2  /********************************
3   OSBib:
4   A collection of PHP classes to create and manage bibliographic formatting for OS bibliography software
5   using the OSBib standard.
7   Released through http://bibliophile.sourceforge.net under the GPL licence.
8   Do whatever you like with this -- some credit to the author(s) would be appreciated.
10   If you make improvements, please consider contacting the administrators at bibliophile.sourceforge.net
11   so that your improvements can be added to the release package.
13   Mark Grimshaw 2005
14   http://bibliophile.sourceforge.net
15  ********************************/
17  /** Description of class BIBFORMAT
18   * Format a bibliographic resource for output.
19   *
20   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
21   * @version	1
22   */
25  /**
26   * $dir is the path to STYLEMAP.php etc.
27   */
28  function BIBFORMAT($dir = FALSE, $bibtex = FALSE, $preview = FALSE)
29  {
30    //05/05/2005 G.GARDEY: add a last "/" to $stylePath if not present.
31    $this->preview = $preview;
32    if(!$this->preview) // Not javascript preview
33      {
34	$dir = trim($dir);
35	if(!$dir){
36	  $this->dir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/";
37	}
38	else{
39	  $this->dir = $dir;
40	  if($dir[strlen($dir)-1] != "/"){
41	    $this->dir .= "/";
42	  }
43	}
44	$this->bibtexParsePath  = $this->dir . "format/bibtexParse";
45      }
46    else // preview
47      $this->dir = '';
48    $this->bibtex = $bibtex;
49    if($this->bibtex)
50      {
51	include_once($this->dir."STYLEMAPBIBTEX.php");
52	$this->styleMap = new STYLEMAPBIBTEX();
53      }
54    else
55      {
56	include_once($this->dir."STYLEMAP.php");
57	$this->styleMap = new STYLEMAP();
58      }
59    include_once($this->dir."UTF8.php");
60    $this->utf8 = new UTF8();
61    /**
62     * Highlight preg pattern and CSS class for HTML display
63     */
64    $this->patterns = FALSE;
65    $this->patternHighlight = FALSE;
66    /**
67     * Output medium:
68     * Defaul 'html'
69     */
70    $this->output = 'html';
71    $this->previousCreator = '';
72    /**
73     * Switch editor and author positions in the style definition for a book in which there are only editors
74     */
75    $this->editorSwitch = FALSE;
76    /**
77     * Load month arrays
78     */
79    $this->loadArrays();
80    /**
81     *  Convert the entry to produce utf8
82     *  Defaut: 'FALSE', we assume that the entries are already clean
83     */
84    $this->convertEntry=FALSE;
85  }
86  /**
87   * Read the chosen bibliographic style and create arrays based on resource type.
88   *
89   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
90   * @version	1
91   *
92   * @param	$stylePath	The path where the styles are.
93   * @param	$style		The requested bibliographic output style.
94   * @return	BOOLEAN
95   */
96  function loadStyle($stylePath, $style)
97  {
98    //05/05/2005 G.GARDEY: add a last "/" to $stylePath if not present.
99    $stylePath = trim($stylePath);
100    if($stylePath[strlen($stylePath)-1] != "/"){
101      $stylePath .= "/";
102    }
103    $uc = $stylePath . strtolower($style) . "/" . strtolower($style) . ".xml";
104    $lc = $stylePath . strtolower($style) . "/" . strtoupper($style) . ".xml";
105    $styleFile = file_exists($uc) ? $uc : $lc;
106    if(!$fh = fopen($styleFile, "r"))
107      return array(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
108    include_once($this->dir."PARSEXML.php");
109    $parseXML = new PARSEXML($this);
110    list($info, $citation, $common, $types) = $parseXML->extractEntries($fh);
111    fclose($fh);
112    return array($info, $citation, $common, $types);
113  }
114  /**
115   * Transform the raw data from the XML file into usable arrays
116   *
117   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
118   * @version	1
119   *
120   * @param	$common		Array of global formatting data
121   * @param	$types		Array of style definitions for each resource type
122   */
123  function getStyle($common, $types)
124  {
125    $this->commonToArray($common);
126    $this->typesToArray($types);
127  }
128  /**
129   * Reformat the array representation of common styling into a more useable format.
130   * 'common' styling refers to formatting that is common to all resource types such as creator formatting, title
131   * capitalization etc.
132   *
133   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
134   * @version	1
135   *
136   * @param	$common		nodal array representation of XML data
137   * @return	flattened array representation for easier use.
138   */
139  function commonToArray($common)
140  {
141    foreach($common as $array)
142      {
143	if(array_key_exists('_NAME', $array) && array_key_exists('_DATA', $array))
144	  $this->style[$array['_NAME']] = $array['_DATA'];
145      }
146  }
147  /**
148   * Reformat the array representation of resource types into arrays based on the type.
149   *
150   * @param	$types		nodal array representation of XML data
151   */
152  function typesToArray($types)
153  {
154    foreach($types as $resourceArray)
155      {
156	/**
157	 * The resource type which will be our array name
158	 */
159	$type = $resourceArray['_ATTRIBUTES']['name'];
160	$styleDefinition = $resourceArray['_ELEMENTS'];
161	foreach($styleDefinition as $array)
162	  {
163	    if(array_key_exists('_NAME', $array) && array_key_exists('_DATA', $array)
164	       && array_key_exists('_ELEMENTS', $array))
165	      {
166		if($array['_NAME'] == 'fallbackstyle')
167		  {
168		    $this->fallback[$type] = $array['_DATA'];
169		    break;
170		  }
171		if($array['_NAME'] == 'ultimate')
172		  {
173		    $this->{$type}['ultimate'] = $array['_DATA'];
174		    continue;
175		  }
176		foreach($array['_ELEMENTS'] as $elements)
177		  {
178		    if($array['_NAME'] == 'independent')
179		      {
180			$split = split("_", $elements['_NAME']);
181			$this->{$type}[$array['_NAME']][$split[1]]
182					= $elements['_DATA'];
183		      }
184		    else
185		      $this->{$type}[$array['_NAME']][$elements['_NAME']]
186				      = $elements['_DATA'];
187		  }
188	      }
189	  }
190	/**
191	 * Backup each $this->$type array.  If we need to switch editors, it's faster to restore each
192	 * $this->$type array from this backup than to reload the style file and parse it.
193	 */
194	if(isset($this->$type))
195	  $this->backup[$type] = $this->$type;
196      }
197  }
198  /**
199   * Restore each $this->type array from $this->backup
200   *
201   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
202   * @version	1
203   */
204  function restoreTypes()
205  {
206    foreach($this->backup as $type => $array)
207      $this->$type = $array;
208  }
209  /**
210   * Perform pre-processing on the raw SQL array
211   *
212   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
213   * @version	1
214   *
215   * @param	$type	The resource type
216   * @param	$row	Associate array of raw SQL data
217   * @return	$row	Processed row of raw SQL data
218   */
219  function preProcess($type, $row)
220  {
221    /**
222     * Ensure that $this->item is empty for each resource!!!!!!!!!!
223     */
224    $this->item = array();
225    // Map this system's resource type to OSBib's resource type
226    $this->type = array_search($type, $this->styleMap->types);
227    if($this->bibtex && array_key_exists('author', $row))
228      {
229	$row['creator1'] = $row['author'];
230	unset($row['author']);
231      }
232    if($this->bibtex && array_key_exists('editor', $row))
233      {
234	$row['creator2'] = $row['editor'];
235	unset($row['editor']);
236      }
237    /**
238     * Set any author/editor re-ordering for book and book_article type.
239     */
240    if(!$this->preview && (($type == 'book') || ($type == 'book_article')) &&
241       $row['creator2'] && !$row['creator1'] && $this->style['editorSwitch'] &&
242       array_key_exists('author', $this->$type))
243      {
244	$row['creator1'] = $row['creator2'];
245	$row['creator2'] = FALSE;
246	include_once($this->dir . "PARSESTYLE.php");
247	$editorArray = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray($type, $this->style['editorSwitchIfYes'],
248						      $this->styleMap);
249	if(!empty($editorArray) && array_key_exists('editor', $editorArray))
250	  {
251	    $this->{$type}['author'] = $editorArray['editor'];
252	    unset($this->{$type}['editor']);
253	    $this->editorSwitch = TRUE;
254	  }
255      }
256    /**
257     * If $row comes in in BibTeX format, process and add items to $this->item
258     */
259    if($this->bibtex)
260      {
261	if(!$this->type)
262	  {
263	    list($type, $row) = $this->preProcessBibtex($row, $type);
264	  } else
265	  list($type, $row) = $this->preProcessBibtex($row, $this->type);
266      }
267    /**
268     * Ensure that for theses types, the first letter of type and label are capitalized (e.g. 'Master's Thesis').
