4A collection of PHP classes to create and manage bibliographic formatting for OS bibliography software
5using the OSBib standard.
7Released through http://bibliophile.sourceforge.net under the GPL licence.
8Do whatever you like with this -- some credit to the author(s) would be appreciated.
10If you make improvements, please consider contacting the administrators at bibliophile.sourceforge.net
11so that your improvements can be added to the release package.
13Adapted from WIKINDX: http://wikindx.sourceforge.net
15Mark Grimshaw 2005
21*	Preview bibliographic style templates.
23*	$Header: /cvsroot/bibliophile/OSBib/create/PREVIEWSTYLE.php,v 1.1 2005/06/25 02:57:34 sirfragalot Exp $
27	function PREVIEWSTYLE($vars)
28	{
29		$this->vars = $vars;
30		include_once("../format/BIBFORMAT.php");
31		include_once("MISC.php");
32		include_once("MESSAGES.php");
33		$this->messages = new MESSAGES();
34		include_once("ERRORS.php");
35		$this->errors = new ERRORS();
36		$this->bibformat = new BIBFORMAT(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
37	}
39* display
41* @author Mark Grimshaw
43	function display()
44	{
45		include_once("ADMINSTYLE.php");
46		include_once("../STYLEMAP.php");
47		$map = new STYLEMAP();
48		$templateNameArray = split("_", stripslashes($this->vars['templateName']), 2);
49		$type = $templateNameArray[1];
50		$templateString = stripslashes($this->vars['templateString']);
51		if(!$templateString)
52			return $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
53		$templateArray = ADMINSTYLE::parseStringToArray($type, $templateString, $map, TRUE);
54		if(!$templateArray)
55			return $this->errors->text("inputError", "invalid");
56		$style = unserialize(stripslashes($this->vars['style']));
57		foreach($style as $key => $value)
58			$this->bibformat->style[str_replace("style_", "", $key)] = $value;
59		if(array_key_exists('independent', $templateArray))
60		{
61			$temp = $templateArray['independent'];
62			foreach($temp as $key => $value)
63			{
64				$split = split("_", $key);
65				$independent[$split[1]] = $value;
66			}
67			$templateArray['independent'] = $independent;
68		}
69		$this->bibformat->$type = $templateArray;
70//		print_r($this->bibformat->$type); print "<P>";
71//		print_r($this->bibformat->style); print "<P>";
72		$this->loadArrays($type);
73		$pString = $this->process($type);
74		return MISC::b($this->messages->text("resourceType", $type) . ":") . MISC::br() . $pString;
75	}
76// Process the example.
77	function process($type)
78	{
79// For WIKINDX, if type == book or book article and there exists both 'year1' and 'year2' in $row (entered as
80// publication year and reprint year respectively), then switch these around as 'year1' is
81// entered in the style template as 'originalPublicationYear' and 'year2' should be 'publicationYear'.
82		if(($type == 'book') || ($type == 'book_article'))
83		{
84			$year2 = stripslashes($this->row['year2']);
85			if($year2 && !$this->row['year1'])
86			{
87				$this->row['year1'] = $year2;
88				unset($this->row['year2']);
89			}
90			else if($year2 && $this->row['year1'])
91			{
92				$this->row['year2'] = stripslashes($this->row['year1']);
93				$this->row['year1'] = $year2;
94			}
95		}
96		$this->row = $this->bibformat->preProcess($type, $this->row);
97// Return $type is the OSBib resource type ($this->book, $this->web_article etc.) as used in STYLEMAP
98		$type = $this->bibformat->type;
99// Various types of creator
100		for($index = 1; $index <= 5; $index++)
101		{
102			$nameType = 'creator' . $index;
103			if(array_key_exists($nameType, $this->bibformat->styleMap->$type))
104				$this->bibformat->formatNames($this->$nameType, 'creator' . $index);
105		}
106// The title of the resource
107		$this->createTitle();
108// edition
109		if($editionKey = array_search('edition', $this->bibformat->styleMap->$type))
110			$this->createEdition($editionKey);
111// pageStart and pageEnd
112		$this->pages = FALSE; // indicates not yet created pages for articles
113		if(array_key_exists('pages', $this->bibformat->styleMap->$type))
114			$this->createPages();
115// Date
116		if(array_key_exists('date', $this->bibformat->styleMap->$type))
117			$this->createDate();
118// runningTime for film/broadcast
119		if(array_key_exists('runningTime', $this->bibformat->styleMap->$type))
120			$this->createRunningTime();
121// web_article URL
122		if(array_key_exists('URL', $this->bibformat->styleMap->$type) &&
123			($itemElement = $this->createUrl()))
124			$this->bibformat->addItem($itemElement, 'URL', FALSE);
125// the rest...  All other database resource fields that do not require special formatting/conversion.
