3 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
6 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
7 * the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
13 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
14 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
15 * the License.
16 */
18namespace Google\Service\CustomSearchAPI\Resource;
20use Google\Service\CustomSearchAPI\Search;
23 * The "cse" collection of methods.
24 * Typical usage is:
25 *  <code>
26 *   $customsearchService = new Google\Service\CustomSearchAPI(...);
27 *   $cse = $customsearchService->cse;
28 *  </code>
29 */
30class Cse extends \Google\Service\Resource
32  /**
33   * Returns metadata about the search performed, metadata about the engine used
34   * for the search, and the search results. (cse.listCse)
35   *
36   * @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
37   *
38   * @opt_param string c2coff Enables or disables [Simplified and Traditional
39   * Chinese Search](https://developers.google.com/custom-
40   * search/docs/json_api_reference#chineseSearch). The default value for this
41   * parameter is 0 (zero), meaning that the feature is enabled. Supported values
42   * are: * `1`: Disabled * `0`: Enabled (default)
43   * @opt_param string cr Restricts search results to documents originating in a
44   * particular country. You may use [Boolean
45   * operators](https://developers.google.com/custom-
46   * search/docs/json_api_reference#booleanOperators) in the cr parameter's value.
47   * Google Search determines the country of a document by analyzing: * the top-
48   * level domain (TLD) of the document's URL * the geographic location of the Web
49   * server's IP address See the [Country Parameter
50   * Values](https://developers.google.com/custom-
51   * search/docs/json_api_reference#countryCollections) page for a list of valid
52   * values for this parameter.
53   * @opt_param string cx The Programmable Search Engine ID to use for this
54   * request.
55   * @opt_param string dateRestrict Restricts results to URLs based on date.
56   * Supported values include: * `d[number]`: requests results from the specified
57   * number of past days. * `w[number]`: requests results from the specified
58   * number of past weeks. * `m[number]`: requests results from the specified
59   * number of past months. * `y[number]`: requests results from the specified
60   * number of past years.
61   * @opt_param string exactTerms Identifies a phrase that all documents in the
62   * search results must contain.
63   * @opt_param string excludeTerms Identifies a word or phrase that should not
64   * appear in any documents in the search results.
65   * @opt_param string fileType Restricts results to files of a specified
66   * extension. A list of file types indexable by Google can be found in Search
67   * Console [Help Center](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35287).
68   * @opt_param string filter Controls turning on or off the duplicate content
69   * filter. * See [Automatic Filtering](https://developers.google.com/custom-
70   * search/docs/json_api_reference#automaticFiltering) for more information about
71   * Google's search results filters. Note that host crowding filtering applies
72   * only to multi-site searches. * By default, Google applies filtering to all
73   * search results to improve the quality of those results. Acceptable values
74   * are: * `0`: Turns off duplicate content filter. * `1`: Turns on duplicate
75   * content filter.
76   * @opt_param string gl Geolocation of end user. * The `gl` parameter value is a
77   * two-letter country code. The `gl` parameter boosts search results whose
78   * country of origin matches the parameter value. See the [Country
79   * Codes](https://developers.google.com/custom-
80   * search/docs/json_api_reference#countryCodes) page for a list of valid values.
81   * * Specifying a `gl` parameter value should lead to more relevant results.
82   * This is particularly true for international customers and, even more
83   * specifically, for customers in English- speaking countries other than the
84   * United States.
85   * @opt_param string googlehost **Deprecated**. Use the `gl` parameter for a
86   * similar effect. The local Google domain (for example, google.com, google.de,
87   * or google.fr) to use to perform the search.
88   * @opt_param string highRange Specifies the ending value for a search range. *
89   * Use `lowRange` and `highRange` to append an inclusive search range of
90   * `lowRange...highRange` to the query.
91   * @opt_param string hl Sets the user interface language. * Explicitly setting
92   * this parameter improves the performance and the quality of your search
93   * results. * See the [Interface Languages](https://developers.google.com
94   * /custom-search/docs/json_api_reference#wsInterfaceLanguages) section of
95   * [Internationalizing Queries and Results
96   * Presentation](https://developers.google.com/custom-
97   * search/docs/json_api_reference#wsInternationalizing) for more information,
98   * and [Supported Interface Languages](https://developers.google.com/custom-
99   * search/docs/json_api_reference#interfaceLanguages) for a list of supported
100   * languages.
101   * @opt_param string hq Appends the specified query terms to the query, as if
102   * they were combined with a logical AND operator.