269     */
270    if($type == 'thesis')
271      {
272	if(($key = array_search('type', $this->styleMap->$type)) !== FALSE)
273	  {
274	    if(isset($row[$key]))
275	      $row[$key] = ucfirst($row[$key]);
276	  }
277	if(($key = array_search('label', $this->styleMap->$type)) !== FALSE)
278	  {
279	    if(isset($row[$key]))
280	      $row[$key] = ucfirst($row[$key]);
281	  }
282      }
283    /**
284     * Set to catch-all generic style.  For all keys except named database fields, creator1 and year1,
285     * we only print if the value in $this->styleMap matches the value in
286     * $this->styleMap->generic for each key.
287     */
288    if(!isset($this->$type))
289      {
290	$fallback = $this->fallback[$type];
291	$type = $fallback;
292      }
293    $this->type = $type;
294    /**
295     * Add BibTeX entry to $this->item
296     */
297    if($this->bibtex)
298      {
299	foreach($row as $field => $value)
300	  {
301	    if(array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->$type) &&
302	       !array_key_exists($this->styleMap->{$type}[$field], $this->item))
303	      $this->addItem($row[$field], $field);
304	  }
305      }
306    return $row;
307  }
308  /**
309   * Preprocess BibTeX-type entries
310   * @author Mark Grimshaw
311   * @version 1
312   *
313   * @param assoc. array of elements for one bibtex entry
314   * @param string resource type
315   * @return string resource type
316   * @return array resource assoc. array of elements for one bibtex entry
317   */
318  function preProcessBibtex(&$row, $type)
319  {
320    //05/05/2005 G.GARDEY: change bibtexParse name.
321    /**
322     * This set of includes is for the OSBib public release and should be uncommented for that and
323     * the WIKINDX-specific includes below commented out!
324     */
325    include_once($this->bibtexParsePath . "/PARSECREATORS.php");
326    $parseCreator = new PARSECREATORS();
327    include_once($this->bibtexParsePath . "/PARSEMONTH.php");
328    $parseDate = new PARSEMONTH();
329    include_once($this->bibtexParsePath . "/PARSEPAGE.php");
330    $parsePages = new PARSEPAGE();
332    // WIKINDX naming of above files
333    /*
334     include_once($this->bibtexParsePath . "/BIBTEXCREATORPARSE.php");
335     $parseCreator = new BIBTEXCREATORPARSE();
336     include_once($this->bibtexParsePath . "/BIBTEXMONTHPARSE.php");
337     $parseDate = new BIBTEXMONTHPARSE();
338     include_once($this->bibtexParsePath . "/BIBTEXPAGEPARSE.php");
339     $parsePages = new BIBTEXPAGEPARSE();
343    */
344    // Added by Christophe Ambroise: convert the bibtex entry to utf8 (for storage or printing)
345    if ($this->cleanEntry) {$row=$this->convertEntry($row);}
346    //
349    /**
350     * Bibtex-specific types not defined in STYLEMAPBIBTEX
351     */
353    if(!$this->type)
354      {
355	if($type == 'mastersthesis')
356	  {
357	    $type = 'thesis';
358	    $row['type'] = "Master's Dissertation";
359	  }
360	if($type == 'phdthesis')
361	  {
362	    $type = 'thesis';
363	    $row['type'] = "PhD Thesis";
364	  }
365	else if($type == 'booklet')
366	  $type = 'miscellaneous';
367	else if($type == 'conference')
368	  $type = 'proceedings_article';
369	else if($type == 'incollection')
370	  $type = 'book_article';
371	else if($type == 'manual')
372	  $type = 'report';
373      }
374    /**
375     * 'article' could be journal, newspaper or magazine article
376     */
377    else if($type == 'journal_article')
378      {
379	if(array_key_exists('month', $row) && array_key_exists('date', $this->styleMap->$type))
380	  {
381	    list($startMonth, $startDay, $endMonth, $endDay) = $parseDate->init($row['month']);
382	    if($startDay)
383	      $type = 'newspaper_article';
384	    else if($startMonth)
385	      $type = 'magazine_article';
386	    $this->formatDate($startDay, $startMonth, $endDay, $endMonth);
387	  }
388	else
389	  $type = 'journal_article';
390      }
391    /**
392     * Is this a web article?
393     */
394    else if(($type == 'miscellaneous') && array_key_exists('howpublished', $row))
395      {
396	if(preg_match("#^\\\url{(.*://.*)}#", $row['howpublished'], $match))
397	  {
398	    $row['URL'] = $match[1];
399	    $type = 'web_article';
400	  }
401      }
402    $this->type = $type;
403    if(array_key_exists('creator1', $row) && $row['creator1'] &&
404       array_key_exists('creator1', $this->styleMap->$type))
405      {
406	$creators = $parseCreator->parse($row['creator1']);
407	foreach($creators as $cArray)
408	  {
409	    $temp[] = array(
410			    'surname'	=>	trim($cArray[2]),
411			    'firstname'	=>	trim($cArray[0]),
412			    'initials'	=>	trim($cArray[1]),
413			    'prefix'	=>	trim($cArray[3]),
414			    );
415	  }
416	$this->formatNames($temp, 'creator1');
417	unset($temp);
418      }
419    if(array_key_exists('creator2', $row) && $row['creator2'] &&
420       array_key_exists('creator2', $this->styleMap->$type))
421      {
422	$creators = $parseCreator->parse($row['creator2']);
423	foreach($creators as $cArray)
424	  {
425	    $temp[] = array(
426			    'surname'	=>	trim($cArray[2]),
427			    'firstname'	=>	trim($cArray[0]),
428			    'initials'	=>	trim($cArray[1]),
429			    'prefix'	=>	trim($cArray[3]),
430			    );
431	  }
432	$this->formatNames($temp, 'creator2');
433      }
434    if(array_key_exists('pages', $row) && array_key_exists('pages', $this->styleMap->$type))
435      {
436	list($start, $end) = $parsePages->init($row['pages']);
437	$this->formatPages(trim($start), trim($end));
438      }
439    $this->formatTitle($row['title'], "{", "}");
440    return array($type, $row);
441  }
442  /**
443   * Map the $item array against the style array ($this->$type) for this resource type and produce a string ready to be
444   * formatted for bold, italics etc.
445   *
446   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
447   * @version	1
448   *
449   * @param	$template	If called from CITEFORMAT, this is the array of template elements.
450   * @return	string ready for printing to the output medium.
451   */
452  function map($template = FALSE)
453  {
454    /**
455     * Output medium:
456     * 'html', 'rtf', or 'plain'
457     */
458    include_once($this->dir . "format/EXPORTFILTER.php");
459    $this->export = new EXPORTFILTER($this, $this->output);
460    if($template)
461      {
462	$this->citation = $template;
463	$this->type = 'citation';
464      }
465    $type = $this->type;
466    $ultimate = '';
467    $index = 0;
468    $previousFieldExists = $nextFieldExists = TRUE;
469    if(array_key_exists('independent', $this->$type))
470      $independent = $this->{$type}['independent'];
471    /**
472     * For dependency on next field, we must grab array keys of $this->$type, shift the first element then, in the loop,
473     * check each element exists in $item.  If it doesn't, $nextFieldExists is set to FALSE
474     */
475    $checkPost = array_keys($this->$type);
476    array_shift($checkPost);
477    foreach($this->$type as $key => $value)
478      {
479	if($key == 'ultimate')
480	  {
481	    $ultimate = $value;
482	    continue;
483	  }
484	if(!array_key_exists($key, $this->item) || !$this->item[$key])
485	  {
486	    $keyNotExists[] = $index;
487	    $index++;
488	    array_shift($checkPost);
489	    $previousFieldExists = FALSE;
490	    continue;
491	  }
492	$checkPostShift = array_shift($checkPost);
493	if(!array_key_exists($checkPostShift, $this->item) || !$this->item[$checkPostShift])
494	  $nextFieldExists = FALSE;
495	$pre = array_key_exists('pre', $value) ? $value['pre'] : '';
496	$post = array_key_exists('post', $value) ? $value['post'] : '';
497	/**
498	 * Deal with __DEPENDENT_ON_PREVIOUS_FIELD__ for characters dependent on previous field's existence and
499	 * __DEPENDENT_ON_NEXT_FIELD__ for characters dependent on the next field's existence
500	 */
501	if($previousFieldExists && array_key_exists('dependentPre', $value))
502	  $pre = preg_replace("/__DEPENDENT_ON_PREVIOUS_FIELD__/",
503			      $value['dependentPre'], $pre);
504	else if(array_key_exists('dependentPreAlternative', $value))
505	  $pre = preg_replace("/__DEPENDENT_ON_PREVIOUS_FIELD__/",
506			      $value['dependentPreAlternative'], $pre);
507	else
508	  $pre = preg_replace("/__DEPENDENT_ON_PREVIOUS_FIELD__/", '', $pre);
509	if($nextFieldExists && array_key_exists('dependentPost', $value))
510	  $post = str_replace("__DEPENDENT_ON_NEXT_FIELD__",
511			      $value['dependentPost'], $post);
512	else if(array_key_exists('dependentPostAlternative', $value))
513	  $post = preg_replace("/__DEPENDENT_ON_NEXT_FIELD__/",
514			       $value['dependentPostAlternative'], $post);
515	else
516	  $post = preg_replace("/__DEPENDENT_ON_NEXT_FIELD__/", '', $post);
517	/**
518	 * Deal with __SINGULAR_PLURAL__ for creator lists and pages
519	 */			if($styleKey = array_search($key, $this->styleMap->$type))
520	  $pluralKey = $styleKey . "_plural";
521	if(isset($this->$pluralKey) && $this->$pluralKey) // plural alternative for this key
522	  {
523	    $pre = array_key_exists('plural', $value) ?
