3 * Chinese language file for the Config Manager
4 *
5 * If your language is not/only partially translated or you found an error/typo,
6 * have a look at the files belows "/plugin-blogtng/lang/<your lang>/". If they
7 * are not existing, copy and translate the English ones. And don't forget to
8 * send any new translation or fix to the BlogTNG authors (contact information
9 * can be found at <http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:blogtng>). Thanks :-).
10 *
11 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
12 */
14$lang['comments_allow_web']        = '允许用户将网站链接到评论上?';
15$lang['comments_subscription']     = '允许用户通过邮件订阅新评论?';
16$lang['comments_gravatar_rating']  = 'gravatar 的最低评级。';
17$lang['comments_gravatar_default'] = '对没有 gravatar 图像的用户所用的头像。';
18$lang['comments_xhtml_renderer']   = '评论中,用默认的 XHTML 渲染器而非特殊的评论渲染器来进行渲染的语法插件。以此支持那些并不原生支持评论渲染器的语法插件。';
19$lang['comments_forbid_syntax']    = '在评论中完全禁止的语法插件(无论是通过 XHTML 还是评论渲染器)。';
20$lang['editform_set_date']         = '允许通过编辑框设置博客文章的创建日期。';
21$lang['tags']                      = '允许的标签,以逗号分隔。如果留空,将允许所有标签。';
22$lang['receive_linkbacks']         = '接收发送给您博客文章的链接通告?';
23$lang['send_linkbacks']            = '向您博客文章中链接的页面发送通告?';