126		$this->bibformat->addAllOtherItems($this->row);
127// We now have an array for this item where the keys match the key names of $this->styleMap->$type
128// where $type is book, journal_article, thesis etc. and are now ready to map this against the defined
129// bibliographic style for each resource ($this->book, $this->book_article etc.).
130// This bibliographic style array not only provides the formatting and punctuation for each field but also
131// provides the order. If a field name does not exist in this style array, we print nothing.
132		$pString = $this->bibformat->map();
133// ordinals such as 5$^{th}$
134		$pString = preg_replace_callback("/(\d+)\\$\^\{(.*)\}\\$/", array($this, "ordinals"), $pString);
135// remove extraneous {...}
136		return preg_replace("/{(.*)}/U", "$1", $pString);
137	}
138// callback for ordinals above
139	function ordinals($matches)
140	{
141		return $matches[1] . "<sup>" . $matches[2] . "</sup>";
142	}
143// Create the resource title
144	function createTitle()
145	{
146		$pString = stripslashes($this->row['noSort']) . ' ' .
147			stripslashes($this->row['title']);
148		if($this->row['subtitle'])
149			$pString .= ': ' . stripslashes($this->row['subtitle']);
150// anything enclosed in {...} is to be left as is
151		$this->bibformat->formatTitle($pString, "{", "}");
152	}
153// Create the URL
154	function createUrl()
155	{
156		if(!$this->row['url'])
157			return FALSE;
158		$url = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($this->row['url']));
159		unset($this->row['url']);
160		return MISC::a('rLink', $url, $url, "_blank");
161	}
162// Create date
163	function createDate()
164	{
165		$startDay = isset($this->row['miscField2']) ? stripslashes($this->row['miscField2']) : FALSE;
166		$startMonth = isset($this->row['miscField3']) ? stripslashes($this->row['miscField3']) : FALSE;
167		unset($this->row['miscField2']);
168		unset($this->row['miscField3']);
169		$endDay = isset($this->row['miscField5']) ? stripslashes($this->row['miscField5']) : FALSE;
170		$endMonth = isset($this->row['miscField6']) ? stripslashes($this->row['miscField6']) : FALSE;
171		unset($this->row['miscField5']);
172		unset($this->row['miscField6']);
173		$startDay = ($startDay == 0) ? FALSE : $startDay;
174		$startMonth = ($startMonth == 0) ? FALSE : $startMonth;
175		if(!$startMonth)
176			return;
177		$endDay = ($endDay == 0) ? FALSE : $endDay;
178		$endMonth = ($endMonth == 0) ? FALSE : $endMonth;
179		$this->bibformat->formatDate($startDay, $startMonth, $endDay, $endMonth);
180	}
181// Create runningTime for film/broadcast
182	function createRunningTime()
183	{
184		$minutes = stripslashes($this->row['miscField1']);
185		$hours = stripslashes($this->row['miscField4']);
186		if(!$hours && !$minutes)
187			return;
188		if(!$hours)
189			$hours = 0;
190		$this->bibformat->formatRunningTime($minutes, $hours);
191	}
192// Create the edition number
193	function createEdition($editionKey)
194	{
195		if(!$this->row[$editionKey])
196			return FALSE;
197		$edition = stripslashes($this->row[$editionKey]);
198		$this->bibformat->formatEdition($edition);
199	}
200// Create page start and page end
201	function createPages()
202	{
203		if(!$this->row['pageStart'] || $this->pages) // empty field or page format already done
204		{
205			$this->pages = TRUE;
206			return;
207		}
208		$this->pages = TRUE;
209		$start = trim(stripslashes($this->row['pageStart']));
210		$end = $this->row['pageEnd'] ? trim(stripslashes($this->row['pageEnd'])) : FALSE;
211		$this->bibformat->formatPages($start, $end);
212	}
214* Example values for  resources and creators
216	function loadArrays($type)
217	{
218// Some of these default values may be overridden depending on the resource type.