524	      preg_replace("/__SINGULAR_PLURAL__/", $value['plural'], $pre) : $pre;
525	    $post = array_key_exists('plural', $value) ?
526	      preg_replace("/__SINGULAR_PLURAL__/", $value['plural'], $post) : $post;
527	  }
528	else if(isset($this->$pluralKey)) // singular alternative for this key
529	  {
530	    $pre = array_key_exists('singular', $value) ?
531	      preg_replace("/__SINGULAR_PLURAL__/", $value['singular'], $pre) : $pre;
532	    $post = array_key_exists('singular', $value) ?
533	      preg_replace("/__SINGULAR_PLURAL__/", $value['singular'], $post) : $post;
534	  }
535	/**
536	 * Make sure we don't have duplicate punctuation characters
537	 */			$lastPre = substr($post, -1);
538	$firstItem = substr($this->item[$key], 0, 1);
539	if($firstItem === $lastPre)
540	  $this->item[$key] = substr($this->item[$key], 1);
541	$firstPost = substr($post, 0, 1);
542	$lastItem = substr($this->item[$key], -1);
543	//			if(preg_match("/\.|,|;|:\?!/", $lastItem) && preg_match("/\.|,|;|:|\?|!/", $firstPost))
544	if(preg_match("/\.|,|;|:\?!/", $lastItem) && ($firstPost == $lastItem))
545	  $post = substr($post, 1); // take a guess at removing first character of $post
546	/**
547	 * Strip backticks used in template
548	 */
549	$pre = str_replace("`", '', $pre);
550	$post = str_replace("`", '', $post);
551	$pre = ($this->output == 'html') ? $this->utf8->utf8_htmlspecialchars($pre) : $pre;
552	$post = ($this->output == 'html') ? $this->utf8->utf8_htmlspecialchars($post) : $post;
553	if($this->item[$key])
554	  $itemArray[$index] = $pre . $this->item[$key] . $post;
555	$previousFieldExists = $nextFieldExists = TRUE;
556	$index++;
557      }
558    /**
559     * Check for independent characters.  These (should) come in pairs.
560     */		if(isset($independent))
561      {
562	$independentKeys = array_keys($independent);
563	while($independent)
564	  {
565	    $preAlternative = $postAlternative = FALSE;
566	    $startFound = $endFound = FALSE;
567	    $pre = array_shift($independent);
568	    $post = array_shift($independent);
569	    if(preg_match("/%(.*)%(.*)%|%(.*)%/U", $pre, $dependent))
570	      {
571		if(sizeof($dependent) == 4)
572		  $pre = $dependent[3];
573		else
574		  {
575		    $pre = $dependent[1];
576		    $preAlternative = $dependent[2];
577		  }
578	      }
579	    if(preg_match("/%(.*)%(.*)%|%(.*)%/U", $post, $dependent))
580	      {
581		if(sizeof($dependent) == 4)
582		  $post = $dependent[3];
583		else
584		  {
585		    $post = $dependent[1];
586		    $postAlternative = $dependent[2];
587		  }
588	      }
589	    /**
590	     * Strip backticks used in template
591	     */
592	    $preAlternative = str_replace("`", '', $preAlternative);
593	    $postAlternative = str_replace("`", '', $postAlternative);
594	    $firstKey = array_shift($independentKeys);
595	    $secondKey = array_shift($independentKeys);
596	    for($index = $firstKey; $index <= $secondKey; $index++)
597	      {
598		if(array_key_exists($index, $itemArray))
599		  {
600		    $startFound = $index;
601		    break;
602		  }
603	      }
604	    for($index = $secondKey; $index >= $firstKey; $index--)
605	      {
606		if(array_key_exists($index, $itemArray))
607		  {
608		    $endFound = $index;
609		    break;
610		  }
611	      }
612	    if(($startFound !== FALSE) && ($endFound !== FALSE)) // intervening fields found
613	      {
614		$itemArray[$startFound] = $pre . $itemArray[$startFound];
615		$itemArray[$endFound] = $itemArray[$endFound] . $post;
616	      }
617	    else // intervening fields not found - do we have an alternative?
618	      {
619		if(array_key_exists($firstKey - 1, $itemArray) && $preAlternative)
620		  $itemArray[$firstKey - 1] .= $preAlternative;
621		if(array_key_exists($secondKey + 1, $itemArray) && $postAlternative)
622		  $itemArray[$secondKey + 1] = $postAlternative .
623		    $itemArray[$secondKey + 1];
624	      }
625	  }
626      }
627    $pString = join('', $itemArray);
628    /**
629     * if last character is punctuation (which it may be with missing fields etc.), and $ultimate is also
630     * punctuation, remove last character.
631     */		if(isset($ultimate) && $ultimate)
632      {
633	$last = substr(trim($pString), -1);
634	/**
635	 * Don't do ';' in case last element is URL with &gt; ...!
636	 */
637	if(preg_match("/^\.|^,||^:^\?^\!/", $ultimate) && preg_match("/\.|,|:|\?|!/", $last))
638	  $pString = substr(trim($pString), 0, -1);
639      }
640    // If $this->editorSwitch, we have altered $this->$bibformat->$type so need to reload styles
641    if($this->editorSwitch)
642      {
643	$this->restoreTypes();
644	$this->editorSwitch = FALSE;
645      }
646    return $this->export->format(trim($pString) . $ultimate);
647  }
648  /**
649   * Format creator name lists (authors, editors, etc.)
650   *
651   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
652   * @version	1
653   *
654   * @param	$creators	Multi-associative array of creator names e.g. this array might be of
655   * the primary authors:
656   * <pre>
657   *	array([0] => array(['surname'] => 'Grimshaw', ['firstname'] => Mark, ['initials'] => 'N', ['prefix'] => ),
658   *	   [1] => array(['surname'] => 'Witt', ['firstname'] => Jan, ['initials'] => , ['prefix'] => 'de'))
659   * </pre>
660   * @param	$nameType	'creator1', 'creator2' etc.  If $nameType == 'citation', this method is called
661   * from CITEFORMAT for formatting citation creators in which case we expect the 3rd parameter $citation.
662   * @param	$citation	If called from CITEFORMAT, this is the array of citation stylings.
663   * @return	Optional if $nameType == 'citation': formatted string of all creator names in the input array.
