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34					"country": "Czech Republic",
35					"litres": 156.9,
36					"litres2": 182.1
37				}, {
38					"country": "Ireland",
39					"litres": 131.1,
40					"litres2": 129.2
41				}, {
42					"country": "Germany",
43					"litres": 115.8,
44					"litres2": 170.9
45				}, {
46					"country": "Australia",
47					"litres": 109.9,
48					"litres2": 120.1
49				}, {
50					"country": "Austria",
51					"litres": 108.3,
52					"litres2": 93.8
53				}, {
54					"country": "UK",
55					"litres": 99,
56					"litres2": 102
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69					"title": "Litres (2014)",
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72					"balloonText": "[[value]] litres of beer per year"
73				}, {
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75					"title": "Litres (2015)",
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