219// The values here are the keys of resource type arrays in STYLEMAP.php
220		$this->row = array(
221					'noSort'			=>				"The",
222					'title' 			=>				"{OSBib System}",
223					'subtitle'			=>				"Bibliographic formatting as it should be",
224					'year1'				=>				"2003", // publicationYear
225					'year2'				=>				"2004", // reprintYear
226					'year3'				=>				"2001-2003", // volume set publication year(s)
227					'pageStart'			=>				"109",
228					'pageEnd'			=>				"122",
229					'miscField2'		=>				'21', // start day
230					'miscField3'		=>				'8', // start month
231					'miscField4'		=>				'12', // numberOfVolumes
232					'field1'			=>				'The Software Series', // seriesTitle
233					'field2'			=>				'3', // edition
234					'field3'			=>				'9', // seriesNumber
235					'field4'			=>				'III', // volumeNumber
236					'field5'			=>				'35', // umber
237					'url'				=>				'http://bibliophile.sourceforge.net',
238					'isbn'				=>				'0-9876-123456',
239					'publisherName'		=>				'Botswana Books',
240					'publisherLocation'	=>				'Selebi Phikwe',
241					'collectionTitle'	=>				'The Best of Open Source Software',
242					'collectionTitleShort'	=>			'Best_OSS',
243					);
244		$authors = array(
245					0	=>	array(
246							'surname'		=>			'Grimshaw',
247							'firstname'		=>			'Mark',
248							'initials'		=>			'N',
249							'prefix'		=>			'',
250							),
251					1	=>	array(
252							'surname'		=>			'Boulanger',
253							'firstname'		=>			'Christian',
254							'initials'		=>			'',
255							'prefix'		=>			'',
256							),
257					2	=>	array(
258							'surname'		=>			'Rossato',
259							'firstname'		=>			'Andrea',
260							'initials'		=>			'',
261							'prefix'		=>			'',
262							),
263					4	=>	array(
264							'surname'		=>			'Guillaume',
265							'firstname'		=>			'Gardey',
266							'initials'		=>			'',
267							'prefix'		=>			'',
268							),
269					);
270		$editors = array(
271					0	=>	array(
272							'surname'		=>			'Mouse',
273							'firstname'		=>			'Mickey',
274							'initials'		=>			'',
275							'prefix'		=>			'',
276							),
277					1	=>	array(
278							'surname'		=>			'Duck',
279							'firstname'		=>			'Donald',
280							'initials'		=>			'D D',
281							'prefix'		=>			'de',
282							),
283					);
284		$revisers = array(
285					0	=>	array(
286							'surname'		=>			'Bush',
287							'firstname'		=>			'George',
288							'initials'		=>			'W',
289							'prefix'		=>			'',
290							),
291					);
292		$translators = array(
293					0	=>	array(
294							'surname'		=>			'Lenin',
295							'firstname'		=>			'V I',
296							'initials'		=>			'',
297							'prefix'		=>			'',
298							),
299					);
300		$seriesEditors = array(
301					0	=>	array(
302							'surname'		=>			'Freud',
303							'firstname'		=>			'S',
304							'initials'		=>			'',
305							'prefix'		=>			'',
306							),
307					);
308		$composers = array(
309					0	=>	array(
310							'surname'		=>			'Mozart',
311							'firstname'		=>			'Wolfgang Amadeus',
312							'initials'		=>			'',
313							'prefix'		=>			'',
314							),
315					);
316		$performers = array(
317					0	=>	array(
318							'surname'		=>			'Led Zeppelin',
319							'firstname'		=>			'',
320							'initials'		=>			'',
321							'prefix'		=>			'',
322							),
323					);
324		$artists = array(
325					0	=>	array(
326							'surname'		=>			'Vinci',
327							'firstname'		=>			'Leonardo',
328							'initials'		=>			'',
329							'prefix'		=>			'da',
330							),
331					);
332		$this->creator1 = $authors;
333		$this->creator2 = $editors;
334		$this->creator3 = $revisers;
335		$this->creator4 = $translators;
336		$this->creator5 = $seriesEditors;
337// For various types, override default settings above
338		if($type == 'genericMisc')
339		{
340			$this->row['field2'] = 'software';
341			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
342			$this->row['miscField2'] = '';
343			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Kalahari Soft';
344		}
345		else if ($type == 'magazine_article')
346		{
347			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
348			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
349			$this->row['title'] = '{OSS} Between the Sheets';
350			$this->row['collectionTitle'] = 'The Scandal Rag';
351			$this->row['collectionTitleShort'] = 'RAG';
352			$this->row['field2'] = 'interview';
353			$this->row['field4'] = 'Winter';
354			$this->row['miscField5'] = '27'; // end day
355			$this->row['miscField6'] = '8'; // end month
356		}
357		else if ($type == 'journal_article')
358		{
359			$this->row['field1'] = '23'; // volume number
360			$this->row['miscField2'] = '';
361			$this->row['miscField6'] = '9'; // end month
362		}
363		else if ($type == 'newspaper_article')
364		{
365			$this->row['field1'] = 'G2'; // section
366			$this->row['field2'] = 'Gabarone';
367			$this->row['collectionTitle'] = 'TseTswana Times';
368			$this->row['collectionTitleShort'] = 'TsTimes';
369		}
370		else if ($type == 'proceedings')
371		{
372			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'International Association of Open Source Software';
373			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Serowe';
374			$this->row['miscField5'] = '3'; // end day
375			$this->row['miscField6'] = '9'; // end month
376		}
377		else if ($type == 'conference_paper')
378		{
379			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'International Association of Open Source Software';
380			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Serowe';
381		}
382		else if ($type == 'proceedings_article')
383		{
384			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'International Association of Open Source Software';
385			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Serowe';
386			$this->row['miscField5'] = '3'; // end day
387			$this->row['miscField6'] = '9'; // end month
388			$this->row['collectionTitle'] = '7th. International OSS Conference';
389			$this->row['collectionTitleShort'] = '7_IntOSS';
390		}
391		else if ($type == 'thesis')
392		{
393			$this->row['field1'] = 'PhD';
394			$this->row['field2'] = 'thesis';
395			$this->row['field5'] = 'Pie in the Sky'; // Dept.