664   */
665  function formatNames($creators, $nameType, $citation = FALSE)
666  {
667    $style = $citation ? $citation : $this->style;
668    $first = TRUE;
669    /**
670     * Set default plural behaviour for creator lists
671     */
672    $pluralKey = $nameType . "_plural";
673    $this->$pluralKey = FALSE;
674    //		$this->creator1_plural = $this->creator2_plural =
675    //			$this->creator3_plural = $this->creator4_plural = $this->creator5_plural = FALSE;
676    /**
677     * Citation creators
678     */
679    if($nameType == 'citation')
680      {
681	$limit = 'creatorListLimit';
682	$moreThan = 'creatorListMore';
683	$abbreviation = 'creatorListAbbreviation';
684	$initialsStyle = 'creatorInitials';
685	$firstNameInitial = 'creatorFirstName';
686	$delimitTwo = 'twoCreatorsSep';
687	$delimitFirstBetween = 'creatorSepFirstBetween';
688	$delimitNextBetween = 'creatorSepNextBetween';
689	$delimitLast = 'creatorSepNextLast';
690	$uppercase = 'creatorUppercase';
691	$italics = 'creatorListAbbreviationItalic';
692	if($first)
693	  $nameStyle = 'creatorStyle';
694	else
695	  $nameStyle = 'creatorOtherStyle';
696      }
697    /**
698     * Primary creator
699     */
700    else if($nameType == 'creator1')
701      {
702	$limit = 'primaryCreatorListLimit';
703	$moreThan = 'primaryCreatorListMore';
704	$abbreviation = 'primaryCreatorListAbbreviation';
705	$initialsStyle = 'primaryCreatorInitials';
706	$firstNameInitial = 'primaryCreatorFirstName';
707	$delimitTwo = 'primaryTwoCreatorsSep';
708	$delimitFirstBetween = 'primaryCreatorSepFirstBetween';
709	$delimitNextBetween = 'primaryCreatorSepNextBetween';
710	$delimitLast = 'primaryCreatorSepNextLast';
711	$uppercase = 'primaryCreatorUppercase';
712	$italics = 'primaryCreatorListAbbreviationItalic';
713	if($first)
714	  $nameStyle = 'primaryCreatorFirstStyle';
715	else
716	  $nameStyle = 'primaryCreatorOtherStyle';
717      }
718    else
719      {
720	$limit = 'otherCreatorListLimit';
721	$moreThan = 'otherCreatorListMore';
722	$abbreviation = 'otherCreatorListAbbreviation';
723	$initialsStyle = 'otherCreatorInitials';
724	$firstNameInitial = 'otherCreatorFirstName';
725	$delimitTwo = 'otherTwoCreatorsSep';
726	$delimitFirstBetween = 'otherCreatorSepFirstBetween';
727	$delimitNextBetween = 'otherCreatorSepNextBetween';
728	$delimitLast = 'otherCreatorSepNextLast';
729	$uppercase = 'otherCreatorUppercase';
730	$italics = 'otherCreatorListAbbreviationItalic';
731	if($first)
732	  $nameStyle = 'otherCreatorFirstStyle';
733	else
734	  $nameStyle = 'otherCreatorOtherStyle';
735      }
736    $type = $this->type;
737    foreach($creators as $creator)
738      {
739	$firstName = trim($this->checkInitials($creator, $style[$initialsStyle],
740					       $style[$firstNameInitial]));
741	$prefix = $creator['prefix'] ? trim(stripslashes($creator['prefix'])) . ' ' : '';
742	if($style[$nameStyle] == 0) // Joe Bloggs
743	  {
744	    $nameString = $firstName . ' ' .
745	      $prefix .
746	      stripslashes($creator['surname']);
747	  }
748	else if($style[$nameStyle] == 1) // Bloggs, Joe
749	  {
750	    $prefixDelimit = $firstName ? ', ' : '';
751	    $nameString =
752	      stripslashes($creator['prefix']) . ' ' .
753	      stripslashes($creator['surname']) . $prefixDelimit .
754	      $firstName;
755	  }
756	else if($style[$nameStyle] == 2) // Bloggs Joe
757	  {
758	    $nameString =
759	      stripslashes($creator['prefix']) . ' ' .
760	      stripslashes($creator['surname']) . ' ' .
761	      $firstName;
762	  }
763	else // Last name only
764	  {
765	    $nameString =
766	      stripslashes($creator['prefix']) . ' ' .
767	      stripslashes($creator['surname']);
768	  }
769	if(isset($style[$uppercase]))
770	  $nameString = $this->utf8->utf8_strtoupper($nameString);
771	$cArray[] = trim($nameString);
772	$first = FALSE;
773      }
774    /**
775     * Keep only some elements in array if we've exceeded $moreThan
776     */
777    $etAl = FALSE;
778    if($style[$limit] && (sizeof($cArray) > $style[$moreThan]))
779      {
780	array_splice($cArray, $style[$limit]);
781	if(isset($style[$italics]))
782	  $etAl = "[i]" . $style[$abbreviation] . "[/i]";
783	else
784	  $etAl = $style[$abbreviation];
785      }
786    /**
787     * add delimiters
788     */
789    if(sizeof($cArray) > 1)
790      {
791	if(sizeof($cArray) == 2)
792	  $cArray[0] .= $style[$delimitTwo];
793	else
794	  {
795	    for($index = 0; $index < (sizeof($cArray) - 2); $index++)
796	      {
797		if(!$index)
798		  $cArray[$index] .= $style[$delimitFirstBetween];
799		else
800		  $cArray[$index] .= $style[$delimitNextBetween];
801	      }
802	    $cArray[sizeof($cArray) - 2] .= $style[$delimitLast];
803	  }
804      }
805    /**
806     * If sizeof of $cArray > 1 or $etAl != FALSE, set this $nameType_plural to TRUE
807     */
808    if((sizeof($cArray) > 1) || $etAl)
809      {
810	$pluralKey = $nameType . "_plural";
811	$this->$pluralKey = TRUE;
812      }
813    /**
814     * Finally flatten array
815     */
816    if($etAl)
817      $pString = implode('', $cArray) . $etAl;
818    else
819      $pString = implode('', $cArray);
820    /**
821     * Check for repeating primary creator list in subsequent bibliographic item.
822     */
823    if($nameType == 'creator1')
824      {
825	$tempString = $pString;
826	if(($style['primaryCreatorRepeat'] == 2) && ($this->previousCreator == $pString))
827	  $pString = $style['primaryCreatorRepeatString'];
828	else if(($style['primaryCreatorRepeat'] == 1) &&
829		($this->previousCreator == $pString))
830	  $pString = ''; // don't print creator list
831	$this->previousCreator = $tempString;
832      }
833    else if($nameType == 'citation')
834      return $pString;
835    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}[$nameType]] = $pString;
836  }
837  /**
838   * Handle initials.
839   * @see formatNames()
840   *
841   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
842   * @version	1
843   *
844   * @param	$creator	Associative array of creator name e.g.
845   * <pre>
846   *	array(['surname'] => 'Grimshaw', ['firstname'] => Mark, ['initials'] => 'M N G', ['prefix'] => ))
847   * </pre>
848   * Initials must be space-delimited.
849   *
850   * @param	$initialsStyle
851   * @param	$firstNameInitial
852   * @return	Formatted string of initials.
853   */
854  function checkInitials(&$creator, $initialsStyle, $firstNameInitial)
855  {
856    /**
857     * Format firstname
858     */
859    if($creator['firstname'] && !$firstNameInitial) // Full name
860      $firstName = stripslashes($creator['firstname']);
861    else if($creator['firstname']) // Initial only of first name.  'firstname' field may actually have several 'firstnames'
862      {
863	$fn = split(" ", stripslashes($creator['firstname']));
864	$firstTime = TRUE;
865	foreach($fn as $name)
866	  {
867	    if($firstTime)
868	    {
869		    // May be the first name is a hyphenated name
870		    // We separate each part of the name separated by a -
871		    $fn2 = split("-", trim($name));
872		    $firstNameInitialMake = "";
873		    foreach($fn2 as $nameparts)
874		    {
875			    if ($firstNameInitialMake != "")
876			    {
877				    $firstNameInitialMake .= "-";
878			    }
879			    $firstNameInitialMake .= $this->utf8->utf8_strtoupper($this->utf8->utf8_substr($nameparts, 0, 1));
880			    $firstTime = FALSE;
881		    }
882	      }
883	    else
884	      $initials[] = $this->utf8->utf8_strtoupper($this->utf8->utf8_substr(trim($name), 0, 1));
885	  }
886	if(isset($initials))
887	  {
888	    if($creator['initials'])
889	      $creator['initials'] = join(" " , $initials) . ' ' . $creator['initials'];
890	    else
891	      $creator['initials'] = join(" " , $initials);
892	  }
893      }
894    /**
895     * Initials are stored as space-delimited characters.
896     * If no initials, return just the firstname or its initial in the correct format.
897     */
898    if(!$creator['initials'])
899      {
900	if(isset($firstName))	// full first name only
901	  return $firstName;
902	if(isset($firstNameInitialMake) && $initialsStyle > 1) // First name initial with no '.'
903	  return $firstNameInitialMake;
904	if(isset($firstNameInitialMake)) // First name initial with  '.'
905	{
906		// If the name is hyphaned, we have to add a . after each initial.
