = 'getCurrentWindowHandle';
37    const GET_WINDOW_HANDLES = 'getWindowHandles';
38    const GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE = 'getCurrentContextHandle';
39    const GET_CONTEXT_HANDLES = 'getContextHandles';
40    // Switching between to window/frame/iframe
41    const SWITCH_TO_WINDOW = 'switchToWindow';
42    const SWITCH_TO_CONTEXT = 'switchToContext';
43    const SWITCH_TO_FRAME = 'switchToFrame';
44    const SWITCH_TO_PARENT_FRAME = 'switchToParentFrame';
45    const GET_ACTIVE_ELEMENT = 'getActiveElement';
46    // Information of the page
47    const GET_CURRENT_URL = 'getCurrentUrl';
48    const GET_PAGE_SOURCE = 'getPageSource';
49    const GET_TITLE = 'getTitle';
50    // Javascript API
51    const EXECUTE_SCRIPT = 'executeScript';
52    const EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT = 'executeAsyncScript';
53    // API getting information from an element.
54    const GET_ELEMENT_TEXT = 'getElementText';
55    const GET_ELEMENT_TAG_NAME = 'getElementTagName';
56    const IS_ELEMENT_SELECTED = 'isElementSelected';
57    const IS_ELEMENT_ENABLED = 'isElementEnabled';
58    const IS_ELEMENT_DISPLAYED = 'isElementDisplayed';
59    const GET_ELEMENT_LOCATION = 'getElementLocation';
60    const GET_ELEMENT_LOCATION_ONCE_SCROLLED_INTO_VIEW = 'getElementLocationOnceScrolledIntoView';
61    const GET_ELEMENT_SIZE = 'getElementSize';
62    const GET_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE = 'getElementAttribute';
63    const GET_ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_CSS_PROPERTY = 'getElementValueOfCssProperty';
64    const ELEMENT_EQUALS = 'elementEquals';
65    const SCREENSHOT = 'screenshot';
66    // Alert API
67    const ACCEPT_ALERT = 'acceptAlert';
68    const DISMISS_ALERT = 'dismissAlert';
69    const GET_ALERT_TEXT = 'getAlertText';
70    const SET_ALERT_VALUE = 'setAlertValue';
71    // Timeout API
72    const SET_TIMEOUT = 'setTimeout';
73    const IMPLICITLY_WAIT = 'implicitlyWait';
74    const SET_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT = 'setScriptTimeout';
75    /** @deprecated */
76    const EXECUTE_SQL = 'executeSQL';
77    const GET_LOCATION = 'getLocation';
78    const SET_LOCATION = 'setLocation';
79    const GET_APP_CACHE = 'getAppCache';
80    const GET_APP_CACHE_STATUS = 'getStatus';
81    const CLEAR_APP_CACHE = 'clearAppCache';
82    const IS_BROWSER_ONLINE = 'isBrowserOnline';
83    const SET_BROWSER_ONLINE = 'setBrowserOnline';
84    // Local storage
85    const GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM = 'getLocalStorageItem';
86    const GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEYS = 'getLocalStorageKeys';
87    const SET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM = 'setLocalStorageItem';
88    const REMOVE_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM = 'removeLocalStorageItem';
89    const CLEAR_LOCAL_STORAGE = 'clearLocalStorage';
90    const GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_SIZE = 'getLocalStorageSize';
91    // Session storage
92    const GET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM = 'getSessionStorageItem';
93    const GET_SESSION_STORAGE_KEYS = 'getSessionStorageKey';
94    const SET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM = 'setSessionStorageItem';
95    const REMOVE_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM = 'removeSessionStorageItem';
96    const CLEAR_SESSION_STORAGE = 'clearSessionStorage';
97    const GET_SESSION_STORAGE_SIZE = 'getSessionStorageSize';
98    // Screen orientation
99    const SET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION = 'setScreenOrientation';
100    const GET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION = 'getScreenOrientation';
101    // These belong to the Advanced user interactions - an element is optional for these commands.
102    const CLICK = 'mouseClick';
103    const DOUBLE_CLICK = 'mouseDoubleClick';
104    const MOUSE_DOWN = 'mouseButtonDown';
105    const MOUSE_UP = 'mouseButtonUp';
106    const MOVE_TO = 'mouseMoveTo';
107    // Those allow interactions with the Input Methods installed on the system.
108    const IME_GET_AVAILABLE_ENGINES = 'imeGetAvailableEngines';
109    const IME_GET_ACTIVE_ENGINE = 'imeGetActiveEngine';
110    const IME_IS_ACTIVATED = 'imeIsActivated';
111    const IME_DEACTIVATE = 'imeDeactivate';
112    const IME_ACTIVATE_ENGINE = 'imeActivateEngine';
113    // These belong to the Advanced Touch API
114    const TOUCH_SINGLE_TAP = 'touchSingleTap';
115    const TOUCH_DOWN = 'touchDown';
116    const TOUCH_UP = 'touchUp';
117    const TOUCH_MOVE = 'touchMove';
118    const TOUCH_SCROLL = 'touchScroll';
119    const TOUCH_DOUBLE_TAP = 'touchDoubleTap';
120    const TOUCH_LONG_PRESS = 'touchLongPress';
121    const TOUCH_FLICK = 'touchFlick';
122    // Window API (beta)
123    const SET_WINDOW_SIZE = 'setWindowSize';
124    const SET_WINDOW_POSITION = 'setWindowPosition';
125    const GET_WINDOW_SIZE = 'getWindowSize';
126    const GET_WINDOW_POSITION = 'getWindowPosition';
127    const MAXIMIZE_WINDOW = 'maximizeWindow';
128    const FULLSCREEN_WINDOW = 'fullscreenWindow';
129    // Logging API
130    const GET_AVAILABLE_LOG_TYPES = 'getAvailableLogTypes';
131    const GET_LOG = 'getLog';
132    const GET_SESSION_LOGS = 'getSessionLogs';
133    // Mobile API
134    const GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION = 'getNetworkConnection';
135    const SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION = 'setNetworkConnection';
136    // Custom command
137    const CUSTOM_COMMAND = 'customCommand';
139    // W3C specific
140    const ACTIONS = 'actions';
141    const GET_ELEMENT_PROPERTY = 'getElementProperty';
142    const GET_NAMED_COOKIE = 'getNamedCookie';
143    const NEW_WINDOW = 'newWindow';
144    const TAKE_ELEMENT_SCREENSHOT = 'takeElementScreenshot';
145    const MINIMIZE_WINDOW = 'minimizeWindow';
147    private function __construct()
148    {
149    }