396			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'University of Bums on Seats';
397			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Laputia';
398		}
399		else if ($type == 'web_article')
400		{
401			$this->row['field1'] = '23';
402		}
403		else if ($type == 'film')
404		{
405			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
406			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
407			$this->row['title'] = 'Kill Will Vol. 3';
408			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Totally Brain Dead Films';
409			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = '';
410			$this->row['field1'] = 'USA';
411			$this->row['miscField1'] = '59'; // minutes
412			$this->row['miscField4'] = '5'; // hours
413		}
414		else if ($type == 'broadcast')
415		{
416			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
417			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
418			$this->row['title'] = 'We put people on TV and humiliate them';
419			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Lowest Common Denominator Productions';
420			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'USA';
421			$this->row['miscField1'] = '45'; // minutes
422			$this->row['miscField4'] = ''; // hours
423		}
424		else if ($type == 'music_album')
425		{
426			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
427			$this->row['subtitle'] = 'Canon & Gigue';
428			$this->row['title'] = 'Pachelbel';
429			$this->row['isbn'] = '447-285-2';
430			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Archiv';
431			$this->row['field2'] = 'CD'; // medium
432			$this->row['year1'] = '1982-1983';
433		}
434		else if ($type == 'music_track')
435		{
436			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
437			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
438			$this->row['title'] = 'Dazed and Confused';
439			$this->row['collectionTitle'] = 'Led Zeppelin 1';
440			$this->row['collectionTitleShort'] = 'LZ1';
441			$this->row['isbn'] = '7567826322';
442			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Atlantic';
443			$this->row['field2'] = 'CD'; // medium
444			$this->row['year1'] = '1994';
445		}
446		else if ($type == 'music_score')
447		{
448			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
449			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
450			$this->row['title'] = 'Sonata in A Minor';
451			$this->row['isbn'] = '3801 05945';
452			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Alfred Publishing';
453			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'New York';
454			$this->row['year1'] = '1994';
455		}
456		else if ($type == 'artwork')
457		{
458			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
459			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
460			$this->row['title'] = 'Art? What Art?';
461			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'More Money than Sense';
462			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'New York';
463			$this->row['field2'] = 'Movement in protoplasma';
464			$this->creator1 = $artists;
465		}
466		else if ($type == 'software')
467		{
468			$this->row['field2'] = 'PHP source code'; // type
469			$this->row['field4'] = '1.3'; // version
470			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Kalahari Soft';
471			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Maun';
472		}
473		else if ($type == 'audiovisual')
474		{
475			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
476			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
477			$this->row['title'] = 'Whispering Sands';
478			$this->row['field1'] = 'Chobe ArtWorks Series'; // series title
479			$this->row['field2'] = 'video installation'; //medium
480			$this->row['field4'] = 'IV'; // series number
481			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Ephemera';
482			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Maun';
483			$this->creator1 = $artists;
484		}
485		else if ($type == 'database')
486		{
487			$this->row['noSort'] = 'The';
488			$this->row['subtitle'] = 'Sotware Listings';
489			$this->row['title'] = 'Blue Pages';
490			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Kalahari Soft';
491			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Maun';
492		}
493		else if ($type == 'government_report')
494		{
495			$this->row['noSort'] = 'The';
496			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
497			$this->row['title'] = 'State of Things to Come';
498			$this->row['field1'] = 'Prognostications'; // section
499			$this->row['field2'] = 'Pie in the Sky'; // department
500			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'United Nations';
501		}
502		else if ($type == 'hearing')
503		{
504			$this->row['field1'] = 'Committee on Unworldly Activities'; // committee
505			$this->row['field2'] = 'United Nations'; // legislative body
506			$this->row['field3'] = 'Summer'; //session
507			$this->row['field4'] = '113'; // document number
508			$this->row['miscField4'] = '27'; // no. of volumes
509		}
510		else if ($type == 'statute')
511		{
512			$this->row['field1'] = '101.43a'; // public law no.