907		$fn2 = split("-", $firstNameInitialMake);
908		$firstNameInitialMakeResult = "";
909		foreach($fn2 as $initial)
910		{
911			if ($firstNameInitialMakeResult != "")
912			{
913				$firstNameInitialMakeResult .= "-";
914			}
915			$firstNameInitialMakeResult .= $initial . ".";
916		}
917	  return $firstNameInitialMakeResult;
918  }
919	return ''; // nothing here
920      }
921    $initialsArray = explode(' ', $creator['initials']);
922    /**
923     * If firstname is initial only, prepend to array
924     */
925    if(isset($firstNameInitialMake))
926      array_unshift($initialsArray, $firstNameInitialMake);
927    if($initialsStyle == 0) // 'T. U. '
928      $initials = implode('. ', $initialsArray) . '.';
929    else if($initialsStyle == 1) // 'T.U.'
930      $initials = implode('.', $initialsArray) . '.';
931    else if($initialsStyle == 2) // 'T U '
932      $initials = implode(' ', $initialsArray);
933    else // 'TU '
934      $initials = implode('', $initialsArray);
935    /**
936     * If we have a full first name, prepend it to $initials.
937     */
938    if(isset($firstName))
939      return ($firstName . ' ' . $initials);
940    return $initials;
941  }
942  /**
943   * Add an item to $this->item array
944   *
945   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
946   * @version	1
947   *
948   * @param	$item		The item to be added.
949   * @param	$fieldName	The database fieldName of the item to be added
950   */
951  function addItem($item, $fieldName)
952  {
953    $type = $this->type;
954    if($item === FALSE)
955      return;
956    /**
957     * This item may already exist (e.g. edition field for WIKINDX)
958     */
959    if(isset($this->item) && array_key_exists($this->styleMap->{$type}[$fieldName], $this->item))
960      return FALSE;
961    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}[$fieldName]] = $item;
962  }
963  /**
964   * Add all remaining items to $this->item array
965   *
966   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
967   * @version	1
968   *
969   * @param	$row		The items to be added.
970   */
971  function addAllOtherItems($row)
972  {
973    $type = $this->type;
974    foreach($row as $field => $value)
975      {
976	if(array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->$type) &&
977	   !array_key_exists($this->styleMap->{$type}[$field], $this->item))
978	  $this->addItem($row[$field], $field);
979      }
980  }
981  /**
982   * Format a title.  Anything enclosed in $delimitLeft...$delimitRight is to be left unchanged
983   *
984   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
985   * @version	1
986   *
987   * @param	$pString	Raw title string.
988   * @param	$delimitLeft
989   * @param	$delimitRight
990   * @return	Formatted title string.
991   */
992  function formatTitle($pString, $delimitLeft = FALSE, $delimitRight = FALSE)
993  {
994    if(!$delimitLeft)
995      $delimitLeft = '{';
996    if(!$delimitRight)
997      $delimitRight = '}';
998    $delimitLeft = preg_quote($delimitLeft);
999    $delimitRight = preg_quote($delimitRight);
1000    $match = "/" . $delimitLeft . "/";
1001    $type = $this->type;
1002    if(!array_key_exists('title', $this->styleMap->$type))
1003      $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['title']] = '';
1004    /**
1005     * '0' == 'Osbib Bibliographic Formatting'
1006     * '1' == 'Osbib bibliographic formatting'
1007     */
1008    if($this->style['titleCapitalization'])
1009      {
1010	// Something here (preg_split probably) interferes with UTF-8 encoding (data is stored in
1011	// the database as UTF-8 as long as web browser charset == UTF-8).
1012	// So first decode then encode back to UTF-8 at end.
1013	// There is a 'u' UTF-8 parameter for preg_xxx but it doesn't work.
1014	$pString = $this->utf8->decodeUtf8($pString);
1015	$newString = '';
1016	while(preg_match($match, $pString))
1017	  {
1018	    $array = preg_split("/(.*)$delimitLeft(.*)$delimitRight(.*)/U",
1019				$pString, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
1020	    /**
1021	     * in case user has input {..} incorrectly
1022	     */
1023	    if(sizeof($array) == 1)
1024	      break;
1025	    $newString .= $this->utf8->utf8_strtolower($this->utf8->encodeUtf8($array[1])) . $array[2];
1026	    $pString = $array[4];
1027	  }
1028	$newString .= $this->utf8->utf8_strtolower($this->utf8->encodeUtf8($pString));
1029      }
1030    $pString = isset($newString) ? $newString : $pString;
1031    $title = $this->utf8->encodeUtf8($this->utf8->utf8_ucfirst(trim($pString)));
1032    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['title']] =
1033      ($this->output == 'html') ? $this->utf8->utf8_htmlspecialchars($title) : $title;
1034  }
1035  /**
1036   * Format pages.
1037   * $this->style['pageFormat']:
1038   * 0 == 132-9
1039   * 1 == 132-39
1040   * 2 == 132-139
1041   *
1042   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
1043   * @version	1
1044   *
1045   * @param	$start		Page start.
1046   * @param	$end		Page end.
1047   * @param	$citation	If called from CITEFORMAT, this is the array of citation stylings.
1048   * @return	string of pages.
1049   */
1050  function formatPages($start, $end = FALSE, $citation = FALSE)
1051  {
1052    $type = $this->type;
1053    $style = $citation ? $citation : $this->style;
1054    /**
1055     * Set default plural behaviour for pages
1056     */
1057    $this->pages_plural = FALSE;
1058    /**
1059     * If no page end, return just $start;
1060     */
1061    if(!$end)
1062      {
1063	$this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['pages']] = $start;
1064	return;
1065      }
1066    /**
1067     * Pages may be in roman numeral format etc.  Return unchanged
1068     */
1069    if(!is_numeric($start))
1070      {
1071	$this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['pages']] = $start . '-' . $end;
1072	return;
1073      }
1074    /**
1075     * We have multiple pages...
1076     */
1077    $this->pages_plural = TRUE;
1078    /**
1079     * They've done something wrong so give them back exactly what they entered
1080     */
1081    if(($end <= $start) || (strlen($end) < strlen($start)))
1082      {
1083	$this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['pages']] = $start . '-' . $end;
1084	return;
1085      }
1086    else if($style['pageFormat'] == 2)
1087      {
1088	$this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['pages']] = $start . '-' . $end;
1089	return;
1090      }
1091    else
1092      {
1093	/**
1094	 * We assume page numbers are not into the 10,000 range - if so, return the complete pages
1095	 */
1096	if(strlen($start) <= 4)
1097	  {
1098	    $startArray = preg_split('//', $start);
1099	    array_shift($startArray); // always an empty element at start?
1100	    array_pop($startArray); // always an empty array element at end?
