/plugin/encryptedpasswords/script/ |
H A D | EditorHandling.js | 34 const re = new RegExp('<decrypt>.*?(<\/decrypt>)'); 36 !prefix.match(re) && 37 !suffix.match(re) && 38 !text.match(re) 70 const re = new RegExp('<decrypt>(.*?)(<\/decrypt>)', 'gs'); 72 const matches = [...text.matchAll(re)]; 100 const re = new RegExp('<encrypt>.*?(<\/encrypt>)','s'); 102 !prefix.match(re) && 103 !suffix.match(re) && 104 !text.match(re) [all...] |
/plugin/structtemplate/syntax/ |
H A D | inline.php | 57 $re = '<' . self::TAG . ' +inline\b.*?>\n' 65 $re, // regex 70 $re = '<' . self::TAG . '\b.*?>\n' 78 $re, // regex
H A D | block.php | 47 $re = '<' . self::TAG . ' +block\b.*?>\n' 55 $re, // regex 60 $re = '<' . strtoupper(self::TAG) . '\b.*?>\n' 68 $re, // regex
/plugin/dw2pdf/ |
H A D | DokuImageProcessorDecorator.php | 35 $re = preg_quote(ml('xxx123yyy', '', true, '&', true), '/'); 36 $re = str_replace('xxx123yyy', '([^&\?]*)', $re); 40 preg_match("/^$re/", $file, $m) || 55 $re = preg_quote(DOKU_URL, '/'); 57 $local = preg_replace("/^$re/i", DOKU_INC, $file);
/plugin/code2/ |
H A D | script.js | 4 …re=/\bcode\b/i;try{if((d=window.document.getElementsByTagName('div'))&&(l=d.length)){do{if((e=d[--…
H A D | syntax_plugin_code.js | 67 re = /\bcode\b/i; // RegEx to match CSS class 75 re.test(e.className)) { // it contains the "code" class 219 re = /\s*\bHideOnInit\b/ig; // RegEx to match CSS class 224 if (re.test(p.className)) { 225 re.lastIndex = 0; 227 p.className = p.className.replace(re, _cH); // dito 233 re.lastIndex = 0; // reset search position
/plugin/dirtylittlehelper/mermaid/editor/docs/ |
H A D | 5.5.js | 1 …re.objectLiteral(t)&&re.number(t.line)&&re.number(t.character)}}(i||(i={})),function(e){e.create=f…
/plugin/encryptedpasswords/ |
H A D | action.php | 43 $re = '/<encrypt>.*?(<\/encrypt>)/s'; 46 $event->data['prefix'] = preg_replace($re, $repl, $event->data['prefix']); 47 $event->data['suffix'] = preg_replace($re, $repl, $event->data['suffix']); 48 $event->data['text'] = preg_replace($re, $repl, $event->data['text']);
/plugin/toolbox/ |
H A D | ToolboxFindAndReplace.js | 158 var re = makeRegexp(term, 'g'); 163 while (m = re.exec(text)) { 173 textarea.value = text.replace(re, repl); 210 var re = makeRegexp(term); 211 var idx = text.search(re); 224 var match = text.match(re);
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/ |
H A D | fckutil.py | 27 import string, re 65 return re.sub( '\\.|\\\\|\\/|\\||\\:|\\?|\\*', '_', newFolderName ) 71 newFileName = re.sub ( '/\\.(?![^.]*$)/', '_', newFileName ) ; 75 return re.sub ( '/\\\\|\\/|\\||\\:|\\?|\\*/', '_', newFileName )
/plugin/bootswrapper/exe/help/ |
H A D | alert.txt | 16 **Warning!** Better check yourself, you're not looking too good. 34 <alert type="warning" dismiss="true">**Warning!** Better check yourself, you're not looking too goo… 36 <code html5><alert type="warning" dismiss="true">**Warning!** Better check yourself, you're not loo… 40 …ismiss="true" icon="fa fa-warning">**Warning!** Better check yourself, you're not looking too good… 42 …ismiss="true" icon="fa fa-warning">**Warning!** Better check yourself, you're not looking too good…
/plugin/pycode/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 123 $re = "/(-nums)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(0|1)/"; 124 preg_match($re, $match, $matches); 125 if (preg_match($re, $match, $matches) == 1) { 131 $re = "/(-title)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(\'|\")(.*)(\'|\")/"; 132 preg_match($re, $match, $matches); 133 if (preg_match($re, $match, $matches) == 1) { 139 $re = "/(-docstr)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(0|1)/"; 140 preg_match($re, $match, $matches); 141 if (preg_match($re, $match, $matches) == 1) { 146 $re = "/(\s*-nums.*|\s*-title.*|\s*-docstr.*)/"; [all …]
/plugin/tindexmenu/jsmenu/ |
H A D | menu.js | 45 var b=u,re = new RegExp(s, 'g'); 46 fnid = fnid.replace(re, ":");
H A D | admmenu.js | 60 var b=u,re = new RegExp(s, 'g'); 61 fnid = fnid.replace(re, ":");
H A D | usrmenu.js | 58 var b=u,re = new RegExp(s, 'g'); 59 fnid = fnid.replace(re, ":");
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/patrickschur/language-detection/resources/wa/ |
H A D | wa.txt |
/plugin/mdpage/vendor/cebe/markdown/tests/markdown-data/ |
H A D | dense-block-markers.md | 52 * 17-Feb-2013 re-design 56 * 17-Feb-2013 re-design
/plugin/mdpage/vendor/cebe/markdown/tests/github-data/ |
H A D | dense-block-markers.md | 52 * 17-Feb-2013 re-design 56 * 17-Feb-2013 re-design
/plugin/advanced/lang/fr/config/ |
H A D | smileys.txt | 3 …conf''. Le répertoire où l'on peut effectuer des ajouts d'images de manière sûre est ''lib/images/…
/plugin/goto/ |
H A D | script.js | 24 var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)"); 25 var value = re.exec(document.cookie);
/plugin/chordsheets/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 32 $re = '/^<chordSheet.*?([-+]?\d+)>/'; 34 preg_match($re, $match, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0);
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/ |
H A D | fckeditor.py | 26 import re 135 p = re.compile('AppleWebKit\/(\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
/plugin/abc2/abc-libraries/abc2svg/ |
H A D | abcweb-1.js | 61 function render(){var i=0,j,k,res,re=/<script type="text\/vnd.abc"|<[^>]* class="abc"|%abc-\d|X:\d/g,re_stop=/\n<|\n%.begin[^\s]+/g 73 for(;;){res=re.exec(page) 76 j=re.lastIndex-res[0].length;src+=page.slice(i,j).replace(/\n%%/g,"\n%%%%") 90 i=re.lastIndex 108 re.lastIndex=i
/plugin/scrape/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 83 $re = $this->getConf('allowedre'); 84 if (!$re || !preg_match('/' . $re . '/i', $data['url'])) {
/plugin/dev/ |
H A D | LangProcessor.php | 84 $re = '/\$lang\[' . $q . $sub . $q . '\]\[' . $q . $key . $q . '\]/'; 86 $re = '/\$lang\[' . $q . $key . $q . '\]/'; 89 if (io_deleteFromFile($file, $re, true)) {