103   * @opt_param string imgColorType Returns black and white, grayscale,
104   * transparent, or color images. Acceptable values are: * `"color"` * `"gray"` *
105   * `"mono"`: black and white * `"trans"`: transparent background
106   * @opt_param string imgDominantColor Returns images of a specific dominant
107   * color. Acceptable values are: * `"black"` * `"blue"` * `"brown"` * `"gray"` *
108   * `"green"` * `"orange"` * `"pink"` * `"purple"` * `"red"` * `"teal"` *
109   * `"white"` * `"yellow"`
110   * @opt_param string imgSize Returns images of a specified size. Acceptable
111   * values are: * `"huge"` * `"icon"` * `"large"` * `"medium"` * `"small"` *
112   * `"xlarge"` * `"xxlarge"`
113   * @opt_param string imgType Returns images of a type. Acceptable values are: *
114   * `"clipart"` * `"face"` * `"lineart"` * `"stock"` * `"photo"` * `"animated"`
115   * @opt_param string linkSite Specifies that all search results should contain a
116   * link to a particular URL.
117   * @opt_param string lowRange Specifies the starting value for a search range.
118   * Use `lowRange` and `highRange` to append an inclusive search range of
119   * `lowRange...highRange` to the query.
120   * @opt_param string lr Restricts the search to documents written in a
121   * particular language (e.g., `lr=lang_ja`). Acceptable values are: *
122   * `"lang_ar"`: Arabic * `"lang_bg"`: Bulgarian * `"lang_ca"`: Catalan *
123   * `"lang_cs"`: Czech * `"lang_da"`: Danish * `"lang_de"`: German * `"lang_el"`:
124   * Greek * `"lang_en"`: English * `"lang_es"`: Spanish * `"lang_et"`: Estonian *
125   * `"lang_fi"`: Finnish * `"lang_fr"`: French * `"lang_hr"`: Croatian *
126   * `"lang_hu"`: Hungarian * `"lang_id"`: Indonesian * `"lang_is"`: Icelandic *
127   * `"lang_it"`: Italian * `"lang_iw"`: Hebrew * `"lang_ja"`: Japanese *
128   * `"lang_ko"`: Korean * `"lang_lt"`: Lithuanian * `"lang_lv"`: Latvian *
129   * `"lang_nl"`: Dutch * `"lang_no"`: Norwegian * `"lang_pl"`: Polish *
130   * `"lang_pt"`: Portuguese * `"lang_ro"`: Romanian * `"lang_ru"`: Russian *
131   * `"lang_sk"`: Slovak * `"lang_sl"`: Slovenian * `"lang_sr"`: Serbian *
132   * `"lang_sv"`: Swedish * `"lang_tr"`: Turkish * `"lang_zh-CN"`: Chinese
133   * (Simplified) * `"lang_zh-TW"`: Chinese (Traditional)
134   * @opt_param int num Number of search results to return. * Valid values are
135   * integers between 1 and 10, inclusive.
136   * @opt_param string orTerms Provides additional search terms to check for in a
137   * document, where each document in the search results must contain at least one
138   * of the additional search terms.
139   * @opt_param string q Query
140   * @opt_param string relatedSite Specifies that all search results should be
141   * pages that are related to the specified URL.
142   * @opt_param string rights Filters based on licensing. Supported values
143   * include: `cc_publicdomain`, `cc_attribute`, `cc_sharealike`,
144   * `cc_noncommercial`, `cc_nonderived` and combinations of these. See [typical
145   * combinations](https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/CC_Search_integration).
146   * @opt_param string safe Search safety level. Acceptable values are: *
147   * `"active"`: Enables SafeSearch filtering. * `"off"`: Disables SafeSearch
148   * filtering. (default)
149   * @opt_param string searchType Specifies the search type: `image`. If
150   * unspecified, results are limited to webpages. Acceptable values are: *
151   * `"image"`: custom image search.
152   * @opt_param string siteSearch Specifies a given site which should always be
153   * included or excluded from results (see `siteSearchFilter` parameter, below).
154   * @opt_param string siteSearchFilter Controls whether to include or exclude
155   * results from the site named in the `siteSearch` parameter. Acceptable values
156   * are: * `"e"`: exclude * `"i"`: include
157   * @opt_param string sort The sort expression to apply to the results. The sort
158   * parameter specifies that the results be sorted according to the specified
159   * expression i.e. sort by date. [Example:
160   * sort=date](https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/structured_search
161   * #sort-by-attribute).
162   * @opt_param string start The index of the first result to return. The default
163   * number of results per page is 10, so `=11` would start at the top of the
164   * second page of results. **Note**: The JSON API will never return more than
165   * 100 results, even if more than 100 documents match the query, so setting the
166   * sum of `start + num` to a number greater than 100 will produce an error. Also
167   * note that the maximum value for `num` is 10.
168   * @return Search
169   */
170  public function listCse($optParams = [])
171  {
172    $params = [];
173    $params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
174    return $this->call('list', [$params], Search::class);
175  }
178// Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name.
179class_alias(Cse::class, 'Google_Service_CustomSearchAPI_Resource_Cse');