1101	    if($style['pageFormat'] == 0)
1102	      {
1103		array_pop($startArray);
1104		$endPage = substr($end, -1);
1105		$index = -2;
1106	      }
1107	    else
1108	      {
1109		array_pop($startArray);
1110		array_pop($startArray);
1111		$endPage = substr($end, -2);
1112		$index = -3;
1113	      }
1114	    while(!empty($startArray))
1115	      {
1116		$startPop = array_pop($startArray);
1117		$endSub = substr($end, $index--, 1);
1118		if($endSub == $startPop)
1119		  {
1120		    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['pages']]
1121		      = $start . '-' . $endPage;
1122		    return;
1123		  }
1124		if($endSub > $startPop)
1125		  $endPage = $endSub . $endPage;
1126	      }
1127	  }
1128	else
1129	  {
1130	    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['pages']] = $start . '-' . $end;
1131	    return;
1132	  }
1133      }
1134    /**
1135     * We should never reach here - in case we do, give back complete range so that something at least is printed
1136     */
1137    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['pages']] = $start . '-' . $end;
1138  }
1139  /**
1140   * Format runningTime for film/broadcast
1141   *
1142   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
1143   * @version	1
1144   *
1145   * @param	$minutes
1146   * @param	$hours
1147   */
1148  function formatRunningTime($minutes, $hours)
1149  {
1150    $type = $this->type;
1151    if($this->style['runningTimeFormat'] == 0) // 3'45"
1152      {
1153	if(isset($minutes) && $minutes)
1154	  {
1155	    if($minutes < 10)
1156	      $minutes = '0' . $minutes;
1157	    $runningTime = $hours . "'" . $minutes . "\"";
1158	  }
1159	else
1160	  $runningTime = $hours . "'00\"";
1161      }
1162    else if($this->style['runningTimeFormat'] == 1) // 3:45
1163      {
1164	if(isset($minutes) && $minutes)
1165	  {
1166	    if($minutes < 10)
1167	      $minutes = '0' . $minutes;
1168	    $runningTime = $hours . ":" . $minutes;
1169	  }
1170	else
1171	  $runningTime = $hours . ":00";
1172      }
1173    else if($this->style['runningTimeFormat'] == 1) // 3,45
1174      {
1175	if(isset($minutes) && $minutes)
1176	  {
1177	    if($minutes < 10)
1178	      $minutes = '0' . $minutes;
1179	    $runningTime = $hours . "," . $minutes;
1180	  }
1181	else
1182	  $runningTime = $hours . ",00";
1183      }
1184    else if($this->style['runningTimeFormat'] == 3) // 3 hours, 45 minutes
1185      {
1186	$hours = ($hours == 1) ? $hours . " hour" : $hours . " hours";
1187	if(isset($minutes) && $minutes)
1188	  {
1189	    $minutes = ($minutes == 1) ? $minutes . " minute" : $minutes . " minutes";
1190	    $runningTime = $hours . ", " . $minutes;
1191	  }
1192	else
1193	  $runningTime = $hours;
1194      }
1195    else if($this->style['runningTimeFormat'] == 4) // 3 hours and 45 minutes
1196      {
1197	$hours = ($hours == 1) ? $hours . " hour" : $hours . " hours";
1198	if(isset($minutes) && $minutes)
1199	  {
1200	    $minutes = ($minutes == 1) ? $minutes . " minute" : $minutes . " minutes";
1201	    $runningTime = $hours . " and " . $minutes;
1202	  }
1203	else
1204	  $runningTime = $hours;
1205      }
1206    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['runningTime']] = $runningTime;
1207  }
1208  /**
1209   * Format date
1210   *
1211   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
1212   * @version	2
1213   *
1214   * @param	INT $startDay
1215   * @param	INT $startMonth
1216   * @param	INT $endDay
1217   * @param	INT $sendMonth
1218   */
1219  function formatDate($startDay, $startMonth, $endDay, $endMonth)
1220  {
1221    $type = $this->type;
1222    if($startDay !== FALSE)
1223      {
1224	if($this->style['dayFormat']) // e.g. 10th
1225	  $startDay = $this->cardinalToOrdinal($startDay);
1226	else if($startDay < 10)
1227	  $startDay = '0' . $startDay;
1228      }
1229    if($endDay !== FALSE)
1230      {
1231	if($this->style['dayFormat']) // e.g. 10th
1232	  $endDay = $this->cardinalToOrdinal($endDay);
1233	else if($endDay < 10)
1234	  $endDay = '0' . $endDay;
1235      }
1236    if($this->style['monthFormat'] == 1) // Full month name
1237      $monthArray = $this->longMonth;
1238    else if($this->style['monthFormat'] == 2) // User-defined
1239      {
1240	for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
1241	  $monthArray[$i] = $this->style["userMonth_$i"];
1242      }
1243    else // Short month name
1244      $monthArray = $this->shortMonth;
1245    if($startMonth !== FALSE)
1246      $startMonth = $monthArray[$startMonth];
1247    if($endMonth !== FALSE)
1248      $endMonth = $monthArray[$endMonth];
1249    if(!$endMonth)
1250      {
1251	if($this->style['dateFormat']) // Order == Month Day
1252	  {
1253	    $startDay = ($startDay === FALSE) ? '' : ' ' . $startDay;
1254	    $date = $startMonth . $startDay;
1255	  }
1256	else // Order == Day Month
1257	  {
1258	    $startDay = ($startDay === FALSE) ? '' : $startDay . ' ';
1259	    $date = $startDay . $startMonth;
1260	  }
1261      }
1262    else // date range
1263      {
1264	if(!$startDay)
1265	  $delimit = $this->style['dateRangeDelimit2'];
1266	else
1267	  $delimit = $this->style['dateRangeDelimit1'];
1268	if(($endMonth !== FALSE) && ($startMonth == $endMonth) && ($this->style['dateRangeSameMonth'] == 1))
1269	  {
1270	    $endMonth = FALSE;
1271	    if(!$endDay)
1272	      $delimit = FALSE;
1273	  }
1274	if($this->style['dateFormat']) // Order == Month Day
1275	  {
1276	    $startDay = ($startDay === FALSE) ? '' : ' ' . $startDay;
1277	    $startDate = $startMonth . $startDay;
1278	    if($endMonth)
1279	      $endDate = $endMonth . $endDay = ($endDay === FALSE) ? '' : ' ' . $endDay;
1280	    else
1281	      $endDate = $endDay;
1282	  }
1283	else // Order == Day Month
1284	  {
1285	    if($endMonth)
1286	      {
1287		$startDate = $startDay . ' ' . $startMonth;
1288		$endDate = $endDay = ($endDay === FALSE) ? '' : $endDay . ' ';
1289		$endDate .= $endMonth;
1290	      }
1291	    else
1292	      {
1293		$startDate = $startDay;
1294		$endDate = ($endDay === FALSE) ? ' ' : $endDay . ' ';
1295		$endDate .= $startMonth;
1296	      }
1297	  }
1298	$date = $startDate . $delimit . $endDate;
1299      }
1300    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}['date']] = $date;
1301  }
1302  /**
1303   * Format edition
1304   *
1305   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
1306   * @version	1
1307   *
1308   * @param	INT $edition
1309   * @return	string of edition.
1310   */
1311  function formatEdition($edition)
1312  {
1313    $type = $this->type;
1314    if(!is_numeric($edition))
1315      $edition = ($this->output == 'html') ? $this->utf8->utf8_htmlspecialchars($edition) : $edition;
1316    else if($this->style['editionFormat']) // 10th
1317      $edition = ($this->output == 'html') ? $this->utf8->utf8_htmlspecialchars($this->cardinalToOrdinal($edition))
1318	: $this->cardinalToOrdinal($edition);
1319    $this->item[$this->styleMap->{$type}[array_search('edition', $this->styleMap->$type)]] = $edition;
1320  }
1321  /**
1322   * Create ordinal number from cardinal
1323   *
1324   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
1325   * @version	1
1326   *
1327   * @param	$cardinal
1328   * @return	$ordinal
1329   */
1330  function cardinalToOrdinal($cardinal)
1331  {
1332    $modulo = $cardinal % 100;
1333    if(($modulo == 11) || ($modulo == 12) || ($modulo == 13))
1334      return $cardinal . 'th';
1335    $modulo = $cardinal % 10;
1336    if(($modulo >= 4) || !$modulo)
1337      return $cardinal . 'th';
1338    if($modulo == 1)
1339      return $cardinal . 'st';
1340    if($modulo == 2)
1341      return $cardinal . 'nd';
1342    if($modulo == 3)
1343      return $cardinal . 'rd';
1344  }
1345  /**
1346   * Month arrays
1347   * @author	Mark Grimshaw
1348   * @version	1
1349   */
1350  function loadArrays()
1351  {
1352    $this->longMonth = array(
1353			     1	=>	'January',
1354			     2	=>	'February',
1355			     3	=>	'March',
1356			     4	=>	'April',
1357			     5	=>	'May',
1358			     6	=>	'June',
1359			     7	=>	'July',
1360			     8	=>	'August',
1361			     9	=>	'September',
1362			     10	=>	'October',
1363			     11	=>	'November',
1364			     12	=>	'December',
1365			     );
1366    $this->shortMonth = array(
1367			      1	=>	'Jan',
1368			      2	=>	'Feb',
1369			      3	=>	'Mar',
1370			      4	=>	'Apr',
1371			      5	=>	'May',
1372			      6	=>	'Jun',
1373			      7	=>	'Jul',
1374			      8	=>	'Aug',
1375			      9	=>	'Sep',
1376			      10	=>	'Oct',
1377			      11	=>	'Nov',
1378			      12	=>	'Dec',
1379			      );
1380  }
1385 * convertEntry - convert any laTeX code and convert to UTF-8 ready
1386 for storing in the database
1387 *
1388 * @author Mark Grimshaw, modified by Christophe Ambroise 26/10/2003
1389 * @param array $entry - a bibtex entry
1390 * @return $entry converted to utf8
1392 */
1393function convertEntry($entry)
1395  $this->config = new BIBTEXCONFIG();
1396  $this->config->bibtex();
1398  // Construction of the transformation filter
1399  foreach($this->config->bibtexSpCh as $key => $value)
1400    {
1401      $replaceBibtex[] = chr($key);
1402      $matchBibtex[] = preg_quote("/$value/");
1403    }
1404  foreach($this->config->bibtexSpChOld as $key => $value)
1405    {
1406      $replaceBibtex[] = chr($key);
1407      $matchBibtex[] = preg_quote("/$value/");
1408    }
1409  foreach($this->config->bibtexSpChOld2 as $key => $value)
1410    {
1411      $replaceBibtex[] = chr($key);
1412      $matchBibtex[] = preg_quote("/$value/");
1413    }
1414  foreach($this->config->bibtexSpChLatex as $key => $value)
1415    {
1416      $replaceBibtex[] =  chr($key);
1417      $matchBibtex[] = preg_quote("/$value/");
1418    }
1420  // Processing of the entry
1421  foreach($entry as $key => $value){
1422   // The transformation filter  has returned  latin1 code
1423   // We thus need to work with latin1.