513			$this->row['field2'] = 'Lex Hammurabi'; // code
514			$this->row['field3'] = 'Autumn'; //session
515			$this->row['field4'] = '34-A'; // section
516			$this->row['year1'] = '1563 BC';
517		}
518		else if ($type == 'legal_ruling')
519		{
520			$this->row['noSort'] = 'The';
521			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
522			$this->row['title'] = 'People v. George';
523			$this->row['field1'] = 'Court of Public Law'; // section
524			$this->row['field2'] = 'Appellate Decision'; // type
525			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Legal Pulp';
526			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Gabarone';
527		}
528		else if ($type == 'case')
529		{
530			$this->row['noSort'] = 'The';
531			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
532			$this->row['title'] = 'People v. George';
533			$this->row['field1'] = 'Public Law'; // reporter
534			$this->row['field4'] = 'XIV'; // reporter volume
535			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Supreme Court';
536		}
537		else if ($type == 'bill')
538		{
539			$this->row['noSort'] = 'The';
540			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
541			$this->row['title'] = 'People v. George';
542			$this->row['field1'] = 'Court of Public Law'; // section
543			$this->row['field2'] = 'Lex Hammurabi'; // code
544			$this->row['field4'] = 'Spring'; // session
545			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'United Nations';
546			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'New York';
547		}
548		else if ($type == 'patent')
549		{
550			$this->row['field1'] = 'Journal of Patents'; // publishedSource
551			$this->row['field3'] = '289763[e].x-233'; // application no.
552			$this->row['field4'] = 'bibliographic software'; // type
553			$this->row['field5'] = '5564763[E].X-233'; // int. pat. no.
554			$this->row['field6'] = 'OSBib'; // int. title
555			$this->row['field7'] = 'software'; // int. class
556			$this->row['field8'] = '0-84784-AAH.z'; // pat. no.
557			$this->row['field9'] = 'not awarded'; // legal status
558			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'Lawyers Inc.'; // assignee
559			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'New Zealand';
560		}
561		else if ($type == 'personal')
562		{
563			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
564			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
565			$this->row['title'] = 'Save up to 80% on Microsoft Products!';
566			$this->row['field2'] = 'email'; // type
567		}
568		else if ($type == 'unpublished')
569		{
570			$this->row['field2'] = 'manuscript'; // type
571			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'University of Bums on Seats';
572			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Laputia';
573		}
574		else if ($type == 'classical')
575		{
576			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
577			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
578			$this->row['title'] = 'Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?';
579			$this->row['field4'] = 'Codex XIX'; // volume
580			$this->row['year1'] = '114 BC'; // volume
581		}
582		else if ($type == 'manuscript')
583		{
584			$this->row['field2'] = 'manuscript'; // type
585			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'University of Bums on Seats';
586			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Laputia';
587		}
588		else if ($type == 'map')
589		{
590			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
591			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
592			$this->row['title'] = 'Mappa Mundi';
593			$this->row['field1'] = 'Maps of the World'; // series title
594			$this->row['field2'] = 'isomorphic projection'; // type
595		}
596		else if ($type == 'chart')
597		{
598			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
599			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
600			$this->row['title'] = 'Incidence of Sniffles in the New York Area';
601			$this->row['field1'] = 'sniff_1.gif'; // filename
602			$this->row['field2'] = 'The GIMP'; // program
603			$this->row['field3'] = '800*600'; // size
604			$this->row['field4'] = 'GIF'; // type
605			$this->row['field5'] = '1.1a'; // version
606			$this->row['field6'] = '11'; // number
607			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'University of Bums on Seats';
608			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Laputia';
609		}
610		else if ($type == 'miscellaneous')
611		{
612			$this->row['noSort'] = '';
613			$this->row['subtitle'] = '';
614			$this->row['title'] = 'Making Sunlight from Cucumbers';
615			$this->row['field2'] = 'thin air'; // medium
616			$this->row['publisherName'] = 'University of Bums on Seats';
617			$this->row['publisherLocation'] = 'Laputia';
618		}
619	}