3 * English language file for plugin authorlist
4 *
5 */
7// for the configuration manager
8$lang['automatic']           = 'Authorlist on every page by default?';
9$lang['displaystyle']        = 'How to display the author name?';
10$lang['displayaslist']       = 'Display authors in a list instead all in a row?';
11$lang['tooltip']             = 'What should be displayed as tooltip?';
12$lang['showheading']         = 'Show heading?';
13$lang['heading']             = 'The heading <small>(<i>showheading</i> must be enabled)</small>.';
14$lang['intro']               = 'Text before the list of authors <small>(you can use html syntax)</small>.';
15$lang['showcreator']         = 'Show creator separat.';
16$lang['creatortext']         = 'Text, in which the name of the creator and the date will be embedded <small>(use %CREATOR% and %DATE% as wildcard for the creatorname and the date)</small>.';
17$lang['printempty']          = 'Also render output, if authorlist is empty?';
18$lang['creatorisauthor']     = 'List the page creator in the authorlist? (Only if <i>showcreator</i> is enabled.)';
19$lang['linkto']              = 'Link authors name?';
20$lang['userpageid']          = 'The ID of the userhomepage <small>(use %USER% as wildcard for the username (loginname))</small>.';