1424   $value= $this->utf8->smartUtf8_decode($value);
1425   $entry[$key] = utf8_encode(preg_replace($matchBibtex, $replaceBibtex, $value));
1426  }
1427  return $entry;
1437 * BIBTEXCONFIG: BibTeX Configuration class
1438 *****/
1441  // Constructor
1442  function BIBTEXCONFIG()
1443  {
1444  }
1445  // BibTeX arrays
1446  function bibtex()
1447  {
1448    $this->bibtexSpCh = array(
1449			      // Deal with '{' and '}' first!
1450			      0x007B	=>	"\\textbraceleft",
1451			      0x007D	=>	"\\textbraceright",
1452			      0x0022	=>	"{\"}",
1453			      0x0023	=>	"{\#}",
1454			      0x0025	=>	"{\%}",
1455			      0x0026	=>	"{\&}",
1456			      0x003C	=>	"\\textless",
1457			      0x003E	=>	"\\textgreater",
1458			      0x005F	=>	"{\_}",
1459			      0x00A3	=>	"\\textsterling",
1460			      0x00C0	=>	"{\`A}",
1461			      0x00C1	=>	"{\'A}",
1462			      0x00C2	=>	"{\^A}",
1463			      0x00C3	=>	"{\~A}",
1464			      0x00C4	=>	'{\"A}',
1465			      0x00C5	=>	"{\AA}",
1466			      0x00C6	=>	"{\AE}",
1467			      0x00C7	=>	"{\c{C}}",
1468			      0x00C8	=>	"{\`E}",
1469			      0x00C9	=>	"{\'E}",
1470			      0x00CA	=>	"{\^E}",
1471			      0x00CB	=>	'{\"E}',
1472			      0x00CC	=>	"{\`I}",
1473			      0x00CD	=>	"{\'I}",
1474			      0x00CE	=>	"{\^I}",
1475			      0x00CF	=>	'{\"I}',
1476			      0x00D1	=>	"{\~N}",
1477			      0x00D2	=>	"{\`O}",
1478			      0x00D3	=>	"{\'O}",
1479			      0x00D4	=>	"{\^O}",
1480			      0x00D5	=>	"{\~O}",
1481			      0x00D6	=>	'{\"O}',
1482			      0x00D8	=>	"{\O}",
1483			      0x00D9	=>	"{\`U}",
1484			      0x00DA	=>	"{\'U}",
1485			      0x00DB	=>	"{\^U}",
1486			      0x00DC	=>	'{\"U}',
1487			      0x00DD	=>	"{\'Y}",
1488			      0x00DF	=>	"{\ss}",
1489			      0x00E0	=>	"{\`a}",
1490			      0x00E1	=>	"{\'a}",
1491			      0x00E2	=>	"{\^a}",
1492			      0x00E3	=>	"{\~a}",
1493			      0x00E4	=>	'{\"a}',
1494			      0x00E5	=>	"{\aa}",
1495			      0x00E6	=>	"{\ae}",
1496			      0x00E7	=>	"{\c{c}}",
1497			      0x00E8	=>	"{\`e}",
1498			      0x00E9	=>	"{\'e}",
1499			      0x00EA	=>	"{\^e}",
1500			      0x00EB	=>	'{\"e}',
1501			      0x00EC	=>	"{\`\i}",
1502			      0x00ED	=>	"{\'\i}",
1503			      0x00EE	=>	"{\^\i}",
1504			      0x00EF	=>	'{\"\i}',
1505			      0x00F1	=>	"{\~n}",
1506			      0x00F2	=>	"{\`o}",
1507			      0x00F3	=>	"{\'o}",
1508			      0x00F4	=>	"{\^o}",
1509			      0x00F5	=>	"{\~o}",
1510			      0x00F6	=>	'{\"o}',
1511			      0x00F8	=>	"{\o}",
1512			      0x00F9	=>	"{\`u}",
1513			      0x00FA	=>	"{\'u}",
1514			      0x00FB	=>	"{\^u}",
1515			      0x00FC	=>	'{\"u}',
1516			      0x00FD	=>	"{\'y}",
1517			      0x00FF	=>	'{\"y}',
1518			      0x00A1	=>	"{\!}",
1519			      0x00BF	=>	"{\?}",
1520			      );
1521    //Old style with extra {} - usually array_flipped
1522    $this->bibtexSpChOld = array(
1523				 0x00C0	=>	"{\`{A}}",
1524				 0x00C1	=>	"{\'{A}}",
1525				 0x00C2	=>	"{\^{A}}",
1526				 0x00C3	=>	"{\~{A}}",
1527				 0x00C4	=>	'{\"{A}}',
1528				 0x00C5	=>	"{\A{A}}",
1529				 0x00C6	=>	"{\A{E}}",
1530				 0x00C7	=>	"{\c{C}}",
1531				 0x00C8	=>	"{\`{E}}",
1532				 0x00C9	=>	"{\'{E}}",
1533				 0x00CA	=>	"{\^{E}}",
1534				 0x00CB	=>	'{\"{E}}',
1535				 0x00CC	=>	"{\`{I}}",
1536				 0x00CD	=>	"{\'{I}}",
1537				 0x00CE	=>	"{\^{I}}",
1538				 0x00CF	=>	'{\"{I}}',
1539				 0x00D1	=>	"{\~{N}}",
1540				 0x00D2	=>	"{\`{O}}",
1541				 0x00D3	=>	"{\'{O}}",
1542				 0x00D4	=>	"{\^{O}}",
1543				 0x00D5	=>	"{\~{O}}",
1544				 0x00D6	=>	'{\"{O}}',
1545				 0x00D8	=>	"{\{O}}",
1546				 0x00D9	=>	"{\`{U}}",
1547				 0x00DA	=>	"{\'{U}}",
1548				 0x00DB	=>	"{\^{U}}",
1549				 0x00DC	=>	'{\"{U}}',
1550				 0x00DD	=>	"{\'{Y}}",
1551				 0x00DF	=>	"{\s{s}}",
1552				 0x00E0	=>	"{\`{a}}",
1553				 0x00E1	=>	"{\'{a}}",
1554				 0x00E2	=>	"{\^{a}}",
1555				 0x00E3	=>	"{\~{a}}",
1556				 0x00E4	=>	'{\"{a}}',
1557				 0x00E5	=>	"{\a{a}}",
1558				 0x00E6	=>	"{\a{e}}",
1559				 0x00E7	=>	"{\c{c}}",
1560				 0x00E8	=>	"{\`{e}}",
1561				 0x00E9	=>	"{\'{e}}",
1562				 0x00EA	=>	"{\^{e}}",
1563				 0x00EB	=>	'{\"{e}}',
1564				 0x00EC	=>	"{\`\i}",
1565				 0x00ED	=>	"{\'\i}",
1566				 0x00EE	=>	"{\^\i}",
1567				 0x00EF	=>	'{\"\i}',
1568				 0x00F1	=>	"{\~{n}}",
1569				 0x00F2	=>	"{\`{o}}",
1570				 0x00F3	=>	"{\'{o}}",
1571				 0x00F4	=>	"{\^{o}}",
1572				 0x00F5	=>	"{\~{o}}",
1573				 0x00F6	=>	'{\"{o}}',
1574				 0x00F8	=>	"{\{o}}",
1575				 0x00F9	=>	"{\`{u}}",
1576				 0x00FA	=>	"{\'{u}}",
1577				 0x00FB	=>	"{\^{u}}",
1578				 0x00FC	=>	'{\"{u}}',
1579				 0x00FD	=>	"{\'{y}}",
1580				 0x00FF	=>	'{\"{y}}',
1581				 0x00A1	=>	"{\{!}}",
1582				 0x00BF	=>	"{\{?}}",
1583				 );
1584    // And there's more?!?!?!?!? (This is not strict bibtex.....)
1585    $this->bibtexSpChOld2 = array(
1586				  0x00C0	=>	"\`{A}",
1587				  0x00C1	=>	"\'{A}",
1588				  0x00C2	=>	"\^{A}",
1589				  0x00C3	=>	"\~{A}",
1590				  0x00C4	=>	'\"{A}',
1591				  0x00C5	=>	"\A{A}",
1592				  0x00C6	=>	"\A{E}",
1593				  0x00C7	=>	"\c{C}",
1594				  0x00C8	=>	"\`{E}",
1595				  0x00C9	=>	"\'{E}",
1596				  0x00CA	=>	"\^{E}",
1597				  0x00CB	=>	'\"{E}',
1598				  0x00CC	=>	"\`{I}",
1599				  0x00CD	=>	"\'{I}",
1600				  0x00CE	=>	"\^{I}",
1601				  0x00CF	=>	'\"{I}',
1602				  0x00D1	=>	"\~{N}",
1603				  0x00D2	=>	"\`{O}",
1604				  0x00D3	=>	"\'{O}",
1605				  0x00D4	=>	"\^{O}",
1606				  0x00D5	=>	"\~{O}",
1607				  0x00D6	=>	'\"{O}',
1608				  0x00D8	=>	"\{O}",
1609				  0x00D9	=>	"\`{U}",
1610				  0x00DA	=>	"\'{U}",
1611				  0x00DB	=>	"\^{U}",
1612				  0x00DC	=>	'\"{U}',
1613				  0x00DD	=>	"\'{Y}",
1614				  0x00DF	=>	"\s{s}",
1615				  0x00E0	=>	"\`{a}",
1616				  0x00E1	=>	"\'{a}",
1617				  0x00E2	=>	"\^{a}",
1618				  0x00E3	=>	"\~{a}",
1619				  0x00E4	=>	'\"{a}',
1620				  0x00E5	=>	"\a{a}",
1621				  0x00E6	=>	"\a{e}",
1622				  0x00E7	=>	"\c{c}",
1623				  0x00E8	=>	"\`{e}",
1624				  0x00E9	=>	"\'{e}",
1625				  0x00EA	=>	"\^{e}",
1626				  0x00EB	=>	'\"{e}',
1627				  0x00EC	=>	"\`{i}",
1628				  0x00ED	=>	"\'{i}",
1629				  0x00EE	=>	"\^{i}",
1630				  0x00EF	=>	'\"{i}',
1631				  0x00F1	=>	"\~{n}",
1632				  0x00F2	=>	"\`{o}",
1633				  0x00F3	=>	"\'{o}",
1634				  0x00F4	=>	"\^{o}",
1635				  0x00F5	=>	"\~{o}",
1636				  0x00F6	=>	'\"{o}',
1637				  0x00F8	=>	"\{o}",
1638				  0x00F9	=>	"\`{u}",
1639				  0x00FA	=>	"\'{u}",
1640				  0x00FB	=>	"\^{u}",
1641				  0x00FC	=>	'\"{u}',
1642				  0x00FD	=>	"\'{y}",
1643				  0x00FF	=>	'\"{y}',
1644				  0x00A1	=>	"\{!}",
1645				  0x00BF	=>	"\{?}",
1646				  );
1647    // Latex code that some bibtex users may be using
1648    $this->bibtexSpChLatex = array(
1649				   0x00C0	=>	"\`A",
1650				   0x00C1	=>	"\'A",
1651				   0x00C2	=>	"\^A",
1652				   0x00C3	=>	"\~A",
1653				   0x00C4	=>	'\"A',
1654				   0x00C5	=>	"\AA",
1655				   0x00C6	=>	"\AE",
1656				   0x00C7	=>	"\cC",
1657				   0x00C8	=>	"\`E",
1658				   0x00C9	=>	"\'E",
1659				   0x00CA	=>	"\^E",
1660				   0x00CB	=>	'\"E',
1661				   0x00CC	=>	"\`I",
1662				   0x00CD	=>	"\'I",
1663				   0x00CE	=>	"\^I",
1664				   0x00CF	=>	'\"I',
1665				   0x00D1	=>	"\~N",
1666				   0x00D2	=>	"\`O",
1667				   0x00D3	=>	"\'O",
1668				   0x00D4	=>	"\^O",
1669				   0x00D5	=>	"\~O",
1670				   0x00D6	=>	'\"O',
1671				   0x00D8	=>	"\O",
1672				   0x00D9	=>	"\`U",
1673				   0x00DA	=>	"\'U",
1674				   0x00DB	=>	"\^U",
1675				   0x00DC	=>	'\"U',
1676				   0x00DD	=>	"\'Y",
1677				   0x00DF	=>	"\ss",
1678				   0x00E0	=>	"\`a",
1679				   0x00E1	=>	"\'a",
1680				   0x00E2	=>	"\^a",
1681				   0x00E3	=>	"\~a",
1682				   0x00E4	=>	'\"a',
1683				   0x00E5	=>	"\aa",
1684				   0x00E6	=>	"\ae",
1685				   0x00E7	=>	"\cc",
1686				   0x00E8	=>	"\`e",
1687				   0x00E9       =>	"\'e",
1688				   0x00EA	=>	"\^e",
1689				   0x00EB	=>	'\"e',
1690				   0x00EC	=>	"\`i",
1691				   0x00ED	=>	"\'i",
1692				   0x00EE	=>	"\^i",
1693				   0x00EF	=>	'\"i',
1694				   0x00F1	=>	"\~n",
1695				   0x00F2	=>	"\`o",
1696				   0x00F3	=>	"\'o",
1697				   0x00F4	=>	"\^o",
1698				   0x00F5	=>	"\~o",
1699				   0x00F6	=>	'\"o',
1700				   0x00F8	=>	"\o",
1701				   0x00F9	=>	"\`u",
1702				   0x00FA	=>	"\'u",
1703				   0x00FB	=>	"\^u",
1704				   0x00FC	=>	'\"u',
1705				   0x00FD	=>	"\'y",
1706				   0x00FF	=>	'\"y',
1707				   0x00A1	=>	"\!",
1708				   0x00BF	=>	"\?",
1709				   );
1710    $this->bibtexSpChPlain = array(
1711				   0x00C0	=>	"A",
1712				   0x00C1	=>	"A",
1713				   0x00C2	=>	"A",
1714				   0x00C3	=>	"A",
1715				   0x00C4	=>	'A',
1716				   0x00C5	=>	"A",
1717				   0x00C6	=>	"AE",
1718				   0x00C7	=>	"C",
1719				   0x00C8	=>	"E",
1720				   0x00C9	=>	"E",
1721				   0x00CA	=>	"E",
1722				   0x00CB	=>	'E',
1723				   0x00CC	=>	"I",
1724				   0x00CD	=>	"I",
1725				   0x00CE	=>	"I",
1726				   0x00CF	=>	'I',
1727				   0x00D1	=>	"N",
1728				   0x00D2	=>	"O",
1729				   0x00D3	=>	"O",
1730				   0x00D4	=>	"O",
1731				   0x00D5	=>	"O",
1732				   0x00D6	=>	'O',
1733				   0x00D8	=>	"O",
1734				   0x00D9	=>	"U",
1735				   0x00DA	=>	"U",
1736				   0x00DB	=>	"U",
1737				   0x00DC	=>	'U',
1738				   0x00DD	=>	"Y",
1739				   0x00DF	=>	"ss",
1740				   0x00E0	=>	"a",
1741				   0x00E1	=>	"a",
1742				   0x00E2	=>	"a",
1743				   0x00E3	=>	"a",
1744				   0x00E4	=>	'a',
1745				   0x00E5	=>	"aa",
1746				   0x00E6	=>	"ae",
1747				   0x00E7	=>	"c",
1748				   0x00E8	=>	"e",
1749				   0x00E9	=>	"e",
1750				   0x00EA	=>	"e",
1751				   0x00EB	=>	'e',
1752				   0x00EC	=>	"i",
1753				   0x00ED	=>	"i",
1754				   0x00EE	=>	"i",
1755				   0x00EF	=>	'i',
1756				   0x00F1	=>	"n",
1757				   0x00F2	=>	"o",
1758				   0x00F3	=>	"o",
1759				   0x00F4	=>	"o",
1760				   0x00F5	=>	"o",
1761				   0x00F6	=>	'o',
1762				   0x00F8	=>	"o",
1763				   0x00F9	=>	"u",
1764				   0x00FA	=>	"u",
1765				   0x00FB	=>	"u",
1766				   0x00FC	=>	'u',
1767				   0x00FD	=>	"u",
1768				   0x00FF	=>	'u',
1769				   0x00A1	=>	"u",
1770				   0x00BF	=>	"u",
1771				   